The first day

My student, Kim Yejin (Chanyeol fic)

"Okay so now im done with talking about the school's system . Today is your first day here so if you have any questions please ask me now." My mom said.

No one raised their hands. Assuming that no one has any questions, she continued, "So can I assume you guys knowing the school like the back of your hand?" Some students nodded their head in acknowledgement.

"Okay! So now I'll leave you with your lecturer for the year, Mr Park Chanyeol. Let's put our hands together and welcome him in!" She looked towards me.

Oh gawsh is it time for me to come out already!? Im not readyy ! I forced a smile out trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. I walked out as freely and formal as possible. I stand infront of the podium where the mic is. Too nervous to think of anything, I tapped the mic.

*tap tap*

"The mic is working I guess.." I started... Aish why did I do that in the first place? Emberrasing much. Trying to be friendly, I continued"Hello guys! Don't be so tensed up alrights! It's your first year and its mine too! So doesn't it make us similar?" Many students gapsed in astonishment. Do I look so experienced? How come they feel so shock?

"Okay as you guys know, I will be your lecturer for the rest of the year soo.. yea.. And yes self introduction! As you guys heard from Mrs Kim, I'm Mr Park Chanyeol and.. and.. I'll be accepting questions from you guys. Any? Any?" I looked towards the audience and someone sitting on the third row captured my attention. She has a pale looking skin and she's wearing a geek specs and she has long straight hair. How cute is that? ㅋㅋㅋ 
A student in the 10th row shouted making sure I can hear her, "You look young shouldn't you be studying like us students? Why are you teaching us instead? How old are you?" 

I answered her curiosity. "Im not old, I am just like you guys maybe as old as the oldest in here or maybe older then them. Im only 25 years old this year. Just in case you thought I got in here by relationships. Yep im the principal's son. But! I entered here just like any other lectures. I took the same number of test same number of lessons to enter here. I took private lessons since young till university thus being about the same age as you guys. But please don't underestimate my studies limit! Like I said, I study as much as the other lecturer and im still improving so do give me feedbacks as I teach and also tell me if you don't understand I can explain in many ways!"

I look towards her again. She was the one who got my attention. What does she think about me? Aishh she might not even notice that im looking at her.

I continued not wanting the students to wait for too long, "So.. I wouldn't mind if you were to use banmal to me outside the lecturer hall but it would be nice if you could use honorific to address me during lesson time." I naturally looked at her again. Whats wrong with me? I need to stop.. I can't stop but took another glance to her again. This time she is silently shaking her head.. What is she thinking? Something bad about me?

Thinking of what else to do, I recalled what I played when I was young in elementary school.
"Shall we have some introduction game ? I believe studying on the first day is boring and introduction game is boring as well but much better than studying right ? I will throw this softball towards any student and the one who catches it will say out your name and hobby and some interesting things about you! Alright lets start!" I picked up the ball preparing to throw it to my students

"Hana(1).. dul(2).. sae(3) !" I threw it over to a direction which I like I glanced through trying to see who got the ball despite my poor eyesight. Oh! It's her! Ahhhh no wonder I like that direction. I must have looked at that direction too much that even my body can remember it.

I called her to start introducing. Secretly anticipating to hear her name and hobbies"Can that pretty lady sitting in the third row over there holding the ball please stand up? Don't be shy! C'mon!" I thought it would be polite if I clap to encourage her.

"Hello there lady! Can you please tell us your name, hobby and something interesing about yourself?" I reminded her what she is suppose to say.

"Ann..annyeonghaseyo.." She stammered as she talk. She must be nervous. ."Im Kim YeJin emida.." she have such a nice name! "My hobby is table tennis!" Was it fate or just coincidence? How can we happen to have the same hobby?

"That's a very good hobby to keep yourself fit! I like to play table tennis too! Maybe we can play it together next time!" I grinned from ear to ear showing my happiness like totally.

"This game is boring right?" I asked. Everyone said "neh!" "Then should we stop this game and have free period till lunch break? Then we can start studying after this. Unless you guys have ideas of games to play! I will walk around and talk to you guys and we shall get along ! Alright? " they all replied okay and nodded in agreement.

I thought I gave YeJin-ssi too much of my attention that I neglected the rest. I walked to the right side of the hall. Asking some of them their interest and also their names although at the end of the day I might just remember Yejin-ssi.

Up till now there were kids name Jongda, Soolim, Juim and etc. But the one who left the largest impression for me is still Yejin-ssi.. I walked to her wanting to understand her..

I saw her in twitter tweeting, 'Haix such a day when I have no one else but my phone to count on'
Trying to start a conversation, I asked, "Don't you have friends? You should walk around and make friends with the kids around here!" She turned around looking shock to see me, "My friends are all in other university they think Eagles uni is too much for themm.."She said I felt her nervousness
"Ohhh.. then let me be your first friend! Pangawo(nice to meet you)"

I dont even know why did I say that! My feelings for her must be too much. Love at first sight? I took out my right hand wanting to shake hand with her.

She shook my hand. The softness for it is 1000× softer then mine. And im not y for your info. Its just that I can't describe!! She said" Thank you seongsae.." Before she could continue saying out seongsaengnim, I stopped her, "Shh ! Im not your lecturer right now im your friend! We're not in class now its free period remember?" Feeling embarrassed she abrubtly replied, "Ahh.. nae.."

Just then the bell for lunch break rang. Aish the bell, why can't time just stop and let me spend time with her for a little more while. But should I say its worth it? Love at first sight!

[A/N] How is this chapter guys? I'll be having tests for the whole of this week [17/2-21/2] and might not have time to update but I will try my best and if I really can't, I might just update onr imagines which I written last time and this! Do subscribe to me and my fics and comment !! :D

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Qexora #1
Chapter 4: daebak!!! i really like it ..chanyeol is so cute
Love at first sight.