Loving Hands

No Boundaries

I swear I wasn't slacking off -.-"
Sorry for the super late update~
Thanks for hearting this story (>/////<)


It was dark.

And he was in pain, every move he makes only increased the pain but he knew he had to move. He had to walk away from the darkness.

Kai never even remembered how he got to this dark alley and why he  could feel pain in his entire body and the coppery smell of blood filled his nose and he was afraid… he knew the blood came from him.

Kai didn’t want to die.

He had so many things he wanted to do, he still hasn’t achieve his dream of being a top model in the whole world.

He still have to get D.O back.

He started to walk and walk and walk towards this street light. It was the only source of light.

There were footsteps, he knew it was coming from behind him and there was the feeling that lingers to his brain telling him to run.

He obliged even though he knew he was forcing himself, his breath heavy and his lungs hungry for air, sweat trickled down his face.

He reached the street light and rested his body on the post.

He was so ing tired.

He could barely keep his eyes onfocus, everything was a blur.

The footsteps were coming near… nearer…

“Kai… play with me…”

It was a woman’s voice, so soft but cold and it sends bolts of fear into Kai his wanted to shout but it seems that his voice won’t come out and he was shaking and trembling in fear.

“Wake up.”

A pair of dark expressionless eyes greeted Kai, his vision was a blur but he could make out a silhouette of a person hovering over him and he blinked twice to focus on the pale expressionless face above him.

He could feel two cold hands cupping his face.

“Sehun?” Kai recognized though he was confused why Sehun has dark brown shoulder length hair, thicker lashes and rosy red lips.

He was in fact… beautiful.

“I’m not Sehun.” Sure enough, it wasn’t Sehun’s voice.

The girl lets go of Kai’s face and tilted her head.

“Who are you? Where’s D.O hyung?” Kai asks a bit uneasy of the girl staring at him.

“D.O oppa needed to go to work. Your mother called for a meeting.” She answers and stood up. “I’m gonna call the doctor.”

“Wait.” Kai says before she could get out.

She looks at Kai with the same expressionless face as Sehun and this, this was driving the patient a bit crazy.

“Who are you?” Kai asks once more.

The girl smiled and Kai thought she should smile often because her smiles was really captivating.

“I’m Sehee.”


Chanyeol being the worried person he was decided to pay an early visit to the hospital.

Knowing his hyung, he probably slept there and so Chanyeol being the caring dongsaeng he was bought breakfast that he himself packed with a little bit help from his mom who kissed him goodbye before going out of the house.

He was walking happily and was about to open the door to Kai’s room when the doorknob itself turned and opened and revealed… Sehee.

Her blonde hair changed to black.

She’s gotten thinner and she was none other than surprised to see Chanyeol.

“S-Sehee?” Chanyeol stuttered and his heart beated fast due to the surprise but other than that, he felt nothing.

Sehee smiles at her tall dongsaeng. “Hello Chanyeol ah.”

“Uwa! I can’t believe you’re here!”Sehee was surprised to see how Chanyeol was really happy, no traces of heart break left.

“Yeah, me too.” She responded. “I’m just gonna go get the doctor and then let’s talk.”

“Ok.” Chanyeol nods and watched Sehee walk away to the front desk.

“Sehee noona!” Chanyeol called when she was halfway there.

Sehee looked back at the Chanyeol.

“It’s good to have you back!” He grins, the same grin Sehee had fallen inlove with before.

Sehee smiles wider. “Yeah! It’s good to be back!”

She was glad to see Chanyeol doing so well because she couldn’t say the same to herself.

She could barely talk when she faced D.O this morning.

She was still aching inside, she was still in love with him and she was glad D.O didn’t stay for long.

“Noona, how was London?” Chanyeol asks as they ate the breakfast he bought over.

They ate in the hospital’s cafeteria; it was perfectly peaceful and was currently disturbed by the ex-lovers conversation.

“It was beautiful but I was really lonely.” Sehee answers. “I’m currently working and studying at the same time.”

“Woah. Noona is so industrious.” Chanyeol’s still an easily impressed one. “What work do you do?”

“I’m Mrs. Kim, Kai’s mom’s assistant.” Sehee answers. "She makes me arrange her schedule and pick up important things."

“Oh. I bet your always tired noona. You should take care of yourself, you’d gotten thinner.” Chanyeol says smiling.

“Oh really?” Sehee asks her eyebrow raised, Chanyeol smiles because she hasn’t changed much except for her hair color.

“Yeah~ Your now a stick person!” Chanyeol teases and Sehee laughs.

“You giant bully, go pick someone your own ear size.” Sehee teases back.

Chanyeol laughs his usual loud and deep y laugh that made Sehee laugh too.

“Noona, you never told me you have a twin brother. I met him yesterday.” Chanyeol says remembering the blonde boy that looks exactly like Sehee.

“So you met Sehun, I never really tell you much about me eh?” Sehee sips some coffee.

“It’s ok, I don’t want to force you to tell me things that you want to keep as a secret.” Chanyeol kindly points out.

“But Sehun is a part of me too. I should have told you about him. I feel like I was the worst girlfriend before.” Sehee meant it to be a joke but her voice gave her feelings out.

Chanyeol seeing this put his hand on top of Sehee comforting her.

“It’s ok noona. I’m ok. Please be ok.” Chanyeol smiles assuringly.

“Ok. I’ll try.” Sehee smiles because she was good at hiding her tears. “I’m glad to see you doing so well Chanyeol. You’ve grown up.”

“Noona. I’m still the Chanyeol you met before, just got some muscles now.”

After breakfast with Sehee Chanyeol had to hurry off to the university because Baekhyun told him so, besides their exams are coming up and since then they decided to form a band and play for practical exams.

They just need a band name and Baekhyun suggested F4 into which the three of them disagreed and quickly trashed the idea.

They needed a total of three songs.

Lay already composed one: Baby, Don’t Cry which he played on the piano and brought tears to Baekhyun’s eyes.

“Chanyeol, you’re late!” Baekhyun says glaring at his tall dongsaeng.

“Better late than never.” Chanyeol stuck out his tongue like the child he was.

“Chen! Chanyeol’s so mean!” Baekhyun says being a bit overly dramtic.

Chen laughs at his lover’s actions and kissed him lovingly on the lips.

“Better?” Chen asks.

“Yup.” Baekhyun smiles wider and this time stuck out his tongue to the gagging Chanyeol.

“So hyung, I added a rap part on Baby, Don’t Cry. I think it’ll fit you most.” Lay approached and handed the lyrics to Chanyeol.

“Really? I wanna hear!” Chen and Baekhyun chorused. So they started to play and synchronize the song, Chanyeol adding some beatbox to it.

Baekhyun had gotten all excited for their practicals as soon as the song was over… his mouth shouting praises and saying that they’ll be famous and stuffs like that.

It was a fun and tiring day but Chanyeol’s day was never complete without visiting his favorite hyung.

“Hyung~” He barged in the apartment of his hyung.

“Oh Chanyeol, perfect timing. I’m cooking some Dakbokkeumtang.” D.O greets the happy boy.

“Uwa~ It smells good!” Chanyeol says and headed straight to the kitchen and hovered over D.O and the food he was cooking.

D.O unconsciously rubbed his aching nape and Chanyeol noticing this decided to give his hyung a massage.

D.O could feel blood rushing to his cheeks when he felt Chanyeol’s warm calloused hands on his nape, gently massaging the aching part and it did felt good that D.O let out a relieved sigh.

“Hyung shouldn’t be working too hard.” Chanyeol whispers into his short hyung’s ear and it sent shivers down D.O’s spine that he practically jumped out of Chanyeol’s hands and pretended to get some bowls.

“Work has gotten more difficult because Kai’s mother is here and slacking off isn’t really an option. Besides I always work hard Chanyeol ah.” D.O points out.

“But still, if you need help with anything I’m here!” Chanyeol says happily not noticing his hyung’s flustered face.

“Aish. You always complain when your mom makes you clean your room.” D.O says and Chanyeol chuckled nervously.

“I swear I’ll help you hyung!” Chanyeol insisted.

“Ok. Help me pack these for Kai and Sehee-“ D.O stopped suddenly and looked at Chanyeol because he had forgotten to tell the younger that Sehee was here.

To his surprise Chanyeol was smiling.

“I went to the hospital this morning but you were already gone, I talked to her.” Chanyeol explains.

“Oh.W-What did you talk about?” D.O asks wondering if the two had gotten back together.

“She told me about her work and London. She seems fine.” Chanyeol says a genuine smile on his face.

D.O nodded his head agreeing.

They finished packing the dinner and head out together Chanyeol insisted on carrying the packed food, they walked silently to the bus stop.

Chanyeol's brain suddenly proposed an idea into which his hand obliged. He slowly moved his hand closer to his hyung's and captured it surprised on how soft they felt.

And his heart beated so fast with undeniably happiness with a hint of nervousness because he was worried D.O won’t like it.

But to his surprise, D.O intertwined his smaller hand and Chanyeol looked away not daring to question it.

It felt good.

D.O’s hand felt so soft against his and it made his heart go crazy and his brain a bit fuzzy.

“Chanyeol ah. Would you like to be a model?” D.O asks and Chanyeol’s eyes widened surprised and startled.

It took him a moment to answer.

“Hell yeah.”

To be a model meant to spend more time with D.O and that’s exactly what Chanyeol wants.

D.O smiled and focused his gaze on the ground, he was blushing a little bit too much.

"Hyung, your hands are s-soft." Chanyeol didn't know why he said that. "C-Can I hold them more often?"

D.O now felt all embarrassed but didn't have the heart to say no. Besides his hand was all sweaty and cold against Chanyeol's.

D.O shyly nodded in response, heart beating so loud and butterflies fluttering in his abdomen.


Xiumin nervously glanced at the mirror of the salon.

It was the first time she ever felt conscious of her hair. It was the most daring thing she had ever done to her hair, coloring it from its natural brown color to brownish gold and was cut shoulder length with bangs.

She just wanted to look a different besides tomorrow she’ll have an all day out with Sehun in the amusement park and she is absolutely excited about it, she’s been filling giddy all day long.

She decided to buy food for dinner; she was feeling too lazy to cook.

She uneasily looked at her reflection; she just hopes she doesn’t look bad.

She wondered what Sehun would think, not that she minds… it’s just that… aish.

She should stop thinking and wondering of what others think of her..

Xiumin hopes he got home early today, this modelling thing made her stay out so late at night that it worries her way too much.


Uhm. I feel like this was a crappy chapter -.-"
Next Chapter will be Xiumin's bday! and first date with Sehun . Let's hope no one interferes LOL xD
OMO o///o My ChanSoo feels >////<




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Chapter 17: at first i was like yay xiuhan because seriously they're my otp though i still love xiuhun now i want xiuhun damn it lu why you gotta be like that?
Chapter 17: Jokes are half meant hahaha :) i hope D.O would have his conclusion soon enough and LUHAN! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS (T_T)
Chapter 17: omg

i dont think ive ever said that in a xiuhan relationship but LUHAN and YES SEHUN
Chapter 16: I want Sehun to fight for Xiumin & Luhan falls for Sehun... hehe~ I really want ChanSoo ♥
Chapter 15: IM SO A NGRY ING
soozyyy #6
Chapter 14: Chansoo kissed ! Finally they kissed ! Yay :D
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo!!! No!!! Why?? ja ja ja ja that kid. Chansoo first kiss= I really love it!

Sehee and Kai?? Woow that definitely likes me ^^

D: Lay!!!

I'm happy to see you again!!
Chapter 13: O: All this has happened while I was in my exam week??
Oooh~ Chansoo are Good!! ^^ Come on Chanyeol!! you can say it!! ;)

And.... oh! What is this??
Xiuhan moment! ^^ Well I'll be honest, at the moment, I'm enjoying the Xiuhun and Xiuhan moments, but I think no for long time :S

And Lay~~~ D': </3 this really hurt.

Well! Waiting for the next chapter!! Uhhuuu!!
Chapter 13: But....but... I want xiuhun!!! Pleaseeeeeeee >.<
sitomat #10
Chapter 13: Noooooo....xiuhun. waeeee *tryin to control feels
Not that I doesn't love xiuhan but I always have feels for xiuhun. They are sooo adorkable hyung-dongsaeng pairing
But what am I getting the feel that xiumin only see sehun as dongsaeng...that's just too sad TTT__TTT
Kkk...and omg tao just ing xiuhun and chansoo