
Living Through Hollow Days

A week has passed. Jong in does not know how he manages to live past each day because days without kyungsoo is like living through hell. He feels empty, and all he has is a broken heart that constantly reminds him of being alive; and the only one alive. No one would have expected such supervening tragedy to strike so soon and Jong in blames everything; especially heaven, for being so selfish and greedy for taking Kyungsoo away. Now he thinks that they might have taken his soul along too.


Jong in fishes a set of keys from his jeans pocket and unlocks the door. He on the bow of the key reminiscingly and steps into the house. Nothing has changed and the things remain untouched; like they were left there to accumulate dust. The apartment smells like lemongrass and vanilla and Jong in thinks of Kyungsoo. It was been a while isn’t it? I’ve missed you.


The apartment feels so dead and quiet without the presence of his beloved Kyungsoo. Jong in suddenly misses the rattling of pots and the sound of knife hitting against the chopping board. He misses the smell of kimchi spaghetti and more specifically, the voice of Kyungsoo telling him food is ready.


Just then, a zephyr gushes into the house, tickling Jong in’s skin. Something coming from his and Kyungsoo’s shared bedroom pulls Jong in in, and the next thing he knows he is inside, lying on the left side of the bed. Memories flood in, clouding his head and so are the tears pooling around his eyes. Jong in realizes he cannot let go of Kyungsoo, not when his heart is on the verge of ripping apart and his lungs contracting so tightly that he cannot breathe.


Jong in is tired; tired of the world, tired of living. Right now he wishes for the swelling pain in his chest to go away. Kyungsoo, come back. Come back to me. He thinks. Jong in remembers the scent of Kyungsoo’s mint and strawberry shampoo before his vision darkens.




A/N: this fic has come to an end! (a relief to some of you perhaps?) yes, it is a short and (lame) one. i would like to thank you all for reading! Feel free to leave some comments too! It would be a pleasure to read them (▰˘◡˘▰)

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