The Elephant Cafe

Street Kings
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The  Elephant Café was a small coffee shop on the corner of a busy street in the Samseong-dong district of Gangnam. It was a chill place, low lights, softly playing music, mellow colors splashed on the walls… It attracted her initially because of the amount of international students that would eat there. Once in a while she would see a face like hers, and that always felt nice, like she wasn't alone here. She still wasn't a hundred percent confident in her Korean, despite her brother's constant lessons, so working here meant she could get by on what she knew while learning more of what she didn't. There was little point in her working besides that,  not when her brother made enough money to buy all the restaurants on this block and then some… but Evie wasn't built that way. Her entire life nothing was handed to her… she had to earn what she had. It was a trait both she and Jae shared, so he said nothing when she applied for the waitressing position at the Elephant Cafe a month ago… just smiled and went about his own business, no questions asked.

It was a quiet day today. Most days were pretty quiet, and she liked it that way, especially since her nights were never quiet. Evie loved racing, had since the moment she'd first slid behind the wheel… but here at the Cafe, when the air smelled of roasting coffee and the music played softly over low chatter, Evie could pretend she was just a girl who worked at a coffee shop. A normal girl, with normal problems, a girl whose parent's loved her, whose brother protected her, and whose biggest problem was how she'd get her hair to behave the next morning. That girl was a dream lost to Evie many years ago, but here at the Coffee shop she could pretend she existed, that this was her life… Ugh... how sad was that?


Evie snapped out of her revere… how long had she been wiping this spot on the counter? She looked up to see who'd called her name. Insoo was behind the bakery counter, pulling out brightly decorated pastries and placing them on a plate. She smiled in Evie's direction as she worked, "Day dreaming again? You've got a customer in your section. Check in on him before the owner thinks you're slacking."

Evie looked over to see Insoo was right, a customer had come in while she'd been zoning. "Crap… thanks, Insoo. I owe you one."

"Guess you do." Insoo replied with a smile before closing the glass on the bakery counter and carrying her tray towards her section of tables. Evie untucked the pen from behind her ear and pulled her notepad from her pocket before coming out from the counter. The customer's face was hidden by the menu he was reading, which was good because that meant he couldn't have been waiting too long. Fixing her face in a smile, Evie approached his table.

"Welcome to the Elephant Cafe." she said in a bright voice. "Do you have any questions about our menu?"

The man placed the menu on the table at the sound of her voice, and at once the bright smile on Evie's face disappeared. "…You!"

She'd recognized him immediately, even though it had been more than two weeks since she'd snuck out and run in that street race in Dobong. She'd been furious when he'd used his car to nearly run hers off the road, and scratched her paint up in the process… but not even close to how furious Jae had been when he'd seen. Evie thought she'd never hear the end of that argument… all because this guy hadn't wanted to lose.

He was staring at her with a small, searchin

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medusaspeaks #1
Chapter 5: This story is exhilarating! I love street racing and this story line fits BYG so well. Evie and her brother seem very interesting. I hope she cleans his clock on the street. I love it when women have skills/abilities that no one expects us to. The fact that she's carving out a space for herself in such a male dominated field, has me cheering for her already! I dig the way you've created such a tangible world. I can almost smell the exhaust fumes and feel the rush myself. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 5: She's about to burn rubber on his , can't wait!!!!!
Chapter 5: He bout to get his feelings hurt a second time!!! I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: *squealing*
Chapter 4: Lol Google is a wonderful thing isn't it... That heartbreak went away fast after finding out it was jae's sister.
MaliCious1 #6
Chapter 4: Annnnnd, I'm suddenly hooked on this story. I cannot wait for more!
Chapter 4: Oooooh he found her! *cabbage patch*
Chapter 2: I'm totally hooked update soon :)
Chapter 2: *sound of glass shattering* that was yongguk's heart... This is gonna be good