
Playing Cupid

Ji Young

"Omma, trust me I'm fine. I'll just look for a new place to stay okay? I'll be fine." I told Omma. 

"No, I know you won't. My friend has a son in Seoul. I heard that he's looking for a room mate. Go stay with him for the time being okay?" She said. 

"A man? Omma, are you sure? I don't want to. I'll just look somewhere else." I replied. 

"NO. I dont want you staying with some random stranger." She responded.

"Omma, this man you want me staying with is a stranger too!" I argued.

"No he isnt, you two met when you were younger, now stay with him. His name is Chanyeol, I already told his mother to tell him. If you stay with him I'll pay your rent for these next two months." She bargained.

"Ugh! Omma! Why do you do this to me! You know I cant reject that offer!" I complained.

"Ahh! Does that mean you'll stay with him?!" She shouted.

"Neh." I responded in a monotone. 

"Okay, move in today, keke I'll send you the address. Bye!" And with that she hung up.

"Aish, she didnt even wait for me to say goodbye." I glared at the phone screen. I took my phone and tossed it on my bed. 

All around me there was clothes scattered on the floor, boxes piled up and furniture in bubble wrap. My best friend Soo Jin also my room mate had to move out because her parents had found a house close to campus. She was going back home. And I? I'm apparently moving in with some random guy. 

I stared at the box in front of me with a sulking face. 

"Hurry Ji Young, the truck will be here soon." Soo Jin said as she walked in my room with a box. 

"Ugh, do you really have to move back home?" I asked sadly.

"Yeah, my parents want me to. Besides if I do, that would mean I wouldn't have to stress about these darn bill anymore." She grinned.

"You're evil. You're going to leave me alone and cold in this city?! HOW COULD YOU!?" I joked.

"Hahaha! Yah! Don't blame me!" She threw her hands up in the air. 

"Aish just help me finish packing." I glared. We packed up the rest of my room. Soo Jin had already moved all her things to her home. And we split up the furniture in the apartment. 

"So where are you moving to?" Soo Jin asked.

"I dont know, my mom has this friend who's son is also in the area, so she wants me to move in with him." I frowned.

"Really? Your mom? I wouldnt expect that from her." Soo Jin said in shock. 

"Right?! Ugh, but whatever, she offered to pay for my rent for the next 2 months." I smiled. 

"Nice. So are you staying here for the night then?" Soo Jin asked. 

"No, I'm moving in with him tonight." I said. 

"Yah, why so soon?" She asked in surprise. 

"I don't know, I guess my mother is worried." I said. Later that evening we packed all of the stuff into the truck and drove over to the address Omma sent me. 

"Yah, Soo Jin-ah, I dont even know if this house is enough for my stuff..." I admitted. 

"Really!? You havent seen the house?!" She blurted. I nodded. Just then we arrived. I stared up at the house, it was well kept on the outside, and relatively average of a size. I got out of the car and walked up to the gate and rang the bell. 

"Hello?" A deep voice asked. 

"Oh, Hi... I'm Gae Ji Young... Is there a Chanyeol here by chance." I asked.

"Neh, I'm Chanyeol. My mom told me you were coming. Come on in." He said as the gate unlocked. I turned and motioned for Soo Jin to come. I walked up to the door when it suddenly opened. 

I stared at a tall slender yet built man. He was somewhat cute. That I could deal with. 

"Hi, I'm Gae Ji Young." I introduced.

"Ah, I'm Park Chanyeol. Come on in. We can bring your things in after I show you around." He said stepping aside. I walked in. I turned around but saw no sign of Soo Jin, I guessed what she must be doing right now... This girl. It's no time for playing cupid. 

Chanyeol lead me inside the house. It was a small cozy home, with a small living room, and a small kitchen and dining space. I stared at the interior of the house.

"So this is what a man's house looks like." I said staring. Suddenly Chanyeol bursted out in laughter.

"Ahahaha! You've never seen a man's house before?" I shook my head. 

"Well, I'm honored to be the first then." He smiled. He led me upstairs where the rooms were. 

"This is uhh, your room." He said opening the door. It was a decent sized room. It'd be able to fit all of my things in it so that was okay. 

"Is there only one bathroom?" I asked. 

"Well theres a half bathroom downstairs, and a full one up here across the hall." Chanyeol explained. 

"Ahh... Okay." I grinned. We walked back out to the truck where Soo Jin was. I opened the passenger door and looked glared at Soo Jin. 

She had her headphones in and she was completely tuned out. 

"Yah, Ji Young, that guy's really hot. You should totally go for him." She said while looking at her phone, completely oblivious to the fact that Chanyeol was right next to me. 

Chanyeol began to laugh.

"Thanks for the compliment." He smiled. Soo Jin looked over in surprise.

"Oh. I didn't know you were here... Oh geez this is awkward." Soo Jin said turning pink. I giggled. 

"Just come out and help us bring the stuff in." I ordered her. She got out of the car and went to the back of the truck. 

"Is this all you have?" Chanyeol asked. I nodded. 

"Not bad right?" I grinned at him. He nodded. 

"I thought you would've had more things." He explained. "I called a few friends over to help move your things in, but I don't think we'll really need their help." 

"It's okay, no need, its not that much anyway." I said. 

We moved the furninture into my room. After emptying out the entire truck Soo Jin volunteered to bring it back to the warehouse. 

"I'll see you tomorrow babe!" Soo Jin shouted before she drove away. I waved back at her. I went back inside. 

"Did you need help setting up your furniture?" Chanyeol asked. 

"I think just my bed frame, I can do the rest." I exclaimed. We both got out our handy dandy tools, and set up my bed frame. 

"Yeah, I think thats it.' I said turning to him. 

"I'll help you with the other furniture too." Chanyeol said already turning over to fix the bookshelf. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Suit yourself." I walked over to the boxes containing all of my clothes and hangers and began hanging my clothes in the closet. 

At about 10 pm, Chanyeol and I had finished putting together all of my furniture, and most of my things had already been unpacked. 

"What'd you want for dinner?" Chanyeol asked. 

"Hmm... Let's order pizza." I grinned. 

"I was thinking the exact same thing. I'll go make a call." Chanyeol said walking out of the room. I emptied out a box of my books and placed them on my newly rebuilt bookshelf. 

I examined the bedroom, I guess it was a good thing I didn't have too much furniture, the room wouldn't have been big enough. I plopped down on my small couch and pulled out my phone. 

One new message from: Soo Jin 

:Yah! Why didn't you even warn me he was there! Ugh, lol anyway.... Fighting! He's a hottie.

I scoffed at her text. This girl. She's so lame. 

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