3rd Note

18th Note


"Days and night my minds wander off.  Suprisingly, it settled on the most comforting thought inside my head; you."
- Luhan's 2nd Note



"Sehun! Wait up!" 


Sehun, who was walking briskly, spun his head around and caught Kyungsoo running towards him with his books caged in his arms. He decreased his pace but kept on walking anyways, his head turned towards the running Kyungsoo.


"Wait!" he heard Kyungsoo called out.


"What's the hurry little guy?" he humored the tired.


Kyungsoo threw him a sharp glance. "Is that a respectful way to ask your hyung?"


Sehun laughed. He loves to kid around with people, especially around his close ones. Kyungsoo is unfortunately inside of his small circle of friends. He was also the credulous one so humoring him was as easy as 123.


Kyungsoo caught up with him and they walked across the hall side by side. There wasn't many people around so they glided across it with ease. The hall's bareness was due to the fact that the two of them were late. Sehun was used to this scenario all the time. He was the laggard one, the slowest of them. Kyungsoo came late for some reasons, his cooking didn't quite worked out that way he wanted it to be and have to do it 3 times before he could satisfy himself with it. Having seen Sehun walking ahead of him awhile ago waved an admonition that he was indeed helplessly late. 


"So what's the hurry?" Sehun asked again, glancing at his side, towards Kyungsoo.


"There's a new guy in your block. You better meet him." he heard him say. 


Sehun's eyebrow shot up, "Why would I?"


"I heard he was a handful. A charmer." he looked at Sehun with a sly grin on his face. Sehun met his gaze and concluded he was up to no good.


"What does his charms have to do with me?" Sehun asked, trying to be oblivious.


"He could make a very good partner." he remarked and turned to the right hall where his room was. 


Sehun stopped and followed Kyungsoo by a stern gaze. "What do you mean partner?"


Kyungsoo turned again and grinned at him. "I mean a good English partner."


He shook his head. The whole gang was making fun of him as always, he figured. Sehun turned and went the other way to attend his own classes. After a half day of listening to those boring lectures, Literature proceeded. 


"Sehunnie! See you at Literature class." Jongin waved as he passed by locker hall.


Sehun smiled and nodded at him as he opened his own locker to get his stuff. As he closed it, a smiling new face popped up from behind him.


"Oh!" he exclaimed in surprise. 


The bystander's smile got wider. "Hey. Didn't mean to scare you."


"Hey." he greeted back, not wanting to be rude. He closed his locker completely and started walking down the hall. The stranger strolled after him, catching up to his pace.


"I'm Luhan." he introduced with an even wider smile.


He smiled a little, trying to be polite. But in his mind, he wanted him to go away and leave him alone. He's probably the new guy Kyungsoo was talking about awhile ago and he didn't want the boys catching him with this guy. They'd probably more about him.


"I'm busy," he said.


He heard a chuckle right beside him. "I can see that. We're on the same class. You think you could show me the way?"


"Look, I'm late for my next lecture. I have no time for this." Sehun snapped, irritation evident from his voice.


"Is your next class Literature?"


Is this guy a stalker or something? he asked himself.




"I'm in luck. Mine's Literature next. I'll come with you." 


He narrowed his eyes at him. "I said I'm busy. Can't you understand that? I don't want you around okay? Get lost!"


Luhan was taken aback at what Sehun said, but was quickly able to recover. "Okay. If you say so. Sorry for the trouble. I was trying to be friendly."


The new guy walked off alone and he felt terrible for being that rude. He shouldn't have done that to the person. He was a new kid and he was horrible. He waved off his concern and whispered, whatever.



Sehun settled into his usual seat at his Literature class. He would always settle for the seat beside the window. He had the habit of looking out of it whenever his prof babble some kind of literature piece he wasn't interested about. 


Someone took the empty seat beside him. He wasn't any bit of interested in knowing who was it so all he did was bury his face on his arms that were crossed on the table. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of the noise that is growing all around him. Sleep was scarce lately for Sehun, especially prelims were approaching fast.


He dozed off for a few minutes, he was positive of that but his supposed nap was interrupted by a soft tap on his shoulder. He raised his head annoyingly and glared at the one who disturbed him.


It was Luhan, with his usual ear-to-ear smile that could easily brighten someone's day. Except Sehun's. 


"What?!" he asked irritatedly.


Luhan leaned closer to him and whispered. "The prof's calling for you for sometime now."


Sehun looked out in front of him and was immediately taken aback after seeing the entire class, and his prof, looking at him with mocking expressions taped on their faces. His face flushed bright red. Luhan smiled, thinking the flush was adorable on him.


"Mr. Oh, you look pretty tired. How about a quick visit to the clinic eh?"


"Uh...no sir. I-I'm fine."


"Uh-huh. Next thing I know is that you're dozing off with your mouth wide open." 


The entire class laughed like high school students.


"No really. I'm fine sir, thank you." he defended, embarrassed.


"Make it sure." their prof said and later on proceeded with his lecture.


Sehun gave out a sigh, totally humiliated. He heard a familiar chuckle beside him. His eyes shot daggers the source of the annoying little laughs.


"What are you laughing at?" Sehun asked sternly.


"Me? I'm not laughing at anything. It's just that..." he glanced at Sehun and smiled sweetly. "...I love the way you blush."


He was stunned from what he heard from Luhan. A slight leap deep from his chest was felt entirely by his body. His face automatically flushed red and he looked away, trying to hide it again.


A final chortle was all he heard from Luhan and a word. "Cutie."




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Will be editing this thing. :)


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chokochipp #1
Chapter 4: I think sehun needs some bubble tea. ^-^