the (undeniable) truth

The Little Red Riding Hood and The 12 Wolves

Jiyeon’s POV

            If only I didn’t break grandma’s advise that day, I wouldnt feel this remorse everyday. I wouldnt have meet him and having this aching,hurting heart at the thought of him. I realized that all he did was just giving me false hope and innocently I considered it as love.Fool, I was so fool. As in the end, he eventually dumped me and left me. For now, one sentence I have for him is I hate him.

            Finally grasping some air and regaining myself from the nightmare, I moved my body off from the bed and looked at the surrounding. My eyes told me I was in the an empty unlited room and that fact reminded me that I was abducted by flock of werewolf.All I could remember, I was in forest and all of sudden I was unsconscious in a timing. Right when my friends was going to save me.

             Capturing a window, I moved closer and  opened the curtain to inform myself what time it was. After I opened it, my eyes twitched as the morning sun begin to blind my eyes. It was a morning already. I told myself.

            ‘Cklek’ the door was already large opened at the second I turned my head around. The opener of the door then walked in and stepped closer to me. As the morning sunlight that escaped from the window finally reached him, I could see clearly who was he. That cute-faced guy.

            “Hey awoke already?” he asked as he sat beside me.

            “No, I’m still sleeping.” I smiled sarcastically. Dude, He was asking me question that have obvious answer.

            He chuckled. “Ayee..Can you be nice to me? I can eat you in one gulp you know that.” He said giving me a menacing gesture. I enlarged my eyes and jerked back. He chuckled at my reaction. Well, that was normal for an abducted  mere human threatened like that by a werewolf though he was still in human state.

            “Joke.” He said grinning his row of white teeth. How could he said that without any burden? Doesnt he know that he had just made a sin by making my heart almost burst out?

            “Dont pull a joke on me. I dont like being played.” I crossed my hand, pulling an upset expression on my face. He chuckled.

            “One thing you should know, we would never eat human.” He pulled out a serious face. I blinked my eyes.

            I went silent. I didn’t know I just felt that he was telling the truth and my instinct told me to stay silent.

            “By the way, my name is Baekhyun.” He pulled out his hand for a handshake and I accepted it.

            “Ah you should have know my name already. It’s Park Jiyeon.Wait..Bacon? Now I’m hungry just by hearing that name.” At the moment I said that, he laughed. Man, I was being serious about that hungry thing yet he laughed at me.

            “Witches indeed are fearless.” He said. I pulled out my hand from the sort of long handshake,felt annoyed.

            I hissed. “That witch thing again. I told you, I’m not a witch!” I stomped.

            “It’s B-a-e-k-h-y-u-n. Baekhyun. Arent you going to school?” he spelled his name,  still couldnt accept I called him Bacon just a while ago.

             He then opened the door and glanced back at me. “Just tell me you’re hungry already,miss. Now let’s get out to the main room. You need to fill your empty stomach to fix your temper.”

            I stood up from the flimsy bed then walked out from the room and descended the stairs following his back moving downward.

            As my feet finally brought my body to the main room where Baekhyun leading me to, a soft-voice guy greeted me with a smile plastered on his tender face.

            “Morning.” He smiled while I was unsconsciously gulped my saliva at his flawless face.

            “Morning.” I replied, stuttered. At that moment, my brain was working hardly. How could they be this easy-going on me? Didn’t they just kidnap me? Why so hospitable? Why so friendly? Dont they have just threatened me and ask me to do something? I didn’t understand what kind of kidnapper they’re.

            “Sit down, princess.” A pretty guy said, pulling an old-wooden-chair. I nodded and looked at the surrounding dumbfoundedly. Why they treated me well? They even made me a breakfast? The atmosphere should be tensed up right now but it was like another family gathering atmosphere I got. I broadened the view of the room. It was indeed huge house, more like villa. There was 14 chairs surrounding one big table, 13 occupied and 1 unoccupied. Huh? Where was the another two members?

            “What do you want from me actually?” I shouted, stopping these 12 guys from having their breakfast and gaining 12 couple eyes glares. I clenched my fist, trying to be calm and hold up my emotion.

            “Have your breakfast first.” The hamster-faced guy replied then back at his bread.

            “Because you might loss appetite at the moment I told you the reason I kidnapped you.” He continued, with his mouth munching his bread leisurely.

            What? Why so serious?

            End of Jiyeon’s POV


            The previous night,

            Narrator’s POV

            “What’s wrong, Brownie?” Jieun asked as she saw Brownie stopped tracking. Woohyun and Yoseob also stopped their pace.

            Brownie just barked in the response. Bewildered, the three of them then looked ahead and surprised as the view of  a huge house caught by their eyes. They smiled victorously.

            “Good boy, Brownie.” Jieun patted its head, made it cuddling at her arms.

            Ahead them, a huge house stood up proudly, fishing their curiousity. The tought of entering it came. As they walked towards the gate, Woohyun opened the gate using his hand producing a goosebumps sound. Right when he was entering it, he threwn a back as if there was something repel him. The three of them shaped their mouth in ‘o’ shape.

            “What the heck?” Woohyun reflexively said. His jaw dropped at the fact he couldnt enter the yard of the house.

            Yoseob and Jieun then made their trial just to meet the same fate as him.

            “Something isn’t right here..” Yoseob mumbled, grabbing his own chin tightly. While Woohyun made another trial just to be threwn to the ground again.

            “Hey model student, what do you think about this?” Yoseob asked Jieun who was still in the ground after being threwn.

            “Barrier? I think I’ve heard something about this in Mr.Lee’s lesson.” She answered as she rubbed the dirt she got from the ground on her elbows. Her forehead frowned as she was reminiscing Mr.Lee’s lesson. Mith subject to be exact.

             “They surely made a barrier to prevent any outsiders entering their hideout. This invisible barrier.” she continued, stood up.

            “Only them and people they permitted to be inside can get through over this barrier.” She was still in her explanation as Yoseob saw her in an awe. It was public secret that Yoseob already fell for her at the moment they met. It was just she was too insensitive and he was too coward to express his feeling.

            “Dont stare at me like that, Mr.Yang.” Yoseob got slapped by his shoulder by her at the moment she finally realized that he hardly took his eyes from her face.

            “I know I’m pretty and cute and all but this isn’t the right time to admiring..” Jieun covered her blushing face with an anger.

            “Whatever. I just thought serious face doesnt fit you at all.” He chimmed solemnly just to get another slap.

            “It hurst,pabo!” he complained as the second hit was stronger than the first.

            “You’re the real pabo!”

            “What? You’ll really regret this Miss. Lee.”

            Woohyun who was third party for them just chuckled then plastered a really serious face to them make these two taken aback and cleared their throat. Just then, they stopped their childish fight.

            “So yeah, we, a mere human being, cant do anything about the barrier.” Jieun said.

            “For now, we can do nothing but to wait for them to get out from this house and this barrier.”  Woohyun said after some ‘umm’ing.

            “So..let’s take a rest.” Yoseob grinned as he was heading to the nearby tree. So did Woohyun.

            The two guys then laid their back to the tree, decided to use the time of waiting for sleeping while Jieun fished a sleeping bag from her bag and hid herself fully inside it as the darker the night, the colder it was.

            End of Narrator’s POV


            Back to Jiyeon’s POV

            I munched my berry-jammed-bread in no time as I had already cant wait for hearing the motive behind my abduction. I eyed the 12 guys who were so relax having their breakfast.

            “I’m finished with my breakfast!” I exclaimed, informing the hamster guy in front of me.

            “Your milk, noona.” The pretty guy beside me told me with his cheerful tone reminding me about an undone glass of milk. I hissed as my hand reached the glass and gulped it in one shot gaining everyone’s jaw drop, except the guy who not even one second gave his attention to me. None other than the person whom I hate the most now, Kim Myungsoo. As I finished with my milk, the hamster guy smiled making his eyes looked smaller.

            “First of all, we need an introduction of this big family.” He said as he began to stand up, circling the table.

            “I’m Kim Sunggyu. Okay no need to tell everyone’s surname as we are one father family. We are Kim’s heirs, well our father-- .” He stopped all of sudden as he got a ‘make-it-fast’ look from me.

            Sunggyu pointed at every’s head on the room so I knew every person he called as family. “He’s Dongwoo.” “He’s Suho.” “He’s Sungyeol” “He’s Jongin.” “He’s Sehun.” “He’s Sungjong.” “He’s Luhan.” “He’s Chanyeol.” “He’s Kyungsoo.” “He’s Baekhyun.”            He took his deep breath then paused before said “And last, he’s Myungsoo.” He pointed at the guy who was still lowering his head, not giving any attention to Sunggyu.

            By seeing his dark jet black hair, I could tell if it was Myungsoo, no need for Sunggyu to mention his name to me. At the moment I saw him, I quickly diverted my eyes from him and set an icky face. Then I looked at the four guys who were confronting me last night. The hamster guy was Sunggyu, cute faced guy was Baekhyun, the soft-voiced guy was Luhan and the last was the-guy-I-dont-want-to-call-his-name.

            “ A week ago, our dad died.” Sunggyu began the explanation. Well, that’s good. The faster, the better! But, wait, what? I didn’t care with your father’s death, dude.

            “Your father’s death, it has nothing to do with me.” I blurted out, gaining everyone’s glaring on me. (of course except that my sworn enemy guy) .

            Oops. I closed my slippy mouth as I thought I said something that shouldn’t be said by me.

            “You, Dont cut my saying, will you?” the Sunggyu guy glared harder, I flinched.

            “O-okay, I’m listening.”I couldnt help but stuttered as at the moment even the pretty guy, Sungjong, looked really scary as if he was going to eat me.

            “So, when my father died or to be more exact, was killed by I-dont-know-who-he-is. -- Maybe vampire? It’s still grey, we still dont know who is the murderer.-- , he said his last words as we got the moment to meet him in his last breath” He continued, taking another deep breath and went silent before he said another sentences.

            “In his last moment in the world, he said ‘Be nice to witch from Red clan. She knows the way to turn us back into human as her ancestor who had cursed us into werewolf.’ ” he looked at me, deeply with his staring right into my soul while my mouth was reflexively opened. I was too shocked to even let out a single word. I even almost forgot how to breath. All I wanted is someone take me somewhere far away from this place and get someone rich to marry me and bear a child and I have a happy family and build a castle okay stop thats too delusional I should face the real problem ahead me now!

            “Thanks god you told me to finish my breakfast first.” I replied his hard-staring with my nonsense words. Well, I was too shocked so I couldnt come up with another words.

            “Okay, I’ll make the things clearer. From the time I was born till now, I dont know and no one tell me, even my mother and my grandma, that Im a witch!” I exclaimed. He just chuckled. Ugh whats so funny? I’m being serious here.

            “Then..Be ready for another shocking news.” He said with his eyes enlarged.

            “After gathering information in the town, we know that witch’s characteristics are... Kyungsoo, Sungjong, Dongwoo. Your turn.” He commanded in his bossy tone.

            “Runs faster than another normal human being.” Kyungsoo guy said with his keroro-eyes on me.

            “Can sense another’s presence or sixth sense.” Sungjong said in his manly way despite his pretty looking.

            “And can heal someone.” Dongwoo said almost like singing.

            “See? You got it all.” Sunggyu claimed in his like-get-a-lottery-winning expression.

            What? I really am a witch? For sure? Like, Seriously? For the thousands of delicious pie’s sake? Nooo! Big no! Today surely is not my day.

            “And for addition, your red cloak is the identity of witches from Red clan.” From the first time I heard Suho sounded, adding Sunggyu’s saying while the other than Sunggyu, Sungjong and him seemed too focused with their breakfast.

            “So..already know what it means? You must turn us back into human or else...” Sunggyu moved closer to me and blinked his eyes. Well, I was not sure he blinked or not as his eyes were the way too small.

            “You cant get out from this place.”he continued his hanging words, grinning his row of white teeth.

            Good, two shocking news in one day. First, The fact that Im actually a witch. Second,  I dont have any idea about that curse things or the way to turn them back into human. Time to bid a farewell to my peaceful world because I would definitely either be their meal or get rotten in this place.

            End of Jiyeon’s POV



Things getting weirder, eh? It’s fantasy after all! Teehee

About Jiyeon’s character, sorry if you expect an innocent character from her. I’m just too tired with innocent image. Hoho

And is it just me or the story seems too rushed up? > <

Hope this fic meet your expectation anyway!

Bare any grammar mistake and typo. I promise to fix it but maybe not now. : D

Subscribe, Comment and Upvote! Author needs more attention.hehe : )

By the way, I need to tell you something. [SPOILER WARNING] She hated him not bcs he was actually werewolf. It was because of another reason, you’ll find it in another chapter ahead. ; )

ILY Readers~


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4 upvotes! omg thankseu youre the best. it energizes me to update soon. :')


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OhDarlla #1
Chapter 3: what happen between the two of them actually? >< I'm so curious!! update soon! ^^
cericeria #2
Chapter 3: poor her. she must think a way how to turn those werewolves into human..such a hard thing! :( why he seems to avoid her? is it because he's afraid of hateful look of hers? lol. pls update more n waiting for myungyeon moments kkk~
Chapter 3: update soon...
I love this fic ...
a reader from Nicaragua (Central America)
Chapter 3: i'm so curious about jiyeon and myungsoo... Update soon ^^
love_ya19 #5
Chapter 3: Oh my god.!! ^^ i love this :)) it's an awesome story ^^
What happened between jiyeon and myungsoo (?) I'm so curious :D
Update soon

New reader o/ love Myungyeon ♥
amiraazharuddin #6
Chapter 3: Noo ! I like jiyeon character :) update soon . Heheheh
kimaray #7
Chapter 3: Jiyeon hates Myungsoo, poor him. What actually happened to them ?
It's getting interesting. I'm waiting for Myungyeon moment. So update soon, ne ?!
Chapter 3: Ahh... poor Myungsoo, Jiyeon hate him..
Please update soon authornim .... :)
Retsel_ #9
Chapter 3: Wouuuaa... can't wait.!!! :) so she have to turn them into human.. and she doesn't know how.!! :)) what happened with myungsoo and jiyeon (?) He loved her a lot.. waiting for Myungyeon moments :)
Update soon. ♥
cericeria #10
Chapter 2: wooo it's getting interesting! they actually know each other since young. poor myungsoo. she hate him just because he's a werewolf? im curious wht will she do when she wake up later. pls update more~~