Faltering Lights

Faltering Lights

Lu Han gave himself a small, sad smile as he stared at his petite reflection. He was invited out for a casual dinner that day, so his dressing was as casual as he could make himself; but his nervousness got the better of him and he was doubting his appearance again. He hoped that his choice of a red t-shirt, grey jeans, and warm coat would do him good. 

He had always doubted his appearance. It was never aided by anything, especially not when he had such a petite face and delicate features, to the point his face had been the reason as to why girls were jealous of him. He disliked it. He didn't like his round eyes, small lips, and button nose. 

Lu Han reminded himself as to where the date was taking place. Apparently it was a stroll in the park near the library and a quiet dinner afterwards. He didn't mind that, no, not in the very least. 

An encouraging smile at his reflection this time and he slipped on his shoes and left the house.




He was seated by the bench near the entrance, as instructed by Yixing- the man who invited him out on his date. 

"Yixing's late..." LuHan pouted, as he glanced at his watch for the nth time. It was exasperatingly chilly, so where was Yixing?

Yixing was probably at band practice or something- would it be right to just leave?

LuHan sighed, bringing his knees to under his chin and tucking his hands and arms into the crook of his knees. The best thing to do was to preserve heat for the moment. 

The lamp post beside his bench flickered, light faltering, occasionally pushing LuHan into darkness, before bringing him back into light. 

It wasn't deliberate, but LuHan let himself daydream for the time being. Yixing was late, but he would come, Yixing, was sweet and honest. He'd come, he was just running a little late. 

Yes, and Yixing was going to come along and call for Lu Han and maybe he would apologise for being late. 




He did. Yixing came running through the park gates, repeatedly stuttering apologies in accented Korean. LuHan loved that accent though, it was so endearing. 

"You realise I'd understand you if you spoke Mandarin, right?" LuHan laughed softly, forgiving Yixing too easily. Yixing paused for a moment before thanking LuHan for being Chinese, arms wrapping around the smaller frame desperately. 

LuHan's cheeks flushed pink at the sudden skin ship. Yixing was so warm though, finally, some heat after waiting out for so long.

"To a date that will make you forget all the bad that I have done to you today." Yixing whispered, lamppost still flickering above him. 

The deep brown eyes boring into LuHan's beckoned him. The expression hidden in them almost saying, "I will hide you within here." 

But, what was there to hide?

LuHan could have easily let himself go, show what he really was like inside. He could have let Yixing hold is secrets, with the promise he would hide them from the rest of the world, so LuHan looked somewhat normal. Maybe he could let Yixing in on his insecurities, whisper everything about himself that was wrong and see Yixing's reaction. Would Yixing even care?

He was lost in Yixing's mahogany brown eyes, falling into their depths, that he was surprised at the feeling of the other man's hand taking hold of his. He flinched slightly, but relaxed the moment Yixing smiled his signature dimpled grin. LuHan took a glance towards the scarred hands, marred with long, harsh white lines zigzagging across his pale skin. They were never going to heal fully.

"What happened to your hands, Yixing?" LuHan whispered, thumb carressing the back of Yixing's scarred hands. Yixing's smile turned soft and weak, as he feebly shook his head.  LuHan understood, of course, it wasn't a topic for discussion - especially not on first meeting. 

"S-sorry." LuHan quickly apologised, accidentally tightening his grip on Yixing's fingers. 

Yixing's smile was still weak, but his eyes twinkled a different story. It was as if Yixing knew LuHan's story. Yixing tilted his head towards LuHan's. 

"Let me console you solitude." Yixing whispered, face dangerously close to LuHan's, lips barely brushing his. The scent of mint clouded LuHan's senses and he let Yixing take his lips, in a gentle caress. 

When Yixing pulled away, Lu Han's cheeks flushed pink and Yixing flashed a lopsided smile, deep dimples one of the many highlights of Yixing's face. LuHan felt comforted by the hand holding his as he was tugged into a stroll. 

The park was only just lightened by the lamp posts adorning the side of the paths. LuHan sensed couples out in this park too, celebrating the day dedicated for romance. 

Yixing led him to an opening and LuHan was greeted to a large water fountain. The water spouted extravagantly, the sound of the water tinkling as it trickled down sides and sprouted from sculptures mouths. The fountain sparkled in the moonlight, the granite stone, catching the moon' slight and reflecting back to stun the eyes of bystanders. 

"Come with me," Yixing smiled, the lack of conversation seeming to not make an impact upon him, for he smiled and brought LuHan to sit by the fountains edge. It had only come to LuHan's attention that Yixing had brought a guitar- how did he not notice it before?

"I will sing for you." 

Petal pink lips, began singing. Long slender fingers began strumming. LuHan recognised the song but he couldn't say anything. 




He shivered at the sudden harsh breeze, and looked at his curled knees. Lu Han was still sitting atop the bench. He was pretty sure his lips were blue and his nose had turned purple. 

There was no one there. 

Of course there wasn't anyone there. It was all a stupid dream. 

He was left alone again. Of course Yixing wouldn't come. 

When he really needed someone, there was no miracle.

What a hopeless valentine. 


I guess it's done...

Happy Valentine's Day, I guess. I don't really celebrate it and it's not because I'm a forever aloner. I think you should show your love to the person you're in love with everyday, not once a year, but people make that excuse all the time I guess so whateverrrr.

Alrighty it's really late so I'm off to bed now guys.

If you have anything to say, please comment (constructive critism too would be nice, not too harsh but still nice), and if you would like more of my trash please subscribe and if you think it's worth it please feel free to upvote my stuff :) 


Cheeseypuffes xxx

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2Kim2Min #2
Chapter 1: Awww my poor baby being stood up on Valentines Day! :( When Yixing "kissed" him I was on the ground like asdfghjkl (even though you already told me what happens later). But still, I really really liked this, Yeobo, you described Luhan's feeling of loneliness/isolation really well - all his insecurities of his appearance, too. I can't believe he doesn't like his face. Like, dood, are you ting me. You're a beautiful snowflake. Anyway, great job, Yeobo ^^
Chapter 1: Omg it's not "Forever Alone"!
It's "Forever AVAILABLE"
(feel free to use that lol)
Cute dream Luhan omg but why didn't Yixing show up!! adfsjhsdkljfhla