What is next?

looking for gods

Sehun's P.O.V.

Luhannie, why did you have to leave? We only just got out of that hellhole a few days ago. Please come back Luhan, I need you.


I tried to hold back my tears when Seunghyun commented on missing Luhan, but a few tears managed to escape.


The other members explained the situation a bit better and Seunghyun nodded understandingly.


"We'll save him Sehun. Don't worry about it." I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. The watergod was standing in front of me, his expression reassuring.


I could only hope he was telling the truth. Luhan had only been gone for a few hours, but I already felt like I was dying.


"Come on, we should restore the temple and cleanse the water." Jiyong said and we walked to the beach not far from the city.


Close to the river mouth Seunghyun touched the sand and a land strip rose out of the salty sea water, a sandstone temple decorated with shells at the end of it.


There was a gushing sound and a vast amount of clear water came flowing through the riverbed.


The water was crystal clear, unlike the water we drank until now, and I scooped some into my hands and drank it. The water was much cooler anf more refreshing than I expected and I immediately felt more energized.


Suho lifted a bubble out of the river using his power, and it was nearly twice the size he could normally lift.


In the back I could hear Jiyong and Seunghyun talk about something. I crawled a bit closer and hear they were talking about the posessed priests.


"Then they're all back to how they were before. I'm worried the most about Jaehwan and Sanghyuk. They'll hurt themselves a lot before we we can get them back to normal."


"But without the maknaes we can't do anything. We'll just have to find them as quick as we can."


The gods really seemed to care about their priests. That's probably why the shadow posessed them though.


And what did Seunghyun mean with the way they were before?


I couldn't really give it anymore though because the rest came back.


"We should take a look at the book to see who we're saving next." Suho suggested. "Book? What book?"


Jiyong explained to Seunghyun about the book. "It took you a thousand years to bewhich one book? Ji, I know you're bad at magic, but that is just terrible."


Jiyong decided to switch the subject. "Why are we still wearing these clothes?" He snapped his fingers and he changed into grey jeans, a black and white t-shirt, and a red leather jacket.


Seunghyun did the same but was wearing black jeans and a black leather jacket with coloured sleeves.


"Anyway, let's look at the book." Lay took out the magical book and on one of the pages new letters appeared.


The god in the picture wasn't wearing a shirt, which was odd, and he was very muscled. From behind him seemed to come a faint glow. Was he the god of light?


"That's Youngbae. He is the god of light." Seunghyun informed us.


"Do you know where we can find him?" Xiumin asked, but the gods said they couldn't.


There wasn't anyone with a bond as strong as that of Kris and Chanyeol with Jiyong, and Lulu wasn't here for any telepathic messages.


We were thinking of ways to find the god of light, when there was a wooshing sound behind me and a low voice spoke:

"I know there you can find Youngbae."

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Chapter 10: Welcome back author-nim!
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 9: where is baek when you need it~
Chapter 9: Omg! I know who said that! Love the update!
Chapter 8: Plz update.
pitchblackcloud #5
This seems interesting! Can't wait to read more! c:
Chapter 4: seems cool. omg
theperfnerd #7
Chapter 1: I will read this definitely very very soon because big bang and exo in one story!!!!