3 - C - cute - Neo

Alphabet challange - (mostly) VIXX oneshots

Second little story for today. Actually just a drabble.

Letter: C
Title&Inspirational word: Cute
Pairing: Neo (Leo/N)
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG
Description: Hakyeon finds both himself and Taekwoon cute. Taekwoon disagrees with both.
Word count: ~500


Everyone thought Hakyeon was cute. He himself too. And he liked it. He liked being called cute, doing aegyo. He loved he how he could easily achieve things through aegyo at times, practically with everyone, but especially when it came to older females. In school, or in the shops. It would be well enough for him to blink cutely, or whine a little, and he could have an extra chance of rewriting the test he didn't manage to write as well as he hoped to, or to get some extra icecream. Sometimes, he would be cute unconsciously, when he was sad, or when he concentrated, or when he was spazzing, and it wasn't hard to make him spazz. He simply loved cute little things, talented dongsaengs, children, animals, and well, anything one could imagine as being to cute to just anyone.

On the other hand, Taekwoon found Hakyeon rather annoying, not cute a little bit. Or just a little bit of a little bit. He found him whiny, and bossy, and loud, and clingy, and simply just too much. All Taekwoon wanted was silence, and to be left alone, so he thought it was a real curse that he was in the same class as Hakyeon, who was simply always all over the place, talking, and full of energy, and trying to involve Taekwoon in everything, believing he was doing it to make him feel better. Taekwoon could somehow understand—Hakyeon wasn't clever and well, as the type of person he was, he must have thought all people enjoy themselves the way he does, in the nosiest company ever. But even thought Taekwoon would try to tell him, he wouldn't believe he was just different. So he left it at that, not being cooperative, but bearing Hakyeon's clingyness and spazzing silently.

Hakyeon's reason behind that was that he found Taekwoon cute. Well, no one except him did, and Taekwoon would even cast his deathly glare at you for calling him so. Practically, no one understood how the reserved, silent, grumpy boy could be cute in anyone's eyes. But Hakyeon saw him as shy and introvert, he actually looked at Taekwoon long enough to notice the delicate features, the well-shaped lips, the cute, slightly chubby cheeks too, not just the piercing eyes. He also loved to embarrass Taekwoon so he could see his blush, which he found the most adorable.

Everyone was dumbfounded, when one day, Hakyeon dragged Taekwoon into school by his hand, the latter hanging his head shyly, while the other shouted, he had the cutest boy as his boyfriend. Making said boyfriend blush like crazy, and people finally understood what Hakyeon meant when he said, his friend could be so cute.

At least, one mystery solved. But how could these two totally different people end up together, when Taekwoon even seemed to hate Hakyeon? The latter loved to tell people, his kindness melted the ice prince's heart, but those who saw how it used to annoy him, didn't believe it. Taekwoon kept silent about it—as it was expected of him. Well then, the reason might be unknown for the public forever.

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2L8Directorqueen #1
D-...Szerintem ez rated M lesz eue
Chapter 1: Beautiful <33 I particularly like the comparison between the cigarette and their love story