Chapter Two

The Darkest Love

Written by Rukis-Glitter-Stick

Chapter Two

Tsuzuku POV


I sighed, tossing my cigarette into the ashtray on the table. “Tsu, why do you have to go hunting tonight?” Koichi said, pouting from the red velvet-sheeted bed. I nodded, kissing the pink haired vampire’s cheek.


“Yeah, I have to. I need to go find some human for Yoshiki and the rest of the clan. Blood bags aren’t enough anymore,” I said, digging through my drawers closet, settling for a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a black hooded jacket.


I kissed Koichi’s soft lips, and left the room, heading down the dark hallways to Yoshiki’s room. Accidentally getting a little too close to Ruki’s cage, I felt the laces on my boots being tugged. I looked down, groaning and bending down, slapping Ruki’s hand. The small creature in the cage growled, moving his cage a little closer. “H-hello Tsuuuu,” Ruki said, his ice blue eyes crazed as they looked over me. Ruki chewed on a blood bag, whose remnants dripped all over his clothes and hands. “You’re filthy, Ru,” I said, re-tying my boot.


“W-where you goin?” Ruki asked, at his fingers.

“I’m bringing you a human to chew on instead of these blood bags.” I said, patting Ruki’s head and continuing down the hallway, seeing Jun walking toward me.


“Hey. Be careful. Yoshi says the witches are out tonight, too.” He patted my back and handed me a dagger. “Just in case, okay?” He disappeared down the hall and I kept walking, looking down at the dagger. The witches were out, which meant I needed to avoid them like the plague.


“Good luck, Tsu. Bring us a few men and a woman or two,” Yoshiki said, sitting at his large piano, playing a beautiful song, which I knew by heart. It was the song he’d played on the night I became a vampire, and it was still my most prominent memory.


“I’ll be back before morning,” I said, lifting the lid to the sewer-turned vampire clan home and made my way down the alley to the street. I jumped up onto roof of a building and settling in the shadows, watching the little, pathetic humans go about their lives. I envied them slightly, being able to die, living their lives, completely unaware of the fact a vampire was picking which one of them would be a meal of a clan of powerful, hungry vampires.


I sat perched on the ledge of the building for a while, when my eyes landed on a big, brawny man heading toward the alley. I jumped into the alley and pulled the man into darkness, knocking him out and tossing him into the sewer. I could hear Ruki growling and gnashing his teeth for the man, soon hearing the man’s heart beat stop. I chuckled to myself and headed back to the building, but then, a scent caught my attention. It was a smell I’d only heard described, but never actually smelled.


Normally, human blood smelled like a delicious bouquet of the finest wine, mixed with perfectly ripe fruit, and depending on the person, there was alcohol in the blood, so more fun for the vampires. This smell was...unnatural. I followed the nose, searching the people walking around me to find the origin of it. It was amazing, yet repulsive at the same time. I walked into a bar, the smell getting even stronger. I sat down in a corner of the bar in a chair, my back to the corner to get a good view of the room.


I looked around the bar, noticing two witches, and a human on a leash walk in the door. I sniffed the air again, the mysterious smell coming from the human, and suddenly, the realization of the human’s position hit me like a brick wall. This human was a witch’s slave. He reeked of witch filth, and the small man on the other end of the chain looked around the room, casting spells. I caught the human looking over in my direction, and I kept eye contact, finally noticing the human’s features. His purple and black hair falling down his shoulders, his eyes piercing to the deepest regions of my soul, and the small frame, which looked too thin to be healthy, even for a human, which seemed to move with a fluid manner.


Before I knew it, the human was walking toward me, when the little black haired witch in the dress pulled on the chain, and the little human fell to the ground. I jumped up and rushed over to the human, helping him up, watching the beautiful eyes travel over my being, grinning slightly when our eyes met, and then, the little witch pulled on the chain again.


“You little .” The witch said, kicking the human in his side. The human didn’t get up. I stared down at him, willing him to stand. “Excuse me, may I help you?” The little witch asked.


 I glared at him, wanting to end his life, but a fight between a witch and a vampire in a bar full of humans wasn’t the best idea. I bared my teeth and grinned a little. “I’m Tsuzuku, and you are?” I asked, my fangs elongating.


The witch’s eyes widened and then he sighed. “Vampire scum, eh?” He looked at his nails, as if he could care less there was a powerful, starving vampire standing in front of him. I mean, come on, I could rip this little to shreds.


I laughed and growled lowly. “You’re one to call me scum, hag,” I said, speaking through my teeth. My eyes met the black eyes of the short witch standing before me. “Only hags and wenches keep slaves,” I spat, the witch’s eyes widening at the insult.


“Go away vampire, you’re in witch territory, anyway,.” The female witch said; her wand in her hand. “Give it up; your stupid magic doesn’t work on me,” I smirked, crossing my arms.


“Oh, please, we know how to kill a vampire,” the female croaked, and I laughed a little harder.


 “I could kill you both in one go, and I’d be stronger by drinking the blood from your lifeless bodies, so don’t test me,” I mused, bending down, touching the human’s throat. “So, your slave, hmm? What a choice.”


 I stood back up, crossing my arms again. The little witch waved his hand over the human’s head, and he stood, completely okay. “See? He’s fine. Now get the out, blood er.”


I sighed and shrugged. “Whatever, but I simply want to say, watch yourself. We’re always around here…” I tilted my head and pushed my way into their minds, chuckling at their ridiculous names. “Naoto...and Meto...I’ll be watching you two,” I grinned and looked at the human, my heart breaking for what I saw in his mind, but I couldn’t worry about that now.


I a heel and made my way to the door, shooting a glance back at the human. “Kuina…” I said the human’s name, and forced myself out into the cold winter air. I rushed back to the alley, grabbing a few random people as I went, and throwing their bodies into the sewer, dragging them to Yoshiki.

“We’ve got a little problem, Yoshi,” I said, bowing my head a bit. “Two witches confronted and threatened me.”


Yoshiki walked over to me, putting his fingertips on my temples, entering my mind and seeing what I had seen, including my attraction to the human. He pulled his fingertips away and sighed, shaking his head. “What have I told you about that, Tsu?” He said, seemingly calm, then he yelled. “Do you even realize what could have happened if you had fought them in that bar?!”


I didn’t cringe or flinch, I was too used to Yoshiki’s outbursts. The floor and ceiling shook as he yelled. “Look, Yoshi! I can’t help who I’m attracted to, okay?” He sighed and the room stopped shaking.


“Whatever Tsu. Just, mind your own business from now on.” He said, going back to his meal, so I left, dragging one of the limp bodies with me to my room.


“How was it, love?” Koichi said, still sitting on my bed. I smiled and tossed the body next to him, and he latched onto the wrist, until the heartbeat stopped. He handed me the body, and I drank what blood was left, and tossed the body aside. For some reason, blood made me feel powerful and needy. I stripped and got back into bed with the still- Koichi, locking my lips to his and pulling his legs up around my hips.

Strangely, all throughout plowing Koichi, the only thing on my mind was the small, weak purple haired human I’d seen in the bar. I wanted him…


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Chapter 5: can you please please please update
cover_girl #2
Chapter 4: Yayyyyy you updated :) Poor Kuina, being beaten by Kyo. The part I love the most was when Tsu-chan bit him for blood and the look of sympathy in Meto's eyes for Kuina. Awww it made me wonder myself that Meto really loves him or just feels he's innocent and need to be protected.
Update the next chap soon ne ^^ I'm curious what will happen when Meto found Kuina was bitten by Tsu-chan *grins*
cover_girl #3
Chapter 3: Awwwwww you guys update so fast. I'm unable to comment the second chap. Wow, now I know Koichi is Tsuzuku's lover. But Tsu-kun had fallen in love with Kuina. And I wonder if Meto loves Kuina, then why let him always in pain? Poor my Kuina, he has to suffer so much. He needs to be loved. Please please update soon. I want to read the next chap
cover_girl #4
O.o The first chapter was so good. So I guess Kuina is the human, Tsuzuku is the vampire while Meto is the witch. A triangle love. I love it right for the first time. Please update soon :)