
The Vampire and The Ansh

“Kim-Jo-ngin.” I call him while open his room’s door. This boy always tell me that he hates library but everytime I find him in his room he always read very very thick books. Even I want to know what kind of books He reads, he never let me to take a peek on that books.

“Oh. Jiyeon-a. You came.” He closes his thick book and whirls his chair to have a better look at me. Seeing a plastic bag which I bring in my hand, He grinns widely. He slides his chair to the bed and push away some of his comics aside, making a space. “Come in” He ask me and with his body gesture he ask me to sit on the bed. “What do you bring?” He takes the plastic bag. “You bring it to me right?” He grinns more widely after knowing that I bring fried chickens. His beloved fried chicken.

“Who said that I bring it to you “ I take the chickens again. “I bought it for my self :P” I stick out my tounge.

“Ya!” He tries to grab it again. “You cant eat all of these alone” He whines. “Your highness, give me some, please...” He makes a plea while kneeing on the ground. “Jiyeon-a, you will be the most beautiful and kindest person in the world if you give it to me” He tries to persuade me.

“Help me” I  say flatly.

“Mmm?” He seems can not understand what I said. “We’re friend since birth, I should knew it when you came with that chicken. Nothing’s free” He knews it well. “What I have to do? Mm..,” He seems to think while put his hand on his chin. “You want me to help you getting close with that Yoo Seungho boy?” He guesses.

“Ya!” I yell and smack his left arm. “I don’t like him.”

“Tch, said that you don’t like him, but when you see him in the school, there’s like a laser on your eyes.” He mocks me.

“I said I don’t like him. OK, go on! Just mock me on and on. I’ll be get going, just forget about this chickens. I wont give you even a bite” I sulk. I stand up and ready to go home, but he grab the edge of my sweater.

“OK. You Win. I Loose. Just give that to me. I wont say a thing about that boy.” He asks me to sit again. Grabs the plastic bag and starts to eat it. “So, What kind of help you want from me?” He ask while munching his chicken.

I took a glance at him once again, intently. “You know, I consider you not just a friend, but as a person whom I can trust.... I’ve been thinking about it. Boa Unnie and my Master. That Ajushi despised unnie’s feeling....” Usually I will call my master ‘ajushi’, but he dislikes it. He insists me to call him ‘oppa’. He said ‘ajushi’ made him seems like an old person, when I think it’s true. Physically, he’s 30. Mentality, he’s puberty teenager. Truly, he’s sooooo old.

“That’s public secret. Every single vampire and ansh knew it” He cuts my word ‘as always’.

“Aish” I make an angry face. “You want to hear it or no?” I’ve getting annoyed because of his acts earlier.

“Go on.” He makes an apologetic face.

“We knew it.” I repeat what he said. “That happened ten years ago when unnie was in junior high school. When that ajushi still been an jerk vampire, had lot of affair with  girls. That was before unnie be an ansh. After being an ansh, Unnie had dated with other guy, so although she became ajushi’s favourite, the eldest comitee remain calm, give no attention to them. But I think lately Ajushi get more and more protective to Unnie. At first I think it’s normal, Ajushi is a kind of person who will keep his property well. He hates it when someone touch his belongings.”

“Fuhh” He blows his bangs. “I start getting bored. We knew it all of that story, can you just tell me the point” He says. He grab his PSP and playing it. I frown. Can he give me some respect when I say something? “I still can listen to your story attentively, Just go on.”

I knew it. He will be like this. This rude boy, He really know how to get my nerve. But, it’s still amaze myself how we can be a good friends. Even I know that he can divide his attention, but I still hate it. “Hey, I’ll listen carefully, just go on.” He says while still play his game. Pffft...

“OK. You have to listen carefully or I will kill you.” I threat him.

“Tch, just go on, You knew that you couldn’t kill me.” He says easily.

I continue my story. Tell him my perspective about unnie-ajushi relationship and the reason I went to the school’s library. These moths, may be two or three months ago, there was this guy that often contacted unnie. I suspect that Ajushi got jealous. That’s why he ordered me to find who that guy is. When I found out that he was unnie’s high school friend, ajushi asked me to find what kind of guy he was. I tought that was really weird, that ajushi never pay attention to whoever boy whom unnie dated.

Since I tell my opinion about the jealous part, Jongin listens to me attentively. Sometimes he slightly nods. He put off his PSP and blows his bangs. “If your opinion was right, that will be the big problem.” He gets up from his chair and walks to his book shelf. He takes a medium book, may be around 400-600 pages. It seems like he takes an old book. I stare at him questioningly, what’s this boy doing? But he just ignores me. “Keep your question later. I’ll show you something” He puts that book in the bed in front of me. I read the title My Diary: a story of my long life. “How you could get this kind of book?” I ask him while open the book. I wonder when this book was published, but I can’t find the name of the writer nor when and where this book was published. “What it is? Just a title without the name of the author?”

“That book which you hold is a forbidden book. It was published secretly. There’s very little of us who know this book.” What does he mean? I don’t understand. Published secretly? But, how could he has it?

“I said keep your question later. I don’t explain it yet” He says when I open my mouth ready to ask the question inside my mind. “It’s written by a vampire and an ansh’s son.”

!?!!?##  I “What...?” wait a minute “How?” It’s really something. How can? Impossible. We, I mean boths vampire and ansh, can not.




Jiyeon seems so surprise, she . As I guessed, there’s a little of us who knows these kind of thing, a vampire and ans’s son. If the elders knew I have this book, they definitely would kill me. This is the first time I show her my true interest. I am the one who get bored easily having interest in history. I know that for certain people history seems so boring. But I think there’s a lot of things that we could know from reading history.

“You—h-how?” Jiyeon stutters. She looked at me confusiously.

“Save your question. I won’t say anything to answer your curiousness.” She gives me unsatisfies look but I ignore it. “From this book, I could guess why vampire and ansh relationship is forbidden.” I stareat her. “You know why I never let you to touch it?” She shakes her head. “Why?” She askes me.

“I started to collect this book in 5th grade of elementary school. There’s this reason why I wanted to do this. In this shelf book, there’re about our history, and some story about the first vampire.”

“So why you showed me this? What’s the relation between your interest and unnie’s problem?” ckckckck, this girl really...

“vampires. You know that we have a strong physic but we need ansh’s to gain our energy. This vampire-ansh’son, He has both blood on his body. He had vampire physics and body metabolism...”

“So he was a vampire?” Jiyeon cuts me. I give her an annoyance stare and she gives me an I-am-sorry look.

“May be you could say he as a vampire, but with the ansh blood on his. He didn’t need ansh. He was strong on his own. It ruined the belance in our life. No one would like it.” I end my explanation.

Jiyeon is silent. Seems like she is trying to understand my words. “So, do you think that they knew it?” She asks rather to herself it seems.

“I don’t know. I am not  a mind reader, you know. Eventhough they don’t know that fact, they knew our rule. If you ask my opinion, Boa, it’s impossible to her to break the rule, but Jaejoong Hyung, I don’t know. He always do what he wanna do. Even we know sometimes the elders can’t stop him.”

“Wow..., despite your ignorance, you knew a lot.” Jiyeon seems amazes.

I just smirk. That was just a little information I gave her. There’s still more secret I already knew.


After Jiyeon go home, I take my phone. I look for a certain name on my contact “the Guru” then I click it. I wait for a while before ‘the guru’ answer my call.

“Yeobeoseyo...” I hear a very lazy sound, seems I woke him up.

“Saem, You win. You were right.” Then I end my call.

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