Accident Number One

Accidents Happen

It was an accident. It really was because why would I want something like this to ever happen to me? For my insurance to pay me the big bucks? If you believe that, then you're a moron. M-O-R-O-N. There, I even spelled it out for you.

"Oh. My. God." I stare in shock, my hands still clutching the steering wheel of my old Lincoln granny car. I wasn't injured, nor was I about to cry. I was just shocked. I was paying attention to the road, I was going the speed limit. How the HECK did I just get into an accident?

The boy in the other car stares at me in disbelief as well and we just continue to glare at each other as other cars swerve to miss us and brakes screech. Oh, we just happen to be in the middle of an intersection at town.

"My mom is going to kill me." I groan, slapping my hand on my forehead before looking at the boy again, watching as he unbuckles his seat belt and starts to inspect the damage. It was a head on collision and I still have no idea how it happened.

I unbuckle my seat belt with my slim fingers and gingerly step out of the car, hoping not to cause any more damage. My long legs stretch forward as I take steps before almost fainting at the damage.

It wasn't that bad, honestly, but still enough to make my mother freak out and make a dent in my paycheck that I get from a cheap grocery store. The front was just a little bent up and scratched, but I estimate that it will take me a good seven years to pay off. Seven years that I could spend graduating college, getting married and-

My eyes skim up to the boy, noting his reaction. He didn't even look like he thought it was that big of a deal. He was a good head taller than me with silky hair hanging past his ears and thin lips that were in a slight smile.

"Why are you smiling?! Don't you realize that I'm in deep ?!" I yell, smacking him upside the head. He looks at me with his surprised chocolate brown eyes, like he couldn't believe I had just done what I did.

"Excuse me? Maybe I wasn't smiling, what if I just got a botox?" He asks, looking down his pointed nose at me. I scowl, scrunching up my nose and pressing my lips together in distaste.

"Would you mind explaining why you even hit me?" I interrogate, crossing my arms and tapping my foot. His eyebrows shoot up and disappear into his shaggy hair.

"What makes you think I hit you on purpose?" He shot back defensively, making me pull my head back.

"Will you stop doing that?"


"That! You keep answering my questions with questions of your own! You're really pissing me off!!!" I huff, actually baring my teeth. He chuckles at this and leans down closer to me.

"It does?"

That's it. I just snapped. Just like that my fist swung for his face and connected with his jaw. It was an accident. I didn't do it on purpose, it was just a reflex!


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great fic, thank you!
TokkiLoveOnew #2
Chapter 3: So cuuuuuuute! <3
Chapter 3: Asdfghjkkl I clicked on the random story button and got this... This is awesomeee!!! *-*
Chapter 3: LOL AWW~~

So cute! OMG

*-* haha
Awww this is so cuutee! You didn't have to expand it xDDD<br />
But it'd be nice if you did!
This is cute!! I want a sequel~!
So cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! xD
JinkiJjongJuliette #9
Hehe, i love it!! Especially for the fact that you chose to write Onew as the main character :D Very cute story..
rafithecool #10
Very cute story :) <br />
& lol @ your answer vv he sweated her number off?! Hahah. The ending of that 2nd chapter, when he stumbles though. LOL so adorable. :)