
Playing Cupid


I walked over to Sehun's and Luhan's place. I saw Luhan and Sehun staring at Sehun's cellphone screen. I looked around and saw Kris, Suho, and Lay playing a video game. Tao was sleeping as usual. Chen and Xuimin were both playing on their phones. Baek and D.O. were both rummaging the snack drawers for more snacks. I walked over to Baek and D.O. and sat down next to D.O. I nudged him.

"Where's Chanyeol?" I asked. D.O. just shrugged. 

"I don't know, ask Baek." he replied. 

"Hey, Baekhyun where's Chanyeol?" I asked. 

"I texted him earlier, we went to get coffee, he should be back soon." Baekhyun replied. I nodded. As if on cue, Chanyeol walked in with a coffe in hand, and book. 

Wait... A book? 

"What's with the book?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, this... It's nothing." He grinned. I could tell something was up. Chanyeol walked over to Baekhyun and gave him his coffee and then retreated to the corner of the living room and began reading. I stared at the cover of the book... It looked so familiar. I thought back, but couldn't find my answer. I stood up and walked over to Chanyeol. 

"Yo, what's up?" He asked looking up from his book.

"Umm... I wanted to ask about your new roommate." I stated. 

"Ji Young? Oh what about her?" Chanyeol asked. 

"Oh, Umm...I-I was wondering if..." I stumbled over my words. Chanyeol observed me.

"Kai... Do you like her?" Chanyeol asked. I shook my head voilently. 

"Wait, how do you even know her?" Chanyeol asked again. 

"I ran into her this morning." I said shyly. Chanyeol stared at me with suspicion. 

"I find it hard to believe..." He rose an eyebrow. I punched him in the arm. 

"Just tell me how long she's living with you." I demanded while plopping down next to him. 

"Hmm... I'm not sure. It's up to her parents." Chaneyeol explained. 

"Wait... You know Mr. and Mrs. Gae also?" I asked him. He nodded. 

"Yeah, they're my parents' best friends." He grinned. 

"Oh..." I stopped. 

"How do you know them...?"

"Huh? Oh, I grew up next to them. We were neighbors before I moved here." Chanyeol nodded in understanding. 

"So what's with the book?" I asked him. 

"I told you, it's nothing." He grinned. 

"Don't lie... I notice you get a new book every month. But you don't even like reading all that much. Come on, spill." He . 

Chanyeol let out a sigh. 

"It's... Ji Eun." He muttered under his breath. I stared at him in surprise. That would explain why the book cover looked so familiar. 

"Wait, like my best friend Ji Eun?" I asked him. He nodded slowly. 

"Whoa man! I didn't know you were in love with my best friend!" I joked. 

"I'm not in love... I dont think I am. I just like her... A lot." He grinned. I could see him begin to blush. I started cracking up. 

"Dude! You're totally blushing!!" I shouted and pointed to him. Suddenly all the guys heard and started teasing Chanyeol also. He just glared up at the guys and threw the nearest thing next to him at them. Out of no where Baek came running in and tickling Chanyeol and chanting "CHANNIE AND JI EUN!!" over and over. 

I felt bad that I caused the harrassment, but I couldn't help it. We were always like this when any of us end up liking someone. I smiled at Chanyeol when I suddenly got a call from none other than Ji Eun. 

"Hello?" I answered as I walked out to the balcony where it was quiet.

"Oppa. Are you busy today?" Ji Eun asked. 

"Umm.... Not really why?" I asked looking back at the guys, who began to beat up Chanyeol with pillows. 

"I wanted to watch a movie. Want to join me?" She asked. 

"Sure." I replied. Going to the movies and hanging out together felt normal between us. We've just gotten so comfortable and use to eachother's presence. 


Ji Young

That night Soo Jin and I decided to go to a movie together. 

"I heard the reviews for this movie were really good." Soo Jin exclaimed as she grabbed her drink and popcorn. 

"Mmm Me too!" I said sipping on my coke. We sat down and waited around in the lobby until the movie doors opened. I was sitting there with Soo Jin when I recognized Jongin's familiar face. 

"I'll be right back." I said to Soo Jin. She nodded absently. I made my way to Jongin. 

"Jongin!" I called out. He turned his head. Behind him I saw a girl. I recognized her from the coffee shop. I smiled as I approached them. 

"Hey! Ji Young!" Jongin grinned as he pulled me into a small hug. I hugged him back. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Oh, I'm accompanying my friend to a movie." He gestured towards the girl. 

"Hi, I'm Ji Eun." She smiled. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ji Young." I smiled back. 

"So who are you here with Ji Young?" Jongin asked. 

"Oh, my boyfriend." I joked, and gestured toward Soo Jin, who waved excitedly towards me. For a second I saw Jongin's face fall. Then he looked up at Soo Jin and grinned.

"For a second there I thought you were serious." He joked. 

"I'm always serious Kim Jongin." I joked. 

"Well our movie is starting soon, I'll see you around okay?" I grinned and bid the two goodbye and walked back to Soo Jin. 


Ji Eun

After Ji Young left I looked at Kai. He seemed as he always did. After going into the movie, I still couldn't get the look on his face out of my mind when Ji Young mentioned a boyfriend. He looked almost... disappointed. Something was tugging at my heart. But I brushed the feeling away.

"So who was that?" I asked Kai. 

"Oh, she's my childhood friend, remember the one I told you about when I lived back in Incheon." Kai mentioned. 

"Oh, that was her?! Wow, she's pretty." I said. 

"I know... Who would've thought that she'd grow up so beautifully." Kai said. I stared at him. I could see the way his eyes lit up when he talked about her.

"You like her don't you?" I asked. He turned to me. 

"Is it that obvious?" He asked cutely. In that instant I knew I couldn't keep brushing away the feeling. It was tugging at my heart and at my chest. Hot tears were threatening to escape. But I couldn't cry here... Not in front of Kai. I quickly collected myself. 

"She called you Jongin.." I said. 

"Yeah, that's the only name she knows me by." He grinned. 

"But I thought you hate it when people called you Jongin." I asked. 

"Yeah, I do... I hate it because it reminds me of my childhood... But when I ran into Ji Young earlier today, and she called me Jongin. I forgot that there were some good times that I had in my childhood also. Plus, I like it when she calls me Jongin." He smiled. I saw a faint pink flush into his cheeks. 

"Are you blushing?" I asked him in astonishment. Never before have I ever experienced Kai blush it was a whole new thing to me, and I couldn't help but stare at how cute he was when he was bashful and shy. I only wished that it was me to make him feel that way. Not someone else. 

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