No, I Don't Love The Beast. I Love The Dino.

Hey Juliet

i entered the cafe and looked around then spotted Hyunseung

"hey Oppa, I'm here" i said as i walked over to him he looked at me with a bright smile

"hey, haven't seen you in so long, i missed you baby girl" he said and hugged me, receiving a hug back

"yea, i missed you too" i laughed as we sat down

"so what have you done this past week without me" he asked as a lady walked over and set a cup on the table

"nothing really, i've just been hanging out with my brother and the rest of SHINee" i said he looked uneasy when i said "my brother and the rest of SHINee"

"oh, cool"  he said 

"yea.... is there some reason that you start to look kind of uneasy when i talk about my brother or his band" i asked

"well.... um..... his last girlfriend kind of cheated on him with all of us...... well except for me, i had no attraction to her what-so-ever" he said i just looked at him

"that is why my brother hates all of you" i almost yelled and stood up from my chair

"Y-yah, keep it down.... like i said i didn't want anything to do with his girlfriend.... so i don't know why he hates me" Hyunseung said motioning for me to sit back down

"well, there has got to be a reason..... my brother doesn't hate anybody just because" i said not sitting, Hyunseung just kept his eyes from meeting mine and cleared his throat several times "seriously, tell me why my brother ing hates you" my voice was starting to get louder

"um...... maybe you should just ask him" Hyunseung said then got up grabbed his Styrofoam cup and waked out of the cafe i watched the door as is he was going to come right back but nothing happened, then i got tapped on the shoulder

"excuse me miss but are you going to order something or not" a waitress said

"no, I'm just leaving" i said as nicely as i could through gritted teeth then walked out the door. i walked slowly home enjoying the silence, i also just needed time to think. i was so spaced out i didn't notice that i walked right past the dorm until i heard kids laughing and yelling. i looked up and saw i was at a playground, i sighed "damn it, i don't even know where I'm at" i mumbled to myself then my phone went off i took it out of my pocket and it was Key so i answered it

"YAH!!! where the hell are you?!?! i need you here in front of me right now so i can get you ready for tonight" key screamed from the other line

"I'm sorry, i went to the cafe by the dorm to meet Hyunseung and we kind of got into a fight and i walked past the dorm not meaning to, now I'm lost" i said looking around

"OMO, YOU ARE LOST!!!!" he screamed

"Who is lost" i heard Jonghyun say in the background

"Eunmi, she went to meet up with Hyunseung they got into a fight and now she is lost" key said to him "Y-yah.... give me back my damn phone" i heard Key scream at the top of his lungs

"you will get it back when i come back home" Jonghyun said then i heard a door open then close "Eunmi, what is around you" Jonghyun asked through the phone

"um..... a kids playground....." i said "but i don't know what one...."

"damn it" Jonghyun breathed "just stay there i will find you alright" he said

"arraso" i said then there was a click and the line went silent. i sat down on a near-by bench and waited. i had already waited half an hour when i felt a small drop of water on my arm. i looked towards the sky and more small drops of water began to hit my face and soon enough, i was drenched from head to toe shivering like mad


Jonghyun's POV

it started to pour rain out of the sky and i had yet to find Eunmi

"damn it, she is going to get sick if i don't hurry" i said to myself. i had checked all playgrounds i could find so far, I'm at another one *damn, how many playgrounds does Seoul need* i thought as i looked everywhere. i was about to leave when i saw a small figure sitting on a bench, so i got closer and noticed it was Eunmi "Eunmi" i yelled then started to run to her


Eunmi's POV

i was still sitting on the bench when i heard someone yell my name i looked up and saw a familiar head of hair running towards me then it pulled me into a hug

"I'm so sorry it took so long to find you" Jonghyun said not letting me go even though his shirt was now getting soaked

"i-its ok" i said then Jonghyun pulled away

"Eunmi, are you ok? you look really pale, and you are shaking" he asked

"i-i-I'm f-fine" i said but he wasn't buying it

"here, take my jacket, i don't want you getting sick" he said as he started to take off his jacket

"n-no, I'm sure i w-will be sick a-anyway, k-keep the j-jacket" i stuttered he sighed then pulled out a phone

"Hey Onew, i found Eunmi" ........ "yea, she is soaked to the bone" ...... "bring a blanket or two, and a towel" ....... "we are at the kids playground near the Seoul Private school" he said then hung up and looked at me "come on, lets at least move o somewhere where we wont get anymore wet" Jonghyun said grabbing my hand and pulling me with him "the guys should be here soon" he said as he pulled me under a small tree full of leaves

"j-Jonghyun" i said

"yea" he asked without looking at me

"i-I'm c-cold" i said he looked at me and opened his jacket and i put my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head. me and Jonghyun stood there like that for almost half an hour before the other guys got there

"Jonghyun, is she ok" i heard Key asked in a worried voice

"she will probably get sick, but other than that she is fine" he said

"you think you could let her go so she can get in the car and get warm" Minho said Jonghyun started to move his arms but i didnt want him to


Jonghyun's POV

i started to pull away from Eunmi but she groaned and wrapped her arms tighter around me

"eunmi, dont you want to get home and get warm" i asked her

"all i want is you" she said like a little kid i laughed a little

"come on, we have to get in the car" i said kind of picking her up then walking to the car

"eunmi, you are going to have to let go of him so we can get you wrapped in a blanket or something....." Key said in his motherly voice "actually you should probably get out of those drenched clothes as soon as posible" he said a minute later minho looked at him wide eyed "Yah.... im not trying to be a ert, im just saying the longer she is in those wet clothes the worse she will be" he said throwing his arms up

"watch the car" eunmi said pulling away from me then climbing into the back of the car. after a few minutes the back door opened to reaveal Eunmi wrapped in a blanket "are we leaving now" she asked, we all climbed into the car. Eunmi wanted to sit with me


Eunmi's POV

i was sitting next to Jonghyun but i still felt cold so i poked his shoulder

"yea" he said looking at me

"can i sit on your lap" i asked, he chuckled but nodded opening his arms so i could move. once i was on his lap he wrapped his arms around me i felt a little warmer, i also felt sleepy. i yawned

"if you feel tired, you can go ahead and sleep" he whispered into my ear i smiled and made myself comfertable on his lap and drifted off to sleep  *Jonghyun.... i love only you* running through my head



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Chapter 20: Awwh miscarriage. Must be hard.
I hope they can get through it together and make a new one :D
Leeminho1223 #2
Amazing fanfic can't wait for the next update
miscarriage.... T.T omg poor eunmi... and jjong.... :(
naaaaw, theyre all so supportive!! ^^ im glad minho trusts jjong :)
MAKE UP KISS!! ^^ lol
Taemins so sweet not to get mad at JongHyun :)
Aaaawww Taemin!! :"( poor thing<br />
Update soon :)
Poor Taemin.<br />
Update soon!!
don't worry icybubble..... there will be more Jonghyun, i don't plan on ending the story yet :)
Taemin is sweet but how about jonghyun?