

"KAI!! KAI!!"

"Look at me oppa!"


Girls started to scream and faint and... oh... thats not pretty. I kept getting pushed around and pulled away by fans. After a while I got pushed out of the crowd and I couldnt see anything over them. As I tried to get back into the crowd to find Rayn. I heard a familiar voice. Way too familiar. Everyday familiar.

"There you are!" The policemen pointed at me while two other policemen started running at me.

Now I had no choice but to punch, hit, and push my way through the crowd. And I did.

I pushed through everyone, causing some to fall and some to stumble. Some didnt even realize that I pushed them. Once I stopped Rayn in the midst of girls trying to get his autograph, I ran up to him and pulled him by the arm.

"Okay girls! Next time! Bye!" I said and ran out of the crowd.

"Yah- Chi- What are-" He paused. "Police?"

I looked at him in the most obvious expreession, "Yup."

He laughed, "C'mon"

He took my hand he pulled me out of the crowd. Forgetting about the police we stopped to catch breath, only for me to get picked up my to policemen by both arms. I started kicking my feet and trying to get out of their grip.

"Yah! Let me go! Stop it!" I yelled. "Ouch! Have some respect for a girl!"

One of the police guys spoke up, "I have respect for Korea. Not for a little girl who dances in the streets and doesnt care about anyone but herself. Go home rat!"

If i had a home. Why are they even holding me up? Im not that stupid to run away, if Im already caught.

"Can you atleast ut me down?" I said, "Why are you holding me up? Its not like I have a choice."

The two policemen looked at each other and nodded. They put me down but still held my hand tightly.

"Melanie Chi, you are under arrest for-"

"Ahem." A cough was heard behind us, oh, I forgot we are behind the S.M. building... Who's that old guy?

"U-uh... Mr. Lee Soo Man." One of the police guys studdered. "Sorry for causing a scene."

Mr. Lee took the policeman to the side to talk and I looked around. Everything was so quiet. even the fans were quiet. I saw Rayn also being held by a cop. He tried to get out of his grip but failed. Small chuckles could be heard from the wonder-boys EXO. I looked at them. One caught my attention. He had rainbow hair. Like, rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue... Rainbow.

I stared at him. He was laughing with his fellow bandmates at some joke one of 'em made. Why is it that my ink hair is looked down at, while a popstar has even more colorful hair than me, and is praised for it? I scoffed when Rainbow Head turned to me and winked. I stuck my tongue out at him and looked away when his eyes widened. I smirked at his reaction.

"Yah yah yah... Sehun and..." Mr. Lee motioned towards me.

"M-me?" I pointed at myself though my arms were held by policemen. Mr. Lee nodded. "M-melanie... But call me Chi."

"Sehun and Chi stop making faces at each other but," Soo Man extended his hand out to me, "Welcome to S.M."

The policemen motioned to let me go and I shook Mr. Lee's hand. "What?"

"You and your.."


"...friend, showed an amazing performance. Well, you showed an amazing performance and he showed great skill in teaching dance."

Rayn was also let go and he walked over to me and Soo Man. "yes, but what did you mean by 'Welcome to S.M.'?"

Soo Man chuckled, "We need something fresh in S.M. right now. New choreography and a surprise performance. We had almost 500 auditions and none of them were good. Most of them were EXO fans that just wanted to see them. I saw you dance here and your friend-" "Rayn." "-Rayn, I was impressed. But I thought you were a fan until I saw how you acted with Sehun. Your definatly not a fan." Soo Man laughed, "You are actually the first person I saw to actually act like that to them. I like how your unique."

I scrtched the back of my head. "What about the whole police business, don't I need to have like a 'clean' background?"

"Yes. And you do have the clean background. The only bad thing you did was dance in restricted areas. But thats not technically breaking the law since there are people walking and sneaking in there all the time."


"So what do you say? Do you accept my offer?"

I turned to look at Rayn. He looked worried. He turned to Soo Man and opened his mouth to speak, "Mr. Lee, uh.. Me and Chi have been in Korea for 4 years. We came here for a reason and it was to find better lives than what we had back in the states. I live in Busan. She lives in Seoul."

I snorded. "If you call a abandonded hotel a home."

"Chi!" Rayn nudged me.

"Sorry sorry..!" I put my hands up.

"W-wait. Did you say abandonded?" Soo Man asked.

"Yeah... I did..." I looked at his confused expression. He turned to Rayn.

"And where do you live, boy?"

"In a small two bedroom apartment." Rayn said.

"Thats not that bad."

"With a family of 7." Rayn added.

"Oh..." Mr. Lee Soo Man... nodded. Then he turned to EXO. They huddled up and began to discuss something. Me and Rayn looked at them. Confused looks on both of our faces.

After about two minutes they turned around. Sehun walks up to me and Rayn and smiles.

"Welcome to EXO dorm!"

Another baby-faced buy walks up behind Sehun.

"Im Luhan!" he said. "You two will be staying with us. We live in Gangnam."

Wait.. What? Me? With 13 guys?  I started to have a mini-panic attack before Sehun spoke up.

"You'll be living in the room across from our dorm." He smirked at me.

"Oh, good. I thought I was gonna have to live with you, almost had a panic attack there."

Soo Man and Luhan began laughing. Luhan bent over laughing.

"H-hyung. That is the first time someone has ever talked back to you." Luhan laughed. "Today is a day of firsts for you."

Sehun blushed in anger. "Shut up Lu-ge! Its not my fault the cleaning lady came in while I was taking a nap!"

Millions of erted thoughts came into my mind. Not gonna ask.

"Well!" Soo Man wiped the fake tears off his eyes, "Since you guys are already like family why not let exo cool down from their show and in about 2 hours you'll watch them dance their new single. During those two hours, I shall give you a tour and exlain the rules and contract."

"Contract?" I asked.

"You did accept my offer right?" I nodded. "Then theres always a contract involved with me."

"Dont worry, his contract are fair." Luhan added.

I nodded. And followed EXO into the building. Exo turned right and Rayn, Soo Man and I turned left.

"Welcome to the house of art!" Soo Man said while opening a door to a room.

My jaw dropped when I saw what was inside. Rayn stumbled back.

"What is this?!"

Well.... boring update.... Sorry about that... Haha.

But yeah. Sorry I took so long. Im kinda... Busy.

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Echelon99 #1
Chapter 3: you have great idea for this story, i love it. Can you update. Thank you.
Chapter 3: I really like this!<3 pleaaaase update!<3