Stuck With You

No Boundaries


Warning: Bad bad bad language

“D.O hyung?!”

Chanyeol panicked when he saw his favorite hyung. He didn’t tell his hyung he would be at the club and he certainly was surprised to see his hyung kissing or by this situation being kissed by a guy and there was this angry overwhelming feeling that was clawing his heart.

“Chanyeol?” D.O’s face went pale because he didn’t want Chanyeol to know that he- he was interested in men.

“Who the hell are you?” The guy whom Chanyeol was holding asked and took his wrist back.

The guy was really good-looking and he has this alluring appeal coming from him, he loosened his tie as he looked murderously at Chanyeol who happens to be having a mixture of anger and surprise right now.

“D.O hyung, maybe we should go upstairs so that no one would disturb us.” The guy says and went to D.O putting his arms around the shorter guy.

But D.O released himself from Kai’s embrace. (Yes, that guy was Kai.)

“Chanyeol I can explain-

“Explain what? I- I don’t want to see you anymore! You deceived me and Sehee, oh Godammit Sehee fell in love with-

D.O couldn’t stop himself from slapping Chanyeol.

“Sehee? Always Sehee?! Grow up already Chanyeol! Sehee will never ever come back and if she does, what will you do?! Beg and beg and beg for her love? SHE DOES NOT LOVE YOU ANYMORE!”

D.O was panting when he was done shouting at his dongsaeng and people were starting to notice the fight.

“And you!” D.O pointed to Kai. “You good for nothing liar who sleeps with everyone! I’m done with you! You won’t be seeing me again!”

With that D.O walked out because he was done being angry and he was embarrassed on how things worked out and he didn’t know how long he could handle himself without breaking down and crying.

“Tsk. He wasn’t worth my time anyway.” Kai mumbled which the frozen in place Chanyeol heard and sent anger to his veins.

He gave Kai a punch in the face.

“You.” He pointed at the guy who looked up to him as he clutched his bruised cheek. “How dare you? D.O hyung is worth all the time in the world!”

Kai did not understand what just happened and he has a problem of how to hide the bruised cheek and he was so angry right now that he punched Chanyeol back.

The two guys started fighting and caused Chaos in the club.

Lay, Chen and Baekhyun had to hold off the giant and usually clumsy Chanyeol who was drunk and scary tonight.

Kai was held back by his friends Tao and Luhan.

“I don’t care who started the fight.” Kris said calmly as he eyed the two guys who were sending death glares at each other. “I want the damage to be paid.”

“He should ing pay it because he punched me first!” Kai said and Tao had to hold him back from running to Chanyeol to start another round.

“I said: I DON’T CARE WHO PUNCHED FIRST.” Kris has his face on, he was honestly annoyed on how things has turned out. He just wanted to have a quiet dinner with his girlfriend Suho and then this happened.

It was a relief Suho understood Kris’ business very well.

“We’re really sorry~” Luhan stood up using his aegyo but it doesn’t work on Kris.

“I’ll pay half of the damage and he can pay the other half.” Chanyeol stubbornly says.


“Yes. Of course, that’s ok.” Luhan says and held Kai back as he smiles to Chanyeol because Luhan seriously just wanted to have fun tonight and then stupid Kai ruined everything.

“No Luhan, the ! I won’t-

“Don’t you dare or I’ll tell your parents.” Luhan threatens and Kai surrenders.

“Fine.” Kai says after groaning and let out the money he has.

Tao smirked at how Luhan can control Kai.




Chen who was supporting drunk Lay and Baekhyun sighed since it was finally finished. They just hoped that Chanyeol can go home by himself.

“Are you sure?” Baekhyun asked worried at Chanyeol who was swaying as he walks.

“Yes hyung, I’ll go home safe and sound!” Chanyeol smiled with his now droopy eyes.

He didn’t look back and just walked limping to the home he has come to cherish.

D.O didn’t exactly know what to do when Chanyeol showed up in his apartment door, drunk, bruised and smiling. Idiotically smiling until he collapses right in front of the door.

D.O sighed, because he can’t really let Chanyeol sleep in his front door.

Lay was knocked out and Baekhyun helped Chen place Lay on his room.

Chen and Lay are living in a dorm together.

Lay was snoring when they left him in his room, only taking off his shoes and jacket to make him comfortable because they were freaking good friends.

“Remind me not to let Lay drink ever again.” Baekhyun sighs as they walked towards the kitchen.

“I didn’t know Lay’s a drunkard bastard.” Chen says laughing softly and his eyes squinting.

“And I didn’t know that Chanyeol-sshi can start a fight.” Baekhyun says back.

“Me too. I was surprised really. Do you think he’ll be ok?” Chen asked worried.

“I think he will be.” Baekhyun answers. “He may be childish and all but he’s a strong kid.”

Chen agreed and handed Baekhyun a cup of coffee, they sat close by the couch just relaxing and feeling each other’s presence.

“We need to tell them sooner.” Chen breaks the silence.

“But what if- Chanyeol and Lay might not like it.” Baekhyun says worried.

“I don’t care, if they’re real friends they wouldn’t mind.” Chen assured Baekhyun as he puts the cup down and puts his arms around his hyung.

“Yeah. You’re right.” He nodded in agreement.

“You know what else I’m right about?” Chen asks and Baekhyun shook his head.


Chen kissed Baekhyun softly but needy.

They spent hours like that, no words, just their lips and hands intertwining together because it was cold and they were alone and what else should a couple do when they’re alone?

“I love you.” They chorused like how their voices harmonized each other and maybe because they were just a perfect match and nothing can stop them from loving each other.



Chanyeol felt worst on his second hungover because he could now feel his sore body, his black eye that made him dizzy when he tried to stand up and his hands terribly hurt too.

He didn’t know how he got to D.O’s apartment though.

He tried his best to stand up and as he did he walked out of the room limping a bit.

“Hyung?” Chanyeol called but it seems he has gone to work already.

He felt his stomach grumble and he headed to the kitchen finding a note on the fridge.


Eat your breakfast well; skip school today I know your body still hurts.

I already called your mom.

Drink the medicine I left you.

Just rest and we’ll talk when I get home.


Chanyeol could feel his heart beating happily which happens because his hyung still cares for him after the horrible things he said last night.

D.O did not exactly know if he should really talk to Chanyeol and it was annoying how Kai keeps calling him.

D.O, after letting out his feelings of anger and deciding to breakup with Kai, he finally learned to let go and move on without Kai and the club because he swore he wouldn’t want to meet another lover there. D.O was also ashamed of what Chanyeol had to see just because D.O didn’t tell him the reason why he rejected Sehee.

He could clearly remember the kid's surprised and startled face which turned angry, scary and angry that he too was surprised.

He never knew Chanyeol could be so scary.

And he never knew that Chanyeol would fight with Kai though he concluded that Chanyeol must’ve done it not for him but for Chanyeol himself.

Time passed by so quickly it was time for D.O to go home and face Chanyeol.

“Hey.” D.O greeted as he took off his coat and placed it behind the rack on the door. “Did you drink your medicine?”

“Yeah.” Chanyeol answered. “Hyung about last night- I really am sorry for causing you trouble.”

Chanyeol bowed.

“It was my fault for not telling you.” D.O says and earned a questioning look from Chanyeol who’s cheek was bruised and his right black eye made him look ugly but D.O never found Chanyeol ugly.

“But hyung- It’s not really my business to know-

“Of course it is.” D.O sat on the couch to feel a bit comfortable.

Chanyeol sat on the coffee table facing D.O.

“It’s the main reason why I rejected Sehee. I felt guilty, seriously guilty for that. I didn’t want to tell you because you might not look up to me as your perfect hyung anymore.” D.O met Chanyeol’s serious gaze. “I’m sorry.”

“Hyung, you idiot. You’re still perfect, you know?” Chanyeol says with a smile. “And I’m glad that you were worried about me, I’m glad that even though last night I hurt your feelings you still let me stay here.”

“You know you’re always welcome here.” D.O says and placed a comforting hand on Chanyeol.

“Thank you hyung.” Chanyeol says.

“Anytime.” D.O says back. “I’m stuck with you anyways.”

With this Chanyeol laughs and had to stop because his goddamn body hurts.



Author's Note:

Uwah! ChanSoo~ ChanSoo~ ChanSoo~


I finally did some ChenBaek~ Yehet!

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Chapter 17: at first i was like yay xiuhan because seriously they're my otp though i still love xiuhun now i want xiuhun damn it lu why you gotta be like that?
Chapter 17: Jokes are half meant hahaha :) i hope D.O would have his conclusion soon enough and LUHAN! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS (T_T)
Chapter 17: omg

i dont think ive ever said that in a xiuhan relationship but LUHAN and YES SEHUN
Chapter 16: I want Sehun to fight for Xiumin & Luhan falls for Sehun... hehe~ I really want ChanSoo ♥
Chapter 15: IM SO A NGRY ING
soozyyy #6
Chapter 14: Chansoo kissed ! Finally they kissed ! Yay :D
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo!!! No!!! Why?? ja ja ja ja that kid. Chansoo first kiss= I really love it!

Sehee and Kai?? Woow that definitely likes me ^^

D: Lay!!!

I'm happy to see you again!!
Chapter 13: O: All this has happened while I was in my exam week??
Oooh~ Chansoo are Good!! ^^ Come on Chanyeol!! you can say it!! ;)

And.... oh! What is this??
Xiuhan moment! ^^ Well I'll be honest, at the moment, I'm enjoying the Xiuhun and Xiuhan moments, but I think no for long time :S

And Lay~~~ D': </3 this really hurt.

Well! Waiting for the next chapter!! Uhhuuu!!
Chapter 13: But....but... I want xiuhun!!! Pleaseeeeeeee >.<
sitomat #10
Chapter 13: Noooooo....xiuhun. waeeee *tryin to control feels
Not that I doesn't love xiuhan but I always have feels for xiuhun. They are sooo adorkable hyung-dongsaeng pairing
But what am I getting the feel that xiumin only see sehun as dongsaeng...that's just too sad TTT__TTT
Kkk...and omg tao just ing xiuhun and chansoo