
No Boundaries

I'm sorry for the wait T^T

I was busy with school and exams.

I'll be waiting for your comments~




It was a lively night.

People danced and music blasting the stereos making everyone crazy.

Tao went in sitting down and ordered his drink for the night; he needed to relieve some stress caused by a brat named Oh Sehun. If it weren’t for Luhan he would never put up with that boy though he was really good looking and it didn’t help that he’s attracted to those cold and stoic expression he so often shows.

“Ah. .” A deep accented voice says beside him as he was being drowned in alcohol and his thoughts. He was on his third glass.

“Need help?” Tao asks smiling at the tall man beside him.

Tao was for sure captivated when the tall stranger looked at him.

He was gorgeous and his cold stare sent shivers through his heart that was thumping faster than the beat of the club’s music.

“Do you have some tissue? I accidentally spilled my drink.” He says his expressionless flawless face looking directly at Tao.

Tao took out some tissue from his Gucci, and he leaned towards the man to wipe his black fitted dress shirt.

The stranger took Tao’s hand and pulled him closer for a sloppy wet kiss, both their mouths tasted of alcohol and lust.

Tao moaned as he lets the stranger’s tongue ravish the caverns of his mouth, his eyes closed, his getting a bit louder by each seconds passed but he doesn’t care.

Damn, he’s .

“Kris.” The stranger says as he stopped to inhale more oxygen because he too was feeling hotter by the moment and it didn’t help that he was hot himself.

“What?” Tao was having a hard time processing things to his brain and he grabs the stranger’s tie to pull him closer.

All he could think is he wants this stranger now.

“The name you’ll be screaming out all night is Kris.”


“Where’s D.O hyung?” Kai asks Sehee.

Sehee flinched at the sudden question and puts the schedule notebook she was working on.

“He’s not visiting you; he’s busy with a photoshoot at a beach.” Sehee answers and huffed out in annoyance because she has unfortunately became the official babysitter of this brat.

Kai shut his mouth, he knows for sure that Sehee didn’t want to talk to him and the feeling he has was mutual.

He just wanted to see D.O and apologize and this time, show him that he could give and show him the love he never realized he felt for D.O.

“I wanna go there too.” Kai says.

“You’re injured. It’s best if you stay here.” Sehee says rolling her eyes in annoyance because the brat was disturbing her work.

“But a beach is a good place to rest.” Kai reasons. “Please noona! I wanna go there too.”

Sehee sighs because she cannot lose her temper on this one.

“If we go to the beach, will you PLEASE let me finish my work?” Sehee asks hopefully.

Kai nodded. “Yes, I promise.”

Sehee nodded and glared at the suddenly happy patient.

“I’ll go get Dr. Kim.”


“I’m sorry noona.” Sehun apologizes his heart filled with annoyance and disappointment.

He couldn’t go back home afterall. He needed to be here for two more ing days and his noona will spend all day alone in the house. Sehun hated himself for not being able to choose his noona over work.

“Oh. It’s ok Sehunnie!” Xiumin says encouragingly. “I’ll be fine. Just eat well ok? And work hard!”

“I’m sorry.” Sehun says once more his chest heavy with anger and guilt and disappointment.

“I told you it’s ok! Your work is more important.” Xiumin assures.

“You’re more important for me.” Sehun says and God knows he tried to commute back home because that stupid ugly photographer refused to let him go home. “I feel so bad, noona. I want to go home but they kept stopping me and I hate it.”

“Sehun ah… don’t worry about me too much! Besides I want you to do well in modelling so you’ll be famous and you won’t need to work countless hours at pizza parlor.”Xiumin reasons.

“Noona, you’re so kind. I feel guiltier than ever.” Sehun sighs. “I’ll make it up to you when I get home, I’ll treat you lots of bubble tea and we’ll go shopping.”

“I’m already looking forward to that.” Xiumin says the excitement in her voice obvious.

Sehun smiles to himself. “Thanks noona. I love you as always.”

“Aish. Sehunnie you’re being too cheesy but I love you too. Take care.”

The call was finished and Sehun slumped down to the bed smiling to himself. He knew that Xiumin only meant that “I love you” in a friendly way. The way a noona loves her dongsaeng.

But Sehun still felt his happiness overwhelming.

He decided to head down for breakfast because he just wants to finish this day and the next day.

But of course, fate has somewhat always makes Sehun’s happiness vanish into thin air.

A familiar person, his twin sister and a certain rich bastard was sitting down with D.O and Chanyeol and it was too late to turn back because his sister has already seen him.

He sat down feeling the air a bit tense.

“What are you doing here?” Sehun asks glaring at the only girl on the table.

“Why don’t we talk somewhere else?” Sehee asks her voice shaky with guilt.

“No. I change my mind. I’m not talking to you.” Sehun says and started eating his breakfast which tasted bland to his tongue.

“Hyung, I want that.” Chanyeol says to D.O eyeing the last piece of bacon on his plate.

D.O sighs in defeat and stabbed the bacon to transfer it to Chanyeol’s plate but the younger caught it with his mouth.

D.O punched Chanyeol’s arm a little more harder than usual because there were people watching them and the atmosphere was already awkward even before Sehun sat down beside Chanyeol.

Chanyeol didn’t protest and he just smiles and looked at Kai who was already glaring at him with clenched fist.

Sehee sighs.

Sehun continues to pretend as if he was invincible already wishing he was gone from this place.

Just need to finish the photoshoot…

Sehun assures his patience. Thinking of photoshoot made him think of Tao.

“D.O hyung, where’s Tao?” Sehun asks because Tao was usually the one to lift the mood up with his excited aura.

D.O seemed to be shocked suddenly realizing that the photographer wasn’t around.

“I haven’t seen him.” D.O says.

“Maybe he’s still sleeping.” Chanyeol says.

“I’ll go get him.” Sehun says because this was his chance of escape but before he could stand up, the door opened and revealed a tired looking but happy Tao.

“Good Morning!” He says. “Kai? What the hell are you doing here? If you’re planning to model… hell no. You’re ugly.”

“I’m not the one who looked like a mess right now.” Kai says stopping himself from cursing because he was in the process of changing his bad attitude.

Tao smirks running a hand through his tangled hair. “I had a wonderful night! Just give me ten minutes and we’ll start the photoshoot.”

He was humming as he went upstairs.

10 minutes became 30 minutes.

Tao was smiling sheepishly as he sets up the camera and Sehun was sitting down waiting impatiently for his turn to model.

“Hey.” Sehee sats beside Sehun and Sehun pretended not to hear.

“I know you’re mad at me and I know what I did was selfish but Sehun, I’m sorry. Please just talk to me.”

Sehun didn’t say a word and waited until Sehee gives up and walked back over to her seat beside Kai, burying herself in that notebook she was working on.

“I didn’t know you have a twin sister.” Tao says his eyes focused on the camera.

“Now you know.” Sehun says without expression. “Where were you?”

“Heaven.” Tao winks at Sehun who gagged.

“Seriously, that’s disgusting.” Sehun glared at that photographer.

“No, it was ing amazing.” Tao says dreamily. “I might go out again tonight.”

“Ah. . Just stop. I don’t wanna hear any more of your fantasies.” Sehun says to which Tao laughs.


Xiumin decided to jog in the morning for the first time in her lazy life.

She took Minnie with her which was excitedly leading the way.

“Noona?” Xiumin didn’t have to look to see who it was.

“Good Morning Luhan.” Xiumin smiles and blushes as she remembers last night’s events.

She couldn’t believe that this beautiful man just confessed to her and she just stared at him in shock the whole time.

“I know you don’t feel the same but I’ll wait patiently for you.”

Xiumin could feel her cheeks burning in embarrassment the way they did that night.

She was sure she was attracted to her boss but with those beautiful eyes and smile who wouldn’t?

“I didn’t expect to see you here.” Luhan smiles. “Hi Minnie.”

Luhan crouched down to pat the puppy’s long soft fur.

Xiumin watched this and felt her heart warming up at the younger.

“Did you eat already Luhan ah?” Xiumin asks.

“I was thinking of skipping breakfast today.” Luhan answers.

“Oh? I know you’re a busy person but you shouldn’t skip the most important meal of the day!” Xiumin says and she pouted making her look cute and making Luhan’s heart go crazy and he didn’t even hid his blushing face.

“I want to eat noona’s cooking.” Luhan says smiling embarrassingly.

“Eh? Are you serious?” Xiumin asks a bit startled.

Luhan nodded. “Yes.”

“Oh.” Xiumin puts her hand on her chin thinking. “Ok.”

Xiumin wasn’t exactly sure if it was ok to spoil Luhan a bit but she assures herself it was just for today.

She quickly made coffee for him and started cooking rice omelet which was the only thing she could cook fast.

She didn’t want Luhan to be late to work.

“Luhan ah, you should hurry and eat fast I don’t want you to be late for work.” Xiumin says smiling as she notices how Luhan looks at her and was not eating.

“I can go to work anytime I want. I’m the boss remember?” Luhan says in a matter of fact tone. “Besides, I want to cherish this moment with noona.”

Xiumin blushes. “aish. Just eat already!”

Luhan laughs at his embarrassed noona and started eating.

Luhan’s day could never get better.



Chanyeol let out a scream of victory as he won the small game against the angry and disappointed Kai.

He will be the one to accompany D.O to the market for their barbeque party and hell yeah they’ll have fun and he ignored the glares Kai has sent him.

Kai was of course devastated and it didn’t help that he was injured so whether he wins or not, he’ll still have to stay.

“Aish.” Kai sighs annoyingly as he laid down next to Sehee in the blanket they laid on the sand.

“Letting out sighs will lessen the number of days you’ll live. Do you know that?” Sehee, who was typing something on her netbook.

She was wearing a blank tank top and shorts that shows off her petite body and long flawless legs, Kai wonders why didn’t she try modelling.

“Well I guess my days are numbered.” Kai says obviously in a foul mood. “Why does it always have to be him? I swear I’ll-

“Shh.” Sehee puts a finger on Kai’s mouth. “Remember our deal? Or do you want to go back to the hospital?”

Kai shook his head and he sighed again earning a small chuckle from Sehee who was amused by how obedient Kai was being.

“I’m bored.”

After a while of silence Kai says because the silence was driving him mad.

“Watch tv or movies… just do something.” Sehee says. “Stop bothering me.”

“I don’t want to.” Kai says and Sehee ignores him then he started asking some questions that started with Sehee’s  favorite color which Sehee answers automatically because they were basic questions.

“Do you like D.O hyung?”

Sehee stops wondering whether she should lie or not. And the look on Kai’s face was expectant and she doesn’t have to answer the question.

“No.” Sehee answers, in hopes that someday it would be true to her heart.

“You’re lying.” Kai says and then shuts the netbook which annoyed Sehee.


“I like him too you know.” Kai says his expression hurt and Sehee wonders why she feels guilty even though she didn’t anything. “You just let him go with Chanyeol.”

“I have no control when it comes to that.” Sehee reasons.

“Yes, you have! Damn it!” Kai says annoyed. “You’re a girl, you could have volunteered to go with him.”

“And then what? Let myself fall for him even more? You’re being selfish for that, I’ve given up on him already and I’m trying to move on.” Sehee defends herself, blinking back the tears.

Kai was quiet, considering and suddenly guilty of his selfish intentions. He never liked to share and he always gets what he wants but D.O was different and Sehee knows that D.O will never be his or hers.

Kai found himself touching Sehee’s soft brown hair, he brushed his hands easily and pulled her to him.

They kissed.

A mere connection of their lips and feelings of loneliness, of pain.

Kai didn’t even realized he was hurting until his eyes were blurry and he realized his chest was throbbing with pain.

Sehee wasn’t any better, but she didn’t run away.

They were both lonely and unbelievably inlove with one person.

And they watched him with someone else, as they carried their purchases from the market.

They could see he was happy with him and somehow they both know and felt, even Kai who refuse to let D.O go, that they have to give up and pretend to be happy for him.



“Hyung, let me carry that.” Chanyeol says as he took the plastic of meat from D.O’s hands.

“BARBEQUE!!!!” Tao was waving the plastic of coals and beside him was a bored looking Sehun.

They started lighting up the fire, the staffs helping one another and the other models settling on their own places.

Kai was incredibly quiet and he seems to be thinking really deep because it takes three calls to actually get his attention unless it was D.O.

Sehee was chatting with the female models and handing out drinks to everyone.

Tao was happily talking to Sehun who responds mostly with a nod or glare.

Chanyeol was helping D.O cook, he was brushing the barbecues with the sweet sauce and D.O was looking so cute and focused as he flips the barbecue.

“Hyung, I’m hungry.” Chanyeol whines and pouted looking at D.O who was trying his best to ignore his dongsaeng.

“Hyung~” Chanyeol’s deep voice was louder than the music.

“Hm?” D.O hums in question pretending to not know what Chanyeol wants.

“I’m hungryyy…” Chanyeol whines like a kid and D.O sighs pretending to be annoyed as he cuts a piece of meat and feeds it to Chanyeol.

Some of the sauce went to D.O’s fingers and he them off not aware that Chanyeol saw it and it made him blush so bad and it made him want to shout in happiness to the once again, indirect kiss.

The barbecue party was tiring but fun, it was actually one of the random party EXO has done.

And everyone was starting to get drunk.

The least drunk people get to do the fireworks.

Chanyeol was least drunk but refused to do the fireworks so he acted drunk, shouting “YEHET” with Sehun who after a few minutes was defeated by sleepiness and was sleeping on the sand while mumbling something that starts with “shu”. Chanyeol couldn’t careless but Sehun was Sehee’s brother and Sehee was having a hard time helping him up to his room.

“It’s ok noona, I’ll carry him to his room.” Chanyeol offers and Sehee smiles.

“Thanks.” Sehee pats Chanyeol’s shoulders.

“Chanyeol, I’ll help you.” D.O suddenly appears, red faced and looking a bit sleepy.

“But hyung, they’ll be looking for you.” Chanyeol says. “And Sehun is not less heavier than you.”

D.O scoffs. “Let’s go.”

And they carried the boy to his room.

“Noona…” Sehun mumbles when they put him to bed, his hand automatically hugging a pillow  D.O probably thinking he was a pillow.

Chanyeol fumes in jealousy as he pries Sehun arms away from D.O.

Sehun fell down from the bed with a loud thud.

Chanyeol was the first to laugh because Sehun didn’t even woke up, he was too drunk and the two were tempted to leave there for being a brat but didn’t want Sehee to be angry so they put him again on the bed.

The walk back to the beach was quiet.

Chanyeol suddenly felt brave so he took D.O’s hands intertwining it to his own huge ones.

It felt good, sending electricity to his heart making it pump a bit more faster than usual.

D.O suddenly tripped on his own drunkness.

“Hyung.” Chanyeol says panicked.

“Chanyeol.” D.O’s eyes were beautiful and round and they were looking straight at Chanyeol’s, his cheeks were red either from embarrassment or from drunkness. Chanyeol doesn’t know.

“Maybe we should get you back to your room.” Chanyeol suggest and didn’t wait for D.O’s response as he carried his hyung.

“I feel like a princess!” D.O says in a silly tone. “Put me down~”

But his actions were opposite, snuggling closer to Chanyeol’s neck which made his tall dongsaeng nervous and feeling hot all of the sudden.

Chanyeol suffered for atleast a minute of talking to his drunk and not making any sense hyung and he seriously needed to leave D.O before he could lose control.

But to his surprise and agony.

D.O after Chanyeol has taken his shoes off called his dongsaeng and without warning he puts his arm around the younger.

“Hyung… you’re drunk.” Chanyeol says gulping loudly but was not doing anything to stop D.O’s daring moves.

“I know.” D.O chuckles in a way that made Chanyeol felt a lot of overwhelming feelings.

“Sleep.” Chanyeol says looking down at his hyung.

“You’re so tall.”

D.O says his hot breath tickling Chanyeol’s neck and then he chuckled a low y laugh against Chanyeol’s huge ears which made Chanyeol stiff in shock.

D.O rubbed Chanyeol’s nape and his hands made its way up, brushing Chanyeol’s hair softly.

And Chanyeol lost it.

He leaned down, finally having a taste of his hyungs heart shaped lips. He kissed him tenderly and passionately wondering if it was enough to show how much he love D.O.

And it felt so wonderful Chanyeol couldn’t think of anything anymore and just collided his lips to him, filling in the space.

And D.O lets him. He lets himself go on and be lost in the feeling of the kiss. Their first kiss and he smiles and opens his mouth when Chanyeol bit his lower lip for permission.

Chanyeol explores and memorizes the cavern and he did want to stop but D.O was not stopping him nor he was stopping himself.

He pulled away for a second and looked at his beautiful hyung, panting and his eyes filled with lust.

“Chanyeol.” He says between breathes. “Close the door.”

Chanyeol quickly obliged after staring at his beautiful messed up hyung.

He didn’t get to kiss his beautiful messed up hyung though, because when he got back to the bed.

D.O was snoring softly and was off to dreamland.


Lay was alone.

Lonely walking through the busy night streets, he didn’t know what he was going to do.

One thing is for sure, he can’t bear seeing Chen with Baekhyun so he quickly excused himself out of their dorm and started walking. Just walking.

He decided to go to a park. It was quiet there, but his mind wasn’t peaceful his heart was in pain.

He didn’t know why or how he got to a situation like this.

It was silly and unfortunate to fall for someone who already has someone else.

It was heart crushing.

He got lost in his thoughts and feelings of nothing positive.

He stood up once again wondering maybe it’ll be better if he was gone.

Would Chen or Baekhyun miss him?

Of course not. They’ll be sad for a while then move on. His minds answer.

He walked a little more.

What about Chanyeol? My parents?

You don’t have parent’s, idiot. Chanyeol is the same as the them, they are all the same.

He wanted to say no to his thoughts but there was no reason to.

He was an orphan.

Those three were his only friends.

Music… music is not enough to contain his sadness for now.

He hates himself like this.

“PLEASE. Don’t jump.”

A soft voice says from behind.

He suddenly realizes, was in the station, a train approaching and he was so near the edge that people were panicking, but no one dares to go to him except for this small lady who dropped all the paper bags she was holding.

And she repeats her last words with concern.

“Don’t jump.”


Thanks for reading :)
I bet you weren't expecting TaoRis ey?

“The name you’ll be screaming out all night is Kris.”

ChanSoo <3

Credits to the owner of the pictures!

Oh and since Noona and I reached a hundred of subscribers.
We made a HunHan story: MISSING YOU

 Don't read if you don't ship HunHan!!!


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Chapter 17: at first i was like yay xiuhan because seriously they're my otp though i still love xiuhun now i want xiuhun damn it lu why you gotta be like that?
Chapter 17: Jokes are half meant hahaha :) i hope D.O would have his conclusion soon enough and LUHAN! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS (T_T)
Chapter 17: omg

i dont think ive ever said that in a xiuhan relationship but LUHAN and YES SEHUN
Chapter 16: I want Sehun to fight for Xiumin & Luhan falls for Sehun... hehe~ I really want ChanSoo ♥
Chapter 15: IM SO A NGRY ING
soozyyy #6
Chapter 14: Chansoo kissed ! Finally they kissed ! Yay :D
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo!!! No!!! Why?? ja ja ja ja that kid. Chansoo first kiss= I really love it!

Sehee and Kai?? Woow that definitely likes me ^^

D: Lay!!!

I'm happy to see you again!!
Chapter 13: O: All this has happened while I was in my exam week??
Oooh~ Chansoo are Good!! ^^ Come on Chanyeol!! you can say it!! ;)

And.... oh! What is this??
Xiuhan moment! ^^ Well I'll be honest, at the moment, I'm enjoying the Xiuhun and Xiuhan moments, but I think no for long time :S

And Lay~~~ D': </3 this really hurt.

Well! Waiting for the next chapter!! Uhhuuu!!
Chapter 13: But....but... I want xiuhun!!! Pleaseeeeeeee >.<
sitomat #10
Chapter 13: Noooooo....xiuhun. waeeee *tryin to control feels
Not that I doesn't love xiuhan but I always have feels for xiuhun. They are sooo adorkable hyung-dongsaeng pairing
But what am I getting the feel that xiumin only see sehun as dongsaeng...that's just too sad TTT__TTT
Kkk...and omg tao just ing xiuhun and chansoo