The Mystery Crew

Street Kings
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"So it’s Epik High, Got7, Exo-M, and some mystery crew?"

Himchan was sitting at the computer desk, the sunlight from the open window casting a glare off the laptop screen. Yongguk looked away, squinting from where he lay on the couch. “Turn that another way, you’re blinding me…”

“Sorry,” Himchan slid the laptop away from the light, eyeing Bang while he did so. He’d been touchy since he’d come back from the meeting, his body sprawled across the couch like a rag doll, his face clouded and closed over. It was weird. Normally after announcing the Street Kings Race, their leader would be on cloud 9, planning strategies, researching competitors, tuning up the cars. He would basically be living in the garage, wouldn’t even see the apartment for days. And yet instead of coming back to the garage to discuss details like normal, Bang had retreated back to the apartment that he and Himchan shared, as he had been doing for the past two weeks. The others had left on a food run… they never kept anything in the apartment to eat besides ramen, and everyone besides Bang was tired of it. Himchan stayed behind to start studying up, but their leader was being less than helpful.

“Bang… you were telling me about the groups...”

“What?” the older man croaked.

“What’s this last group, what’s their name? I can’t search a group I don’t know...”

Yongguk sighed, letting out a rush of air and sitting up on the couch, rubbing his face with his hands. “I didn’t get a name. We were kind of thrown that the CEO wanted to race, nobody thought to ask… but I know the CEO’s name is Jaehyun Kim… he runs, um… uh, SeoulKim Industries.”

Himchan nodded, fingers flying across the keyboard… that, he could work with.

“SeoulKim Industries… specializes in car parts, mostly luxury, high end stuff. They’ve got factories in Japan, Australia, China, U.S…..” Himchan whistled, “…. There’s some serious money in this, Bang. This guy probably has access to some of the best cars in the world. “

“Good cars don’t mean good drivers.” Yongguk said from beneath his hands, “What else you got?”

“Jaehyun Kim.” Himchan said, and a picture of the man suddenly flashed on screen. “Doesn’t really look like your average CEO does he?” he remarked, noting the dreads and the steel in his eyes. “What is he, Black and Korean? He’s only 28 but he’s worth millions. Clean record, not even an overdue library book…what’s this guy doing racing cars?” the room filled with the sound of tapping keys as Himchan dug deeper, “He’s got a Masters in business and finance, started his own company in the U.S. shortly after graduating, bought out a small, dying car company here and turned it into what it is now.”

 “Rich and successful…” Yongguk sighed, letting his hand slide off his face, looking wistfully up at the ceiling. “Figures…”

Himchan pushed away from his laptop slowly, eyeing the leader of his team with worry. “Bang. What’s up? Streets Kings were announced… they were announced, man and you are obviously less than thrilled. It’s ing weird. What’s the deal? Are you over racing, cuz if that’s it you gotta let me know.”

Yongguk sighed, running a hand through his dark hair, and turning to look in the younger man's direction.“No, it’s not that…” he sat up in the couch, swinging his legs over and crossing his arms over his chest. “, man, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

“Well shake it off, whatever it is, because the rest of the guys see it too and they’re worried. We’re all worried.” He watched as Yongguk took in what he was saying… he looked completely drained. “Is it something you wanna talk about? Natasha alright? Is it Nam?”

“No, fam’s fine. Don’t worry about it, I’ll be ok. Go ahead, see what else you can find. I’m listening…”

Himchan eyed Yongguk a moment longer, deciding whether or not to push the issue... but Yongguk’s expression made it pretty clear he wasn’t opening up. Sighing, the younger man turned to his computer screen and went back to work.

“Oh…” Himchan said after a couple of minutes. “JaeHyun has a sister.”


“Yeah… you wouldn’t know right away, I mean it’s not obvious.” Himchan squinted and leaned forward, his face lit both by the glare of the computer screen and the thrill of the information he was finding, “Finally found a little dirt in our boy’s past. I pulled up his birth records… his father was full Korean, a businessman in the Buddang-Du district. Married, plenty of money... but his mother was an American Expat. His father cheated on his wife with Jaehyun’s mother. When Jaehyun was born, his mother left him here with his father and went back to America. I looked up the mother’s name, and an obituary comes up.” He clicked on an image on the screen and a newspaper clipping was enlarged. “Graveside services for Ms. Deandra Daniels, 36, will be held at Anniston Memorial Gardens at 11:00am. She is survi

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medusaspeaks #1
Chapter 5: This story is exhilarating! I love street racing and this story line fits BYG so well. Evie and her brother seem very interesting. I hope she cleans his clock on the street. I love it when women have skills/abilities that no one expects us to. The fact that she's carving out a space for herself in such a male dominated field, has me cheering for her already! I dig the way you've created such a tangible world. I can almost smell the exhaust fumes and feel the rush myself. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 5: She's about to burn rubber on his , can't wait!!!!!
Chapter 5: He bout to get his feelings hurt a second time!!! I'm so excited!
Chapter 5: *squealing*
Chapter 4: Lol Google is a wonderful thing isn't it... That heartbreak went away fast after finding out it was jae's sister.
MaliCious1 #6
Chapter 4: Annnnnd, I'm suddenly hooked on this story. I cannot wait for more!
Chapter 4: Oooooh he found her! *cabbage patch*
Chapter 2: I'm totally hooked update soon :)
Chapter 2: *sound of glass shattering* that was yongguk's heart... This is gonna be good