Smooth plans....right?

Last Time Destined Encounter

Cue the funeral music.....Yeap I'm back? *starts booeing WELL SORRY!!! T_T I'm sorry.....*sigh Sorry about the whole not updating thing....I know what I promised and I broke it so I'm really glad you guys stuck with me :)

"ARE YOU READY YET?!" you yelled. "YAH BE PATIENT!" Nicki yelled back. You growled plopping down onto your chair. Hyuna turned to smile at you, "Be patient let the bride take her time it's her special day you know..." You pouted, "Ya I guess but I can't wait to see her!!" Hyuna grinned looking you up and down. "The bridesmaid dresses she picked looks good on you" You glanced down at your dress. 

It was a short midnight blue dress with a black bow around the waist with a see through black flowered viel layering on top. You smiled at Hyuna, "Aw unnie you look gorgeous as well!" "It's good to see you wearing a dress for a change." Hyuna laughed. You wrinkled your nose, "Heyyyy I do wear dresses! Just not often...." you trailed off awkwardly." Two girls suddenly walked in wearing the same bridesmaid dresses. The girl with long brown curly hair smiled kindly, "Hi I'm Na eun and this is Eunji." Na eun smiled while Eunji waved. You smiled back, "I'm Amanda and this is Hyuna it's nice to meet you two!" Eunji suddenly grinned, "Oh! So you're the famous Amanda we've heard about..." You blushed, "Oh no....what did Nicki say?" Na eun laughed, "Don't worry it was all praise oh and I know we just met and it may be a bit too late but congratulations on your engagement with Baekhyun oppa! I heard that you're getting married soon. " You smiled gratefully, "Thank you so much oh and if you don't mind me asking but how did you two meet Nicki?"

Eunji grinned, "We went to the same school all our lives." "Has she changed much?" you asked. Na eun grinned, "Not at all still the same fun loving dancing machine girl." You laughed, "That's good to hear....oh hey ya so which one of you is going to deliver the maid of honor's speech?" Na eun turned to grin at Eunji who grinned back, "W-e-l-l....." Suddenly the curtain pulled back to reveal Nicki in a pure white wedding dress with soft ruffles in the skirt with a pale viel cascading down her back. 


Her sleek straight hair was curled to gently curls. Around her neck was a familiar blue heart diamond pendant. (Side note anyone remember this necklace from first times? XD ) All four girls of the girls gasped, "Woah Nicki...." Eunji whispered. Nicki looked uneasily down at her feet, "What do you guys think?" she softly  asked. "GIRL! YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!" you exclaimed excitedly. Nicki laughed, "Really? You think so?" Hyuna smiled, "Lay oppa made the right choice alright." she smiled. Nicki gently clasped her hands together suddenly, "So girls.....I know I'm not one to be serious when it comes in general know I really want to thank you guys for being with me all these years....and who would know that I'm actually getting married now to the most wonderful man in the world....But to show my gratitude for you girls I want to give you all this..." Nicki handed out four little blue velvet pouches. You gently pulled the strings apart and pulled out a small silver bracelet. 

It had a double infinity sign on it criss crossing and looping. (Any infinite fans? ;) WOOT GO L! <3) "Nicki! It's so pretty...." Na eun smiled. You watched as Hyuna helped you clip on the bracelet. You admired it as it gleamed in the light. Nicki walked over and placed her arm around you happily." See now it'll catch people's attention when you give your maid of honor speech...." You suddenly froze, "Wait.....WHAT?!?" you yelled. Eunji, Na eun, Nicki, and Hyuna laughed, "Yeah you're my maid of honor Amanda..." You widened your eyes, "NOW! I can't ...I don't even have my speech made!" you panicked. Nicki waved her hands dismissively, "Oh come on you still have 2 hours...." she calmly said. You shook your head, "How can you be so calm about this?!" you whined. Eunji smiled gently putting her hand onto your shoulders," You're going to do great Amanda don't worry..." You sighed plopping down onto the sofa your dress gently flowing out as you sat down.

"I don't know...." you softly murmured. "Oh come on~ It's Nicki's special day! You don't want to dissapoint her do you?" Hyuna softly asked. You played around with your ring. "Pleaseeeeeee" the four girls chorused. You rolled your eyes, "Fine....for you Nicki..." you mumbled begrudgingly. "YAY I LOVE YOU~" Nicki sang crushing you with a hug." The things I do for you honestly......" you sighed but smiled anyways, "You're not nervous are you?" Nicki asked. You pursed your lips, "How about you! You're the one getting married today aren't you the least bit nervous?" Nicki smiled and shook her head, "Why would I be.....I'm getting married to the man I love.... I've been dreaming of this moment for....well....forever..." "Awwwwwww" Eunji and Na eun chorused. You smiled, "I'm sure Lay oppa feels the same way about you." Hyun sighed leaning back, "Soooo what are we going to do? We still have two hours." 

Nicki pouted, "I can't go out because they don't want the bride to reveal her dress until the actual wedding." You sat back, "But that doesn't mean the bridesmaids can't rightttt?~" you sang mischeviously. Nicki narrowed her eyes, "Don't leave me! I'm going to be lonely..." she whined. "HEY! WHAT ABOUT US?!" The three other girls yelled. You pulled on your heels and threw Nicki a smirk, "I just need to take a breather~" you sang before stepping out of the changing room. You took a deep breath and sighed admiring the spring breeze. You suddenly felt a hand wrap its way around your wiast. You turned to see Baekhyun beaming at you. "You look beautiful...." Baekhyun murmured. You smiled, "You look handsome oppa." you giggled. Baekhyun gently pulled his jacket over your bare shoulders. "You're going to catch a cold dreamer..." he scolded. You pouted, "No i'm not!" you whined. Baekhyun smiled leaning forward about to kiss you when- "BAEKHYUN HYUNG!!! THERE'S A PROBLEM!!" an out of breath Kai panted as he ran towards you and Baekhyun. Kai stopped as he looked you up and down, "woah ...." he whistled in appreciation. Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, "What is it Kai?" Kai shook his head, "Lay.....he...." 

Yeeaaaaa I'm evil i know for putting a damn cliff hanger XD SORRY!!! I've leanred my lesson and not to guarantee when I'll be able to please be patient? I LOVE YOU ALL!

(p.s.....EXO overdose teaser....*faints)

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Sorry dreaming pandas! I have a fever and won't be able to update today! But no worries I shall recover soon


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Chapter 25: Oho, I'm squeeing, wondering who it'll be~ ^-^
ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
Chapter 18: O m g, I wish I was that amazing....But I'm not... -_- I think Dreaming Pandas is an excellent name!!!!!! On another note, this is random, but I have a friend who absolutely hates pandas. (SHOCKER) When he told me that, I almost fainted....HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE PANDAS?! IT'S PREPOSTEROUS. OTL.....Okay, *nods* I'm done..... XD
Chapter 17: Author nim! I noticed that you always call us suscribers :) I absolutely love your work so much and I noticed you have quite a lot of fans why don't you start using the fan name Dreaming Pandas? :) (Ye i made it up hope you like it!)
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #5
Chapter 13: *dies*
The feels.
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #6
Chapter 11: See dear panda.. Since you don't tell me that u update these things I have to find out u update in the middle of science class during work time so I spent the past WHO KNOWS HOW LONG going crazy and loving this chapter ;) lubs
Chapter 8: "IT WAS MY FAVOURITE LIME GREEN CRAYON!" Amazing chapter girl~
B2UTYiloveSeobbie #9
Haha luv the story tho. :)
I love both the original and the sequel!
I've read the whole original one like 5 times already.
Can't get over the fluff! >0<
Chapter 8: Please update! This ish one of the best fics evar!!