Falling For You

D.O's Scenario : Give Us a Try
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You and Kyungsoo walked out from the store after listening to each other favourite tracks. You turned to him and spoke in disbelieve tone. “Oohhhh. You got a good taste. I thought your type of music is like-“Before you could even finish your sentence, he cut you. “Like what?” He stopped on his track. “I don’t know but I can imagine you have all those formulae in your song track instead of real song. And I can totally picture you set your alarm tone with algebra formula.” You cracked up at your own joke.

His eyebrows pulled down together at your ridiculous statement. “Please. I have a life besides studying, okay.”He spoke in slightly stern tone. “Don’t blame me for thinking like that when your marks always scored 95 and above.” You gave him a teasing smile. “Well anyone can do that if they pay attention rather than sleeping.” He scoffed at you. Instantly, your smile faded and an annoyed expression plastered on your face. “Wow. This person, really. Wow, such a cocky person. Is being smart is everything? Way to make me feel stupid.” You sullenly crossed your arms.  The corners of Kyungsoo’s lip hitched up in amusement. Kim Yumi, how can you make anything you do look so adorable?

“So, where do we go next?” He asked you. “Why don’t you try to figure it out, Mr. Smarty Pants?” You sarcastically replied. Kyungsoo took a long pause before answering. “Do you like fun fair? There is a new fun fair opened up a week ago.” You stared at him in amazement. “What?” He said, confused. “How do you know that I want to go there? Oh wow, you must be really clever. Wow.” Your eyes glistened in admiration. But then you gasped loudly. “Wait. You can read my mind? Are you actually an alien?” You pointed your finger accusingly at him. He gazed at you in disbelieve. This girl is impossible. “You watch too many movies.” Kyungsoo lightly grabbed your hand and interlaced his hands with yours and started walking. “I know it. You’ve been dying to hold my delicate tiny hands. Well, nobody can resist my charms. I can’t blame you.” You grinned. Kyungsoo turned slightly red and quickly pulled his hand away but you held it tight. “We have to cross the road. It’s dangerous.” You simply said. He put on a straight face yet he bit his bottom lip from smiling widely. The two of you walked together towards his car with fluttering hearts.

One and half hour later, you and Kyungsoo arrived at the lively fun fair. The first ride you took was a rollercoaster ride. You and him sat down together. “Whoa. I’m scared....” You clung onto the straps. Kyungsoo worriedly looked at you. “You scared? Then why would you ride it in the first place?” You chuckled. “Eyy, what’s the point of going to fun fair when you won’t ride this?” Kyungsoo held out his hand. “Here. Hold my hand.” You stared at his hand then at him. Kyungsoo was staring deeply at you with gentle eyes. This feels weird. Am I sick? Why is my heart beating so fast? You snapped out of your daze when you felt the rollercoaster was moving. Swiftly, you slipped your hand into his. “It’s going up.” You squealed in delight. Kyungsoo lightly gave your hand a squeeze. I think I like you, Kim Yumi. What should I do? He sighed weakly.

The ride came to a stop three minutes later. “That was fun. What should we ride next?” You looked at him. “Wait here a little bit. I want to go to toile

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Chapter 2: Kyaaaa...so cute
7deadlysins #2
Chapter 2: ERMAGAHHHH this is so cute i cant believe i just read this now , but you are ... holy talented levvvv your stories !!
Chapter 2: oh my... this is so cute and adorable... :))
Chapter 2: Aww...that squishy
Chapter 2: Wah~ So fluffy this story! I can really imagine how squishy D.O can be! Love your stories! <3
NJsakura #6
Chapter 2: Very nocely donw
what? thats it?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.This is good.You have to continue seriously
lovince #8
Chapter 1: Ohhhh this is good hehe