one month! who is that?

Hey Juliet

it has now been one month since me and Jonghyun got together. we had been doing everything we could to keep it from the press and the public, so far it all worked

"so, how long are you guys going to be gone?" i asked

"a week, maybe two" jonghyun said hugging me from the back

"you wont do what you did last time will you" Minho asked walking in to the room

"of course not" i said smiling "why would i do that again, besides key will be here" i said back to him he shrugged. jonghyun was still holding me from the back when he spund me around

"im going to miss you" he said leaning his forehead on mine

"i know, i'll miss you too" i smiled and he kissed me

"all right guys enough of the lovey-Dovey stuff, we need to leave" Onew yelled

"you better go" i said smiling

"yea, well ill see you in 2 weeks" he said kissing me one last time

"hey Key.. keep and eye on my girlfriend will you" he yelled towards the kitchen

"you know i will" keys voice emerged then the other guys walked out of the house so i went to the kitchen

"so, what are ya making" i asked key looking over his shoulder

"just fried rice" he said as he continue to stir what was in the pan.

(one week and three days later)

"hey Key where are you" i yelled from my room

"the living room" he yelled back "im watching the news" he said i laughe a little


Key's POV

I was watching the news waiting for Eunmi to come out of her room when i saw a picture of Jonghyun with his arms around some girl

"so key what is on the news today" i heard eunmi's voice getting closer i quickly stood in front of the tv and turned the volume all the way down

"n-nothing" i said as he stepped into the room

"oh really then why are you standing infront of it" she said then opened the front door so she could get the newspaper

"eunmi no....." but i was to late she picked up the newspaper which ha the same picture i saw on the tv. Eunmi idnt take her eyes off of it and they started to water up


"h-h-he h-has another g-girlfriend" she said

"eunmi..... Im so sorry" i said puting an aem over her shoulder

"come on lets go sit on the couch" i said an le her to it and we sat there for what seemed like forever with her crying her emotions out onto my shirt

"hey Key, Eunmi. We got done with promotions early, we are home" i heard Minho yell i then felt Eunmi move and stand up so i followed her.


Eunmi's POV

"hey baby, i missed you" Jonghun said smiling once he saw me but his face changed once he notice my tear stained face "Eunmi, have you been crying" he asked then i slapped him

" you thought i wouldnt find out didnt you" i said

"Eunmi, what are you talking about" he asked

"quite playing with me like im some kind of idiot" i said "i read about it in the paper" i said shoving todays paper in his arms and once he looked at the front page his eyes went huge an his jaw dropped

"E-eunmi" he said not looking up from the paper "i can explaine" he looked at me i just shook my head and i ran to my room


Taemin's POV

Eunmi ran out of the room after fighting with Jonghyun but i wanted to know why so i grabbed the paper from him an saw a picture of him and a girl really close

"hyung.... How could you do that to Eunmi" i said then had the paper yanked from my grasp by Minho

"Jonghyun..... I am going to muder you for hurting my baby sister" Minho screamed then him and jonghyun started running round the house while i slippe away to go see if Eunmi was ok. I reached her door an heard crying so i knocked

"who is it" i heard a small shakey voice say i opene to door a little

"its just me" i said poking my head in " can i come in" i asked she nodded so i opened the door so i could step it her room. I sat down on the bed next to her

"why did this have to happen to me" she asked sniffing a little. i put my arm over her shoulder and pulled her close

"i dont know Eunmi" i said "bad things happen to good people i guess"


ok i have a poll for one of my stories i need you guys to vote on it. if you havent read that story he go read it then vote... please!!

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Chapter 20: Awwh miscarriage. Must be hard.
I hope they can get through it together and make a new one :D
Leeminho1223 #2
Amazing fanfic can't wait for the next update
miscarriage.... T.T omg poor eunmi... and jjong.... :(
naaaaw, theyre all so supportive!! ^^ im glad minho trusts jjong :)
MAKE UP KISS!! ^^ lol
Taemins so sweet not to get mad at JongHyun :)
Aaaawww Taemin!! :"( poor thing<br />
Update soon :)
Poor Taemin.<br />
Update soon!!
don't worry icybubble..... there will be more Jonghyun, i don't plan on ending the story yet :)
Taemin is sweet but how about jonghyun?