Hee's Reassurances

Uri Sarang - Our Love

Chapter 32


It had been a week since the party at Sara’s house. She hadn’t forgotten about the kiss, but her schedule had been too busy since then for her to sit and figure out which member had caught her in the dark.

She glanced out of the car window and sighed.

“Are you thinking about me?”



Sara turned her head and gazed at Heechul. As always, he looked amazing without even trying.

Everything from his suit to his hair was in perfect place, but it was his eyes that Sara couldn’t look away from. He seemed to see everything about her with just one look.


“I’m worried about tonight.” Sara confided.

“What’s there to worry about? I’ll be with you throughout the whole thing.” He said reassuringly.

“That’s what I’m worried about!” Sara exclaimed. “After tonight, thousands of girls all over Seoul are going to want to kill me!”

Heechul looked at her and then burst out laughing.


“I know! That’s what I’m looking forward to! Isn’t it going to be fun? Yaaaah...making headlines is what I do best.” Heechul said while winking at her.

“Oppa!” Sara scolded him in protest.

Heechul chuckled and then moved over to sit beside her.


“I’m glad that we can still joke around like this after what happened yesterday. You’re not still worried about Donghae, are you?” Heechul asked.

Sara paused for a moment, and thought about the events that had taken place the other day.


Donghae had finally figured out her real identity after seeing their posters all about the city. He had been really upset about the entire thing, but Sara had been too busy to talk to him. Today was the first time she was going to meet him as herself, and despite everything; she was still thrown back to their first meeting at the photo shoot.


“Look, I know that you’ve been pretending to be someone else because of Donghae. But I think it’s time to finally face him. Let him apologize to you properly, so that you can forgive him. You’re not going to get over it by avoiding the situation, and acting like it didn’t happen.” Heechul said consolingly.

“I know...it’s just, I’m scared.” Sara confessed. “But you’re right. The sooner I get this over and done with, the sooner I can concentrate on other things.” Sara said determinedly.

“Other things like Sungmin...” Heechul said teasingly.

Sara looked at him in shock.

“Oh, come on princess. I’ve been watching you since forever. The sparks flying between you two are hotter than my grandmother’s kimchi.” He laughed.

“Though I can’t say that I’m not disappointed you didn’t fall for me first.” He said despondently.

Sara took his hand in hers, and smiled at him.


“Whatever happens tonight, I’m glad that I have you here with me.” She said sincerely.

Heechul brushed his hand over the top of her head and said “Me too”.

Their car stopped , and they both heard the sounds of the crowd waiting outside.


“Time to make out entrance”. Heechul grinned excitedly.

Heechul got out first, and Sara heard the roar of the crowd, followed by the incessant snapping of cameras.

He waved at everyone, and then turned to give her a hand.

Once she got out, the crowd seemed to go silent for a moment, but once she took Heechul’s arm, the remarks and exclamations seemed to double in intensity.

“Oh dear”, sighed Sara. “Here we go.”

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Chapter 39: Kyaaahh .. like the ending . And heechul just be mine hahaha
Chapter 39: ..................loved it :D..this was so great...swoons...need more stories like this!
Chapter 40: This story was amazing :-)
Chapter 39: Aww! Thank you :) I'm so happy with the update. My happy shipping heart! SaraMin! <3
You really like being in the headlines, Lee Donghae eh?! I hate you!
My poor shipping heart! :'( My SaraMin couple! :|
Chapter 36: *sobs* i want sungmin and sara together№
Chapter 35: Why does Sungmin always have to see Sara and Donghae together?! Damn it!
Heechul was right. Sara can't just go to Sungmin telling him that she likes/loves him when Sungmin saw her and Donghae kissing. Damn it! Stupid, Lee Donghae! You ruined everything.
Heechul, why does it looks like that are you forcing her to give Donghae a chance? You used to like her, too.
My poor shipping heart :'( I guess there's no more chance for SaraMin anymore! </3
Donghae, you ruined it! It's not always that Sungmin might have a Sungmin x OC story. I hate you, Donghae! :|
nooooooooo *reaches out towards sungmin* aish donghae!