
Accidents Happen

That's it. I just snapped. Just like that my fist swung for his face and connected with his jaw. It was an accident. I didn't do it on purpose, it was just a reflex!

He grunts and lets his head turn to the side a little, but still continues to smirk and look at me. It was like I just tapped him instead of putting all of my weight into it.

I stumble forward, trying to catch myself. When I do, I punch him in the arm before storming back to my car. Just as I'm about to close my door, a hand catches it, and the boy leans down to my level.

"What do you want?" I growl darkly. He just shines his sheepish smile on me. Thank his mother and father for his good looks or I would’ve smashed his fingers by slamming the car door shut.

"Would you like to talk over pizza?" He asks.

"You're doing it again," I grumble, crossing my arms.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He smiles. "Anyways, we have insurance to sort out, so I figure that you shouldn't do it on an empty stomach."

"What makes you think I'm even hungry?" I snarl. A couple seconds later, my stomach growl because it hasn't been fed all day. He looks down at it before looking back up with a smirk.

"That does." He states, pointing at my belly. A couple cars honk, bringing us back to the reality that we are still in the middle of an intersection.

"I don't even know your name or if you're going to me." I snort. He smiles again, showing white teeth that are slightly crooked but not bad. It sort of actually makes him look cute.

"I'm Jinki, call me Onew, everyone does. I promise that I won't you, and before you ask, I'm 20." He lists off, being generally friendly. "Now it's your turn."

"Fine. I'm ___, and I'm 18. And I swear, if you do try anything I will duct tape your balls to your -crack." I huff before trying to shut the door again but he keeps it open. I give him a look that makes him laugh melodically.

"I need your number," he flatly reminds me.

"Why can't I just have your's?"

"Because it doesn't work like that."

"Oh, so this sort of thing works a certain way? I didn't know there were rules." I say sarcastically, it being part of my nature. He just rolls his eyes.

"It's good for the male ego to get the girl's phone number. Can I please have it?" He asks, though I do see a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.

"Wouldn't you think it's good for the female ego too?"

"You're doing the answer with another question thing." He tisks. I push my lips to one side, scrunching them up.

"Oh, right. Sorry." I let out an exasperated sigh and pull out a sharpie marker, taking his hand and writing down the digits of my home phone number. "There. I won't be expecting a call."

He smiles as he glances down at his hand.

"I promise, it will happen." It would've been a perfect line that would leave me hanging except for the fact Onew stumbles over a dent in the road before running into his car while saying this.  One 

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great fic, thank you!
TokkiLoveOnew #2
Chapter 3: So cuuuuuuute! <3
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkkl I clicked on the random story button and got this... This is awesomeee!!! *-*
Chapter 3: LOL AWW~~

So cute! OMG

*-* haha
Awww this is so cuutee! You didn't have to expand it xDDD<br />
But it'd be nice if you did!
This is cute!! I want a sequel~!
So cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! xD
JinkiJjongJuliette #9
Hehe, i love it!! Especially for the fact that you chose to write Onew as the main character :D Very cute story..
rafithecool #10
Very cute story :) <br />
& lol @ your answer vv he sweated her number off?! Hahah. The ending of that 2nd chapter, when he stumbles though. LOL so adorable. :)