Chapter Three

The Darkest Love

Chapter Three

Meto POV

               Meto watched the arrogant vampire saunter out of the bar. Staring holes into the back of his head. Moving his hand to grab his wand out of his bag, Naoto stopped him with a slender hand on his wrist. She shook her head and pulled Meto out of the bar, with Kuina sulking behind. When they got outside of the bar, Tsuzuku was nowhere in sight. Meto’s anger was still b over, so he was disappointed when Tsuzuku wasn’t there to attack with a quickly placed spell. He shook off Naoto’s grip on his wrist and stopped walking, Kuina not noticing because he was stuck in his daydreams, bumped into him. Meto whipped around and harshly shoved Kuina to the ground, his skull making a large crack on the ground. He whimpered loudly, taking Meto’s kicks to his ribs. After a couple minutes Naoto screamed for him to stop, but he didn’t listen. Taking every last ounce of anger out on Kuina’s body, he was killing him. Naoto screamed again for him to stop, but after not responding, she stepped in front of Meto. “Meto, Meto stop! You’re killing Kuina!” she screamed.


               Meto stopped and analyzed the situation. Kuina lay limp on the ground, blood seeping out of the wound on the back of his head. His pale, exposed stomach covered in multi-colour bruises, all angry and swelled. Naoto squatted down and carefully lifted his head off the ground to check the wound. “… Meto do you think you can heal this?” she glanced up at Meto.


               He stopped breathing hard from the adrenaline and came to his senses to realize what he had done to his pet. Slowly, he walked over to where she was supporting Kuina’s head and he gingerly touched the wound with his hand, drawing away far more blood than he anticipated. “! No! We need to get him to Asagi right away; I think he can make a potion strong enough?” Meto’s voice was rushed.


               Despite Meto’s slender appearance, he was quite strong. He carefully picked up Kuina’s body who felt limp in his arms and they ran as fast as they could back to the warehouse. Naoto pushed open the doors and they ran down the hall to where Asagi was. Without knocking, they barged into his room. He stared at them for a minute with a questioning look on his face. “Meto, why are you carrying that human filth,” he asked after a long, awkward pause.


             “Asagi please, you have to help Kuina! I think I injured his head and he won’t wake up,” Meto pleaded as he set Kuina’s limp body on the floor, taking care to set his head down.


               “No Sherlock, and I don’t have to help anyone…” he laughed while slouching back in his chair and pulling out a book on potions. “Although, I like the idea of you owing me one, so I’ll do my best.”


               Meto and Naoto sighed with relief, slouching back in Asagi’s spare chairs. He urgently flipped through the book, looking for a recipe to cure near death patients. After finding it, he got up and opened up the giant cupboard that was located in the corner of his enormous room. He frantically searched through it, letting out an exasperated sigh. “…” he mumbled, turning back to Meto and Naoto. “I don’t have the supplies, I can’t make the potion. I can however make a potion to induce a coma and seal the wounds so that he stops losing blood. But once he wakes up he will die. After I do this, I suggest asking Master Kyo to help; his skill level is well beyond all of ours.”


               They looked at Asagi with desperate expressions, as he started getting out the ingredients and moving them over to a large pot near the cupboard. He mixed the ingredients together, creating a pink glow from the cauldron. Once the recipe was done, he walked over to the counter and grabbed a cup and a spoon. He scooped the bubbly, pink mixture into the cup and walked over to Kuina. Sitting on the floor he carefully lifted Kuina’s head and supported it on his leg. Bringing the cup towards his face, he pried Kuina’s mouth open and started cautiously pouring the liquid down his throat. Meto and Naoto watched as Kuina’s cuts on his stomach quickly sealed up without a trace, but his breathing slowed down again. Walking over to his pet, Meto picked Kuina up again and with a thank you to Asagi, ran out of the room towards the room Kyo most likely would be in.


               Once they reached it, Naoto hesitantly knocked on the door and Kyo opened it, glaring at the three as they stepped back slightly. “Master Kyo, Kuina’s injured and I beg you to heal him! Asagi induced a coma, so that he wouldn’t die right away, but please! He doesn’t have much time left!” Meto begged, bowing as much as he could with Kuina in his arms.


               Kyo shifted his weight to his other leg, glaring at Kuina’s swollen face. A bit of blood leaking out of his mouth. “Why should I help this human ? Just get another one; these are easy to come by.


               Meto hesitated. Why was this pet so much more important than his others? The last pet Meto owned, he kicked in his face and left him to die a painful, lonely death on the street. The one before that, he had and then slit his throat after he wouldn’t say I love you to Meto. But there was something about Kuina, something that was innocent and needed to be saved. “Please Master Kyo, I beg of you! Please save Kuina, you can do whatever you want with him afterwards.”


               “Anything?” he asked.


               Meto slowly nodded, instantly regretting saying that. He paused for a moment, mulling the thought over, before gesturing Meto to bring Kuina in. Meto placed him on the floor and him and Naoto stood back, waiting for Kyo’s next move. Kyo grabbed his wand off the table and squatted down to the ground, picking Kuina up by a fistful of his soft Purple and Black hair. Meto reached out a hand to stop him from hurting Kuina, but Naoto quickly grabbed his shoulders and shook her head. Meto lowered his arm.

               Kyo placed his wand at the back of Kuina’s head, where the wound was the worst. He started chanting in Latin and blue light started to glow from Kuina’s head. At first they started to hear Kuina groaning loudly, both those groans turned to moans turned to high pitched screams. Kyo didn’t flinch, but continued his chanting until Kuina struggled away. The bruises on his slim stomach gone. Kyo stood up and admired his work, the little purple-haired human, curled up in a ball, shivering on the floor. He leaned down to Kuina’s pierced ear, whispering, “Come to my room later, you owe me…”


               He stood up and flicked his hand at the group. They got the message and quickly retreated from his room. Meto stared at Kuina who looked as if his mind was violated. He told Kuina to go back to his room, said good night to a tired looking Naoto and retreated to his own room. Throwing his stuff in the corner, he leaned back in one of the chairs, his precious Black cat, Ruana, jumped up onto his lap. He started petting her while thinking about Tsuzuku. He had a nice didn’t he, Meto thought with a smirk.



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Chapter 5: can you please please please update
cover_girl #2
Chapter 4: Yayyyyy you updated :) Poor Kuina, being beaten by Kyo. The part I love the most was when Tsu-chan bit him for blood and the look of sympathy in Meto's eyes for Kuina. Awww it made me wonder myself that Meto really loves him or just feels he's innocent and need to be protected.
Update the next chap soon ne ^^ I'm curious what will happen when Meto found Kuina was bitten by Tsu-chan *grins*
cover_girl #3
Chapter 3: Awwwwww you guys update so fast. I'm unable to comment the second chap. Wow, now I know Koichi is Tsuzuku's lover. But Tsu-kun had fallen in love with Kuina. And I wonder if Meto loves Kuina, then why let him always in pain? Poor my Kuina, he has to suffer so much. He needs to be loved. Please please update soon. I want to read the next chap
cover_girl #4
O.o The first chapter was so good. So I guess Kuina is the human, Tsuzuku is the vampire while Meto is the witch. A triangle love. I love it right for the first time. Please update soon :)