Can't Stop

No Boundaries

D.O spent days thinking and spacing out.

He couldn’t stop thinking about that stupid kiss. It wasn’t even a real kiss and Chanyeol wasn’t staying overnight in D.O’s apartment anymore and he rarely visits.

D.O missed the yoda giant and he was afraid of that so he started burrying himself in the stack of papers he needed to work on.

He needed to stop thinking about that boy too much, but somehow when he's not busy or when he's giving himself a break, he just can't STOP thinking and thinking and replaying the short possessive kiss that sent all his senses on haywire.




Chanyeol was freaked out when he realized he made a song “XOXO” while he was thinking about Dyo hyung. It was nerve wracking on how he couldn’t stop thinking and being embarrassed all over again just by thinking about the kiss. He shouldn't have done it. He wanted to smack himself for ever doing that stupid thing to his hyung and he resolved himself by spending more time with what he loves: Music.

Though without music, he just can't stop thinking about his initiated kiss.

And it scares the hell outta him that he wanted to do it again.

“Chanyeol? Chanyeol to Seoul?” Chen snapped his fingers in front of the spacing out Chanyeol.

“Ah! I’m awake! Wh- what?” Chanyeol panicked what if he said everything he was thinking out loud?

“We were saying that this song was definitely better than the last ones you've made.” Chen says as he sighs.

“Looks like someone’s inspired~” Baekhyun teased.

"I'm not!" Chanyeol answers red eared and red faced.

Chanyeol chuckled nervously and watched how Chen’s hand was on Baekhyun which was weird because they don't usually do that. 

“Uhm. Here’s the thing, there’s something we’ve been hiding from you guys.” Baekhyun says nervously looking at Chen as if asking for support.

Chen squeezed Baekhyun’s hand and Chanyeol was growing even more and more curious on why the hell is Chen and Baekhyun holding hands, it just... feels so different.

“We really didn’t want to hide it from you two.” Chen says and he was nervous too. “But we’re kinda…

"Dating.” They chorused as if they were twins that had to finish off each other's sentences.

Lay didn’t look surprise but Chanyeol almost spit out the lemonade he was just drinking.

“Hyung that’s- I don’t know what to say- Uhm. Happy Anniversary?” Chanyeol says and earned a laugh from his hyungs and Lay who shook his head.

“I knew it.” Lay says finally.

“You knew it and you didn’t tell me?” Chanyeol asks.

“It was obvious hyung, well I mean for someone like me who isn’t focused on grieving over my broken heart.” Lay answers. “We’re both happy for you hyung but please-

“No lovey dovey in front of us.” Lay and Chanyeol chorused this time.

But to their horror and surprise, Chen kissed Baekhyun’s cheek making the two younger boys gag.




“Why are we here again?” Luhan asks because Kai was kinda dragging him to this one hour drive pizza parlor and Tao was just quietly following not even protesting after being disturbed from his sleep.

“I wanted to eat pizza.” Kai says as they sat down.

"Yeah, pizza~" Tao says happily opening the menu because Tao loves pizza.

“We could just order a delivery, stupid.” Luhan says as he rested his head on the chair because he was tired of taking care of this spoiled brat but he doesn’t have a choice.

“I wanted to go out of the goddamn house, hyung.” Kai was being "polite" today which means he was not scowling and ing and more importantly his swear has gone down to level one.

“Whatever.” Luhan says since he was bored anyway and there was nothing to do in Kim Jongin's house except to baby sit Kim Jongin himself and Tao who surprisingly can be calm for a few seconds and an annoying dongsaeng on the next two to three hours.

“Oh look hyung, that girl’s cute.” Tao pointed to the counter, where this cute chubby faced girl was smiling crookedly to every costumer, by the take out area.

“Is that why we’re here?” Luhan asks Kai because Kai has a thing for cute guys and girls.

Kai doesn’t really care as long as their cute.

“What? No. I don’t even know her.” Kai says not even looking at to whomever Luhan is eyeing.

“May I take your order sir?” Sehun didn’t recognize that it was the from the gay drama three days ago. (He was just about to anyway)

“Oh it’s you.” Kai says smirking at the waiter.

“Me?” Sehun asks and he finally realized why this guy looks familiar. But he pretended not to know. “I have no idea what you are talking about sir, your orders?”

“You’re my order.” Kai says which made Sehun glare at the man and he wanted to puke right there if it weren't for his job, which was important to him.

“Excuse me.” Sehun says bowing before leaving because they needed to be polite to the customers, the most common ethic in restaurants even in a pizza parlor.

He went to Xiumin because he wanted to exchange places with her.


“Please noona.” Sehun did his best aegyo which NO ONE but Sehee can resist.

Xiumin agreed with a sigh. “You owe me a cup of cappuccino.”

She left after giving Sehun a small punch on his abdomen and the boy pretended to yelp and get hurt and earned a glare from his noona.

“Hello, may I take your order?” Xiumin smiles at the three new costumers which seems to bother Sehun A LOT.

Luhan can’t help but notice how this substitute waitress’ cheeks were so chubby and cute he wanted to pinch them and he gets these abusive tendencies from Kai.

They were cousins after all.

Xiumin didn’t know why the costumer who has this innocent doll eyes were pinching her cheek and she let out a small yelp in protest.

“Costumer-nim, ah-my cheek- ouch-

Xiumin’s cheeks were now flaring red and Luhan was somehow enjoying it especially the cute small scream and whining sound from the cute waitress.

“That’s enough hyung.” Tao saved the cute waitress from the abuse and Xiumin clutched her cheek a bit teary-eyed and sent a grateful look to Tao who nodded in return.

“Sorry~” Luhan apologized in mandarin and repeated it again in Korean.

“I-it’s ok.” Xiumin gave them a small smile even though it wasn’t real because she was extremely annoyed

“Your orders?” Xiumin asked and Tao ordered the most from them.

“Are you ok, noona? Let me see them.” Sehun says caressing his noona’s cheek gently and worriedly because he knew his noona hated being pinched in the cheeks.

“Sehun ah. I wanna cry~” Xiumin says teary-eyed but she was stopping her tears.

“I’m sorry noona.” Sehun apologizes. Those rich bastards... 

“I’m always being noticed because of my cheek.” Xiumin complains and Sehun helps her put in the orders in the tray.

Sehun always understood why Xiumin gets insecure by being called cute it was because Xiumin was a very cute and chubby girl when they were children and calling her cute makes her feel fat or chubby.

“Let me.” Sehun says because he can’t really let his beloved noona be bullied again.

Yes, he loves his noona.

“Sehunnie, don’t. They’re so mean! I’m gonna protect you from them.”

And this is one of the reasons why.

Sehun watched Xiumin happily give their costumers their orders, and he watched in annoyance as Xiumin laughed at whatever that innocent looking dude told her.

It was surprising on how she can act like she was ok. It was simply amazing.

Sehun could feel Kai’s eyes on him and he glared at the jerk and when he got tired of narrowing his eyes and sending daggers and butcher knives at Kai, he just pretended to not care.

And the fact that they stayed so long and that innocent looking dude was obviously bullying and flirting Xiumin made Sehun extremely pissed off.

Sehun did not go home, he wanted to watch Xiumin make some coffee today because Xiumin loves coffee and she always smelled sweet like sugar.

“Sehun ah, don’t you have anything else to do?” She asks as she shivered in her layer and layer of clothes.

“I need to keep an eye on you noona.” Sehun says and he handed his scarf to Xiumin who happily took it.

“Yah! I’m not helpless!” Xiumin stubbornly says and Sehun patted her head because he was taller than Xiumin and he liked doing it.

“Just let me be your knight in shining armor.” Sehun says and this makes Xiumin laugh.





Chanyeol decided to finally visit D.O after a week of not showing up at his apartment because he felt like an ungrateful dongsaeng for suddenly abandoning D.O and pretending to be busy and he didn’t even dare to call his hyung those past few "busy" days.

“Hyung? I brought your favorite cake!” Chanyeol says happily holding up the box of strawberry cake he bought as he opened the door.

“Hyung?” Chanyeol called once more because maybe D.O didn’t hear him.

The only answer he got was silence.

Chanyeol rubbed his neck, and he just realized he didn’t call D.O before barging in and maybe his hyung was sleeping or worst he might be out today shopping for food because today was his day off.

He placed the box in the fridge and decided to call his hyung but to his surprise, his hyung’s ringtone which was “Lucky” one of the songs he first composed as a freshmen echoed through the whole apartment and he started looking for it not hunging up.

He frantically searched for the phone on the couch, he even looked under it and on the bookshelves and back to the kitchen but he couldn’t find it.

There was only D.O’s room left.

He was even surprised the door was unlocked and he carefully opened it, biting his lip when there was this creaking sound that made the hairs on his back stood up.

The whole room echoed his song “Lucky” and it was surprising on how he didn’t felt the same way when he hears the song, he made it for Sehee and before he would always feel in his heart the happiness and love but now… the only thing left was an almost healing wound stinging in his heart.

“Hyung are you asleep-

He did not expect to see D.O lying on the floor unconscious, papers scattered around and his hand inches away from his favorite expensive pen (the most expensive thing he ever treasured).

Chanyeol being the clumsy giant he was almost tripped as he quickly dashed to his hyung.

“Hyung, hyung, please wake up? Are you ok? HYUNG!” He tried to wake up D.O, carefull shaking him a bit and his heart beating so fast and he hoped it would be enough to wake his hyung.

“HYUNG!” Chanyeol could feel his eyes stinging with tears and he had to stop himself from crying because he knew it wouldn’t do anything.



Author's Note:

Wah! Thanks for reading :') Oh and I'm terribly sorry for making Kai and Luhan mean in this story :/ Don't worry! They aren't as bad as they will be in the future~
It makes me so happy to see the comments!

Please feel free to comment~ 

I'll try my best to reply!!!



Ok. Bye. I have a candle light dinner with my bias' poster xD LOL

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Chapter 17: at first i was like yay xiuhan because seriously they're my otp though i still love xiuhun now i want xiuhun damn it lu why you gotta be like that?
Chapter 17: Jokes are half meant hahaha :) i hope D.O would have his conclusion soon enough and LUHAN! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS (T_T)
Chapter 17: omg

i dont think ive ever said that in a xiuhan relationship but LUHAN and YES SEHUN
Chapter 16: I want Sehun to fight for Xiumin & Luhan falls for Sehun... hehe~ I really want ChanSoo ♥
Chapter 15: IM SO A NGRY ING
soozyyy #6
Chapter 14: Chansoo kissed ! Finally they kissed ! Yay :D
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo!!! No!!! Why?? ja ja ja ja that kid. Chansoo first kiss= I really love it!

Sehee and Kai?? Woow that definitely likes me ^^

D: Lay!!!

I'm happy to see you again!!
Chapter 13: O: All this has happened while I was in my exam week??
Oooh~ Chansoo are Good!! ^^ Come on Chanyeol!! you can say it!! ;)

And.... oh! What is this??
Xiuhan moment! ^^ Well I'll be honest, at the moment, I'm enjoying the Xiuhun and Xiuhan moments, but I think no for long time :S

And Lay~~~ D': </3 this really hurt.

Well! Waiting for the next chapter!! Uhhuuu!!
Chapter 13: But....but... I want xiuhun!!! Pleaseeeeeeee >.<
sitomat #10
Chapter 13: Noooooo....xiuhun. waeeee *tryin to control feels
Not that I doesn't love xiuhan but I always have feels for xiuhun. They are sooo adorkable hyung-dongsaeng pairing
But what am I getting the feel that xiumin only see sehun as dongsaeng...that's just too sad TTT__TTT
Kkk...and omg tao just ing xiuhun and chansoo