Purposely An Accident

Accidents Happen

It's been a week since the accident. So much has happened. Mom did freak out like I knew she would and told me I couldn't drive until I was 18. I drove the next day.

My friend, Jessica, got dumped by her boyfriend. She was walking through the mall with me and we saw Jonghyun, her boyfriend making out with another girl. He apparently 'forgot' to tell them that they were over and said that they should see other people. I've been helping her through her emotional crisis, letting her watch sad movies so she can get all the tears out, buying her cookie dough and ice cream, and then making her watch comedy movies to get her mind off of the bastard.

Onew never called.

I sigh to myself, walking to the freezer section for more ice cream and cookie dough for Jessica. Even though she hasn't showered and smells like , it's times like these that people need food and friends for comfort.

I grab five tubes of cookie dough and start moving down the isle for the ice cream when someone collides into me. The tubes go everywhere and the person's groceries scatter a little as well.

When I look up to apologize about the accident, the apology is immediately replaced with a sneer.

"Hey!" Onew says brightly, picking up his jar of peanut butter. "Sorry."

"Yeah, whatever." I snort, bending down to pick up my groceries, he doesn't help me. Nor does he comment on not calling me. I don't think he even REMEMBERS me. After I have all five tubes, I start to walk away.

A hand suddenly wraps around my arm and spins me around, making me drop the tubes again, and I'm face to face with Onew. I wrinkle my nose at him.

He laughs and drops his basket of groceries before pulling me into a bear hug. I squeak in surprise but it is muffled by his shoulder.

"Let me go." I yelp into his shirt. He just tightens his grip.

"You have to know, I'm accident prone. And that car accident and this one weren't exactly spontaneous. They were sort of on purpose." He whispers before loosening his grip. When he lets me go, I just stand there with a confused look before my eyes drop down to his basket.


"You're such a ." I sigh, surrendering.

"It's part of my charm." He chuckles, picking up his basket and handing me some of my cookie dough tubes.

"Getting into accidents on purpose with girls is part of your charm too?" I ask, turning around and walking away. He comes up beside me and tosses an arm around my shoulders.

"For you it was accidentally on purpose. Not exactly my fault. Just like I accidently fell in love with you- on purpose." He grins, making me roll my eyes. "How about Saturday? For pizza?"

"Sorry, emotional crisis with a friend if you haven't already noticed." I say, gesturing towards the cookie dough.




"Mending a broken heart, sorry."

"I didn't know you were a doctor."

"Shows how much you know." I comment, appearing at the check out counter. I pay for my stuff and get ready to leave but get dragged back. Onew scrawls something on the palm of my hand with a sharpie.

"Good for the female ego." He comments as I look at his number.

I place my hand on his face and push him away playfully.

"I won't be expecting a call."

"I promise, it will happen."

And I did call him.

A week later. 

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great fic, thank you!
TokkiLoveOnew #2
Chapter 3: So cuuuuuuute! <3
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkkl I clicked on the random story button and got this... This is awesomeee!!! *-*
Chapter 3: LOL AWW~~

So cute! OMG

*-* haha
Awww this is so cuutee! You didn't have to expand it xDDD<br />
But it'd be nice if you did!
This is cute!! I want a sequel~!
So cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! xD
JinkiJjongJuliette #9
Hehe, i love it!! Especially for the fact that you chose to write Onew as the main character :D Very cute story..
rafithecool #10
Very cute story :) <br />
& lol @ your answer vv he sweated her number off?! Hahah. The ending of that 2nd chapter, when he stumbles though. LOL so adorable. :)