
You watch him while you eat. You admire his face. He had an amazing jaw line, it looked as if it was chisled by the gods. His eyes were a golden chocolate brown. They were so warm and intense at the same time. His skin was a gorgeous tan. His lips were pink, and oh-so-sensual. Lastily you admire his bright red hair.  When he dyed it, you laughed at him, niw you realize that it actually looks good on him. Not many people could pull off that bright of red, but he did it flawlessly. N catches you staring, you blush and look down. Hoping he didn't catch your blush you quickly go back to eating.

"What are you staring at," N asks. You feel embarassed bacause you know you were caught red-handed. "Am that that hot? Here's some advice for you. Take a picture, it'll lst longer," N teases you.

"Just shut up and finish eating, you 'tard," you tease back. After you two finish your meal, you grab the plates. You tell N to wait on the couch and turn on something to watch. You go to the sink and wash the dishes. Now, its time. You prepare yourself to tell N the truth. After a minute, you walk back out there some tea for you both.

"Here's your tea," you hand him his tea. "Ypu're welcome."

"Thank you," N replies. "So what's the special occasion?"

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