By Myself

Hey Juliet


when you see ** around words it is someones thoughts
i was listening to F.T. Island's Heaven when i wrote this
It had been 3 days since i had left my room, I haven’t eaten since the day Minho yelled at me, this is how I get when Minho yells at me, I stop leaving my room for anything and I stop eating, causing me to lose quite a bit of weight, making me even skinnier
“Eun Mi, can you come out please, I want to talk to you” I heard Minho say through the door I stood up  and opened the door Minho looked me up and down “um, SHINee has a tour starting in the next couple days so we are leaving today, you will be here by yourself for about a month, month and a half” he said I just nodded and shut me door “will you please eat while we are gone, I really don’t want my baby sister to be dead when I get back, it will make me feel awful and I would miss you like crazy” he added
“ok ill eat” I said as I laid on my bed
“thank you” he said then I heard his footsteps going into the main room. About 2 weeks passed since SHINee left the dorm for the tour and I had tried to keep my promise to Minho that I would eat, but when I ate anything within 10 minutes what I ate was in the toilet. I couldn’t eat without throwing up what I ate. I had just puked in the toilet when SHINee’s Shout Out rang through the house, I ran to my room and grabbed my phone, it was Jonghyun Minho probably told him to call me to make sure I was ok
“Yoboseyo” I said picking up my phone
“hey, I was just calling to make sure you were alright” Jonghyun voice rang from the other end
“im fine” I said then I got that feeling again and I dropped my phone and ran to the bathroom where I threw up, again. After all that was don’t I went and picked my phone up
Minho’s POV
“hey Minho, I think something is wrong with Eun Mi” Jonghyun yelled for me I ran right over to him
“what do you mean you think something is wrong with Eun Mi” he hissed glaring at me
“I asked heer if she was alright , she said she was fine but then I think she dropped the phone, and I heard feet hitting the floor like she was running then it sounded like someone was throwing up” he said I took his phone
“Eun Mi, are you there” I said but got no answer “Eun mi” I said a little louder causing people to look at me I just ignored them and said my sisters name once more bu louder
“Yah, Minho don’t yell please my head is pounding” I heard Eun Mi said on the other end, her voice sounded scratchy like she had a dry throat
“have you been eating like you said you would” I asked, I was very worried for my little sister
“Y-yes” she stuttered
“Choi Eun Mi, you better not be lying” I said in a very serious and worried tone, then she coughed
“don’t worry bid brother, I have been eating everyday” she said I smiled
“good, girl, well I have to go I love you and we will see you in a few weeks” I said and hung up. It had been 3 more weeks before we went back home. Once me and the gang walked into the dorm I felt like something was wrong
“ah, home, I missed you” onew said falled to the floor the kissing it
“that’s gross” key said pointing at him
“hey guys, im gunna go check on Eun Mi” I said they all nodded and I walked to her room “eun Mi, are you awake” I said knocking on her door she didn’t answer “eun mi” I said getting a little worried. I called her name several times
“whats wrong” Jonghyun asked me
“she isn’t answering” I said
Jonghyun’s POV
“move” I told Minho and he did so I kicked the door with all my might and it swung open. I looked around but she wasn’t there but then my eyes made there way to her bed and I saw a small figure, not moving then my eyes went wide and I ran to the bed “Eun Mi” I said shaking her a little but she didn’t respond
“is she in there” Minho asked from the hall
“Minho, go call an ambulance” I said back to him
“why whats wrong” he asked
“just go call a damn ambulance” I yelled at him and I heard his feet hitting the floor as he ran to get a phone “yah, Eun Mi, please be ok” I said in a low voice as I looked at her petite little face, she looked even skinnier than she was when we left. I uncovered her and she was wearing a small night gown, I looked at her legs and noticed several small bruises and cuts I looked at her arms also, they looked the same. In no time the ambulance was there and Minho rode along with once they had her in the back, the rest of us followed in a company car *Eun Mi, I hope you are ok, you are scaring all of us with how you have been taking care of yourself* i though as we drove behind the ambulance
sorry for another kind of short chapter, i know i promised it would be longer but my brain is still blocking me out so this is all i could muster up, so sorry. i still did the best for my readers ^^.
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Chapter 20: Awwh miscarriage. Must be hard.
I hope they can get through it together and make a new one :D
Leeminho1223 #2
Amazing fanfic can't wait for the next update
miscarriage.... T.T omg poor eunmi... and jjong.... :(
naaaaw, theyre all so supportive!! ^^ im glad minho trusts jjong :)
MAKE UP KISS!! ^^ lol
Taemins so sweet not to get mad at JongHyun :)
Aaaawww Taemin!! :"( poor thing<br />
Update soon :)
Poor Taemin.<br />
Update soon!!
don't worry icybubble..... there will be more Jonghyun, i don't plan on ending the story yet :)
Taemin is sweet but how about jonghyun?