The Sad (Love)Life of Byun Baekhyun


Baekhyun is never lucky when it comes to love. 24 years of existence and yet, he has never experienced dating.

This year though, he promises to be committed to someone. 

Someone not Park Chanyeol. 

Park Chanyeol who is his bestfriend ever since...well, forever. 

And as Baekhyun journeys to find his other half, Park Chanyeol is always there to... ugh... Save his . 

You see, Baekhyun has a love jinx. 

And Park Chanyeol is the cure. T
hey both just don't know it yet. 


[EDITED AUTHOR'S NOTE] So hi! After 10 years, I've logged back in again. and I am very sorry to those who are waiting for this. 

As of now, I am taking this down so that I can rewrite this. I dont like how its first person, anymore.

i want to write on a 3rd person point of view. Please wait for me.

I will definitely post this one back again soon! <3 




Well, this is going to be a chaptered fic.

This will be written in Baekhyun's POV.


And I'm terribly sorry I at writing descriptions. 

Please subscribe. 

Thank You Very much to the lovely, Overlord_nim for the wonderful poster. 



Find her at Wanderlust Graphics.

i swear im going to update next week. :(( im sorry~


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i really hope you will update ^^
ybunnyMin #2
Chapter 8: I'm going to wait patiently authornim!!
(ノ´ヮ´)ノ ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
Chapter 7: it's okay, author-nim. we'll wait for you but just want you to know that we are really anticipating for the update!
faithlane #4
Chapter 6: Hi author-nim, I just found this story and I fell in love ove with it. I hope you're planning to continue to write new chapter of this, I was nicely written. I so in love with baekhyun cute character. Its match him well. The supporting character are also good mix. Try not make baekhyun love life seems so bad coz I feel bad too haha ^^ anyhow. I truly hope you get to finish this story and hopefully baekyeol/chanbaek can finally blossom so pretty others will stare in jealousy ;) I always thought they're a good match. Thanks for writing such a wonderful story author-nim!
authornim please update T-----T
hope you still love Baekyeol after yeah you know ..
Chapter 6: Baekhyun's date starting to getting weirder & scarier.. poor single boy baekhyun keke. I like nervous chanyeol here, its cute & he was like baekhyun's boyfriend ~(*+﹏+*)~
Chapter 6: ehehe i love it !! i was so scared for awhile when the guy points the gun :3
hope everything is going to be okay ~ glad chanyeol is there for him as always. Hehe
thank you for the update ! :)
Chapter 6: Aaahhhhhh the Baekyeol >.< I'm just dying inside. You write in such a way that I just love it ^^
helivesinfiction #9
Chapter 6: chanyeol is so sweet.
ChunJoe_SeoYa_Lover #10
Chapter 6: Oh..It's great, I love how fluff all chapters are.. please let Yeol fall for Baek :D, but slowly