Phone booth

Fiction Collection

He glanced left and right cautiously, making sure no one was in sight. Lifting his Ipad from the table, his fingers moved choppily across the touchscreen. After seconds of furious typing, he pressed sent and a victorious grin tugged the sides of his lips.

"What are you doing?" A hand on Dongho's shoulder caused him to jump up in shock.

"Nothing." Dongho tried to remain as calm as possible.

Not believing his words, his manager snatched the Ipad away from him and scanned the screen. His face turned serious, "Dongho, what have I told you about communicating with the old U-Kiss members?"

"It is Xander hyung's birthday!" Dongho protested.

"It is still unacceptable." His manager replied sternly.

"Well, I already sent it and there's nothing you can do about it anymore. I can't just delete the tweet, what will the fans think?" Dongho retorted defiantly.

Knowing the stubbornness of the kid, the manager only sighed and instructed "Just don't do it again." and left the room.

Dongho smirked as he went back to playing games on his Ipad.

"You are so lucky, Dongho." Kevin sighed in envy as he approached Dongho, sitting on the adjacent bed.

"Yeah. You always get let off things like that." Eli commented, settling himself beside Kevin.

Soon, Dongho found himself surrounded by s, all agreeing to what Kevin and Eli said.

"I tried to reply Kibum hyung on twitter the other day but I got caught by manager hyung and he gave me a long and painful lecture." Kiseop pouted.

"I tried to tweet Alexander a happy birthday too, but manager hyung got me." Eli confessed, "But I'm still going to send that tweet out, just not today. Tomorrow I'll send it out with just the message 'happy birthday'. Hopefully Xander knows it's for him."

Soohyun nodded, expressing that he encountered similar experiences.

Kevin kept quiet as his face turned glum.

Ever since Alexander and Kibum departed from U-Kiss, the remaining members were given orders to refrain from any form of communications with them. Be it texting privately or talking publicly on twitter -- it was all banned.

However, being strongly attached to the other two members, the five sneakily tweeted them at times or sent them quick texts. They got caught by their managers most of the time and the consequence is a long dreadful scolding and punishment by cleaning the dorm, or extended dance practices.

Nevertheless, that never stopped them from secretly contacting them in one way or another.

Kevin sighed again, reminded that he hasn't talked to Kibum ever since Coming of Age day. Apparently, the managers took extra effort to surveillance him, knowing that Kevin and Kibum were in a relationship. They knew Kevin would take every opportunity to talk to Kibum, but they wouldn't allow it under their watch.

Kevin missed Kibum so badly. Being in Japan and knowing Kibum would be here too didn't help matters.

"Cheer up, hyung!" Dongho comforted, sitting opposite Kevin at the dining table.

"How can I, Dongho? I'm lovesick." Kevin admitted, his face rested on the palms of his hands.

Soohyun came over as he draped his arms around Dongho's neck. "Yeah, don't be too upset. You will meet him soon."

Kevin looked away. Having a couple right in front of him, happily embracing each other wasn't exactly comforting.

Kiseop came over, carefully carrying a pot of piping hot stew. "Coming through!" he announced.

Just when he was setting it on the table, his hands slipped and the pot fell from his hands and landed an inch away from Dongho's hands. The boiling liquid spilled all over Dongho's hands and he shrieked a scream that was a way higher pitch then Kevin's record.

Everyone’s eyes widened and Soohyun quickly took Dongho's hands. Dongho swinged his arms, "Ouch! Don't touch it, it hurts!"

Kiseop quickly apologized as guilty and anxiety was stamped onto his face. Soohyun quickly instructed, "Kevin! Go to a convenience store nearby and get some cream to soothe the burn!"

Kevin nodded and immediately left his seat, picking up his wallet before leaving.

Kevin quickly got to the convinced store below their apartment and got the cream. He walked out of the convenience store, swinging the bag mindlessly. He was lost in his thoughts of random things, but eventually, everything led back to one thing, or rather, person. He sighed for the tenth time that day, trying hard not to think of Kibum. What's the use; they can't talk to each other anyway.

Kevin stopped in his tracks when he noticed a phone booth in front of him. Hesitantly walking towards it, he looked around the empty street. If only...

Manager hyung won't know right?

A phone call wouldn't hurt, would it?

Kevin placed his hand on the phone but quickly retrieved it and turned back.

It was fine, he didn't need it.

What is he talking about? Of course he does.

He picked up the phone as he fished out a coin from his pocket and inserted it into the coin slot. He dialled the number he knew like the back of his hand.


Ring ring.

Ring ring ring.

Kevin waited expectantly, only to be disappointed when the line went dead and his coin was ejected.

Maybe it was telling him something. Maybe he just had to resign to fate.

With his head lowered, he noticed someone waiting in line outside of the phone booth. "Sorry for making you wait." He mumbled as he dragged his feet out of the phone booth.

"Actually, I was waiting for you."

That voice.

Kevin lifted his head up instantaneously, his eyes meeting the other's alluring one.

"Missed me?" Kibum's eyes formed two crescents as he smiled warmly.

"No!" Kevin replied but his actions showed otherwise. He flung his arms around the older's body.

Kibum instinctively did the same. "Long time since we've last met huh?"

"The company forbade us to talk to you and Xander hyung." Kevin replied sadly.

Nodding understandingly, Kibum mentioned, "I just reached Japan. I'm currently staying there." Kibum pointed to a hotel across the street.

"Really!? We live so close by! Our dorm is somewhere nearby!" Kevin beamed.

Kibum smiled, "I know."

Kevin gazed at Kibum curiously, "You do?"

"Why do you think I'm staying at that hotel?" Kibum smirked.

Kevin giggled, "We can meet every day then?"

"For a week." Kibum replied, "I have to return to Korea afterwards."

Kevin pouted, but it soon turned into a smile. "Better than nothing!"

Dongho's burn was happily forgotten as Kevin spent the whole night with Kibum. Kevin made a mental note to apologize to Dongho afterwards and thank him for getting scalded.



Note: A one-shot to hail U-Kiss' comeback. Idek if I should celebrate or mourn about it. It still hurts. 3

Anyways, this is also to shed a more postive light to why the members failed to wish Alexander a happy birthday. Lmao.

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Chapter 18: One word to describe the fic, AWWWWWWWW wait... is that even a word? O.o I can't help but have this nagging thought of what happens when Kibum dies? Kevin is going to be so heartbroken since his basically immortal :(

A ball of yarn. I think I can relate to this about love <3 Kibum is such a Kibum towards Kevin :p but it was sweet of him to stay at his uncles farm because he was hoping that Kevin would return to him. That's so AWWWWWWWW :D
Chapter 17: Holy cow.
Chapter 15: I'm quite sure I left a comment on LJ for the previous chapter :)
Hope my memory didn't fail me.
But :O! I don't think I understand!
It's past life? I was thinking Kibum is still alive since he has an annoying phone call from his boyfriend Sunghyun, and then he wished he was dead cause Kibum still wants to have fun, and then when Kibum calls out to Sunghyun half-dead its because Kibum is sad, but he doesn't wanna go around telling people.
No? :/
Chapter 17: whoa angst angst angst.
It's been a while since I read some kemaru fics ):
especially yours.
and this fic reminds me of a song.
katy perry's the one that got away hahaha lmao.
You've updated! *sobs* I was giving up hope that all Kemaru authors are going to update with the exception of fishykevinwoo >//<

*gives you cookies for updating*
HEEHEHHEEHHE that's nice I wish i had one too
what........ was the ending.
the whole thing was so poetic hehe i liked it a lot, but the ending............... :(
:( HEY, I thought it was looking so cute AND THEN YOU GAVE ME THIS ENDING!?!?!?!
He should be given a role! BIG BIG ROLE!
You know you want it :D!
I LOVE THIS. Really,I really do! :D
and the ending!
adfrtasgbhacnccudahvnnac !
ok. I'm being incoherent rn. lol
Update soon ^^