
Playing Cupid

Ji Young:

The world seemed so small. Ofcourse that was until I began looking at it through a camera lense. It was my freshman year in High school. When I first picked up a camera for the first time. And for once in my life... I saw the world as a fascinating place. I wasn't sick and tired of it anymore. If anything... I wanted to know more about it.

When I began taking pictures, I also began painting. I found solace in holding a brush, and letting the of the brush paint a story. It was my own secret escape when that world I so badly wanted to learn more about, revealed such harsh truths that I couldn't face.

High school quickly passed by, and college rolled in. Everyone around me was struggling to find what they wanted to do. Many had gone into the Civil Services, Law, or the Medical field. That's what their dreams were... But mine, it was to discover, explore, and dive into the details that are held in our world. And I was going to make it all happen... And expose it all through a camera lense.

Ofcourse, I'd have to go to college. And so that's what I'm doing now. Finally after convincing my parents to let me leave Incheon and come to Seoul, I can now really explore, and throw myself into chasing my dreams.

Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Gae Ji Young. Sophomore at the University of Arts: Seoul.

Majors: Photography

Minors: Painting 



All this time I lived my life the way I was told. I was a happy kid, that I won't lie about. But no one's life story is perfect. We all face hardships. I smile. I laugh. I do what I can to stay optimistic and happy, because in this world we live in... There's always a reason to smile. Even if you're hurting inside. Smile. Its the best shield you'll find out there to protect you.

I found life hard, but the best way to express it all was to make music. As I held that guitar in my hand my Sophomore year in High school, I knew right there and then who I wanted to be, and what I wanted to do. All that was left now, was to convince my parents. 

Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Park Chanyeol. Junior at the University of Arts: Seoul

Majors: Music composition, and Guitar 

Minors: Hip Hop, and Modern Dance


Ji Eun:

had lived most of my life caustiously and isolated. I blocked out the real world, because within my own world, I was still lost. I constantly hid my face in a book. It wasn't until I met Jongin... I mean Kai, that I really expirienced the world. He showed me that in order to live, I needed to break free from the fear that was holding me back. We became best friends that year, and we still are today.

It wasn't until he told me that he'd met his dream girl that I realized I'd fallen in love with him. Ofcourse it crushed me. I wasn't able to sleep. My heart constantly ached. But my writing had improved. And because of that I was able to get a full ride scholarship to the University of my choice. 

Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Ji Eun. Sophomore at the University of Arts: Seoul.

Majors: Creative Writing

Minors: Undecided


Jongin (Kai):

The world was a lonely place before I met Exo. I would wander alone at night around the city, looking for something that would intrigue me. It wasn't until I had met Exo that I found life more exciting and fun. It was back in Highschool that I'd met them all, and one by one, they each taught me how to live. 

It was Sophomore year in high school that I met Ji Eun, I had met her in class, from then on we became bestfriends. We knew everything about eachother, we taught eachother new things without even realizing it. She taught me how to be more reserved, and relaxed. In a way, she made me a warmer and kinder person. 

I thought my life was content at this point, I thought it wouldn't get any better than this. But I constantly felt empty. That was until I ran into Ji Young, my childhood friend. She was still bubbly as ever. Lit up every room she walked into. I was so stuck on the present, and focusing about the future, that I had forgotten about the past. That was until Ji Young. She brought back so many memories, happy and sad. 

From all these current emotions flying at me from all sides, I was able to channel it all into my modeling and singing. I was able to finally able to find a place for all that pain from the past. 

Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Jongin. Junior at the University of Arts: Seoul.

Majors: Singing and Modeling

Minors: Dance




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