his dream

The Little Red Riding Hood and The 12 Wolves

Narrator’s POV

            Running to the direction where the wolves gone, Woohyun,Jieun and Yoseob chased after them for some quite long time but it was all in vain. They only got their feet weakening and found the wolves nowhere. And after some of their gambling moves, they stopped as they reached their and felt it no use anymore just running using their instinct

            “What should we do now? Brownie cant track her again.” Jieun asked, glance her eyes to Woohyun who was still hold his emotion that going to explode.

            “We gonna find her...soon.” Woohyun replied in his furious tone, bold the word ‘soon’.

            “How?” Yoseob approaching him who was stoned in his spot. “We lost her already and they didn’t leave any trace.” He continued, as he caught up his breath. He faced the bewildered but managed to be calm guy in front of him.

            “Trace, huh?” Woohyun smirked like an evil spirit had took over his body.

            “What? You’ve got an idea? Good, now tell us!” Jieun walked closer with her eyes sparkling just to see Woohyun pulled out one of his blood-stained arrow.

            “I shot right at both of his arms. I’m pretty sure his blood was dripping on his way to their hideout. This time I believe Brownie could track them. Is that what you called as trace, dude?” Woohyun explained, glancing at Yoseob with his victorous smirk. Brownie barked seeing Woohyun pulling out the arrow.

            “As expected from the strongest hunter.” Jieun patted his shoulder and grinned.


            “What take them so long?” Kyungsoo said in concern.Worry was drawn all over his face. Well, werewolf’s bonds are so strong. If the one hadnt returned back, the rests couldnt sleep.Hence, they were gathering in the main room waiting for them instead of sleeping. Believe me, the atmosphere in the room that time was not good and so tensed up that it could cut out someone.

            “Be patient. It’s hard abducting her without hurting human.” Suho said, reassuring Kyungsoo who was walking aimlessly back and forth.

            Yeah, everyone always see werewolf as the vicious and cold-blooded killer without any mercy but not. They are actually soft-hearted. It was because they were basically human too, but twisted in different fate as another normal human being. That’s the reason to explain why they could only eat animals though they eager to eat human too. Not even once they have thought to kill human and eat them up to satisfy their hunger. They better fill up their empty stomach with something like boar,deer and whatever animals they found in the forest.

            Finally reached the destination, the group were entering a freaking huge house. As they were entering the main room of the house, all faces lit up seeing their presence.

            “Hey hyung you’ve finally home! And brought us the girl!” Sungjong beamed, jumping up and down as he saw Myungsoo carrying a girl in red cloak who was still unsconscious by his hands. The other three then came in and sat on the couch, winching the pain they got a while ago. Everyone’s excited face then turned out to be a worried and confused one as they saw the wound their four brothers got. Sunggyu got his wound on his left leg, Baekhyun and Luhan on his back while Myungsoo on both of his arm.

            “Don’t worry.It will heal in one night.” Baekhyun said so her brothers wont be worried. And it worked. His brother’s face was softened.

            “I will take her to the bedroom.” L said, gaining a nod from every head. Immediately, he rushed up the stairs with the girl by his hands then opened the room’s door.


            Myungsoo’s POV

            I opened the door, producing the creak sound made me opened it slower in order not to waking up the girl in my hands. I looked at her peaceful sleeping face. That combination of her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her hairs and her lips never fail to make my heart pumps faster. I then unsconciously was smiling at the fact she is still alive and grew more beautiful.

            After putting her to the bed, I was on the side of the bed,stayed still in my position to get the best view of her sleeping face. It was so peaceful. I wanted to caress her cheeks, her face,her hairs and kissed her but I snapped out. I didnt want to disturb her sleeping. Suddenly, I remember her hatred face she had shown to me a while ago. It hurted me, but it was normal for her to do that. I didnt deserved to be loved, never..


            I was in the woods that time together with my appa and my hyungs,Sunggyu-hyung and Suho-hyung, to hunt down some animals for eat. Feeling tired, we took a rest under the shades of big trees. Well, there are a lot of big trees in the forest. Each of us took one tree for leaning our ached back. The wind spoiled us with its breezeness feeling, sweeping our tiredness bit by bit. Soon, we fell asleep. And at the moment I woke up, I was alone.

            Then I walked off to find my appa and my hyungs. I called them for the nth times but no answer. I was still 9 years old that time and my skills in smelling was not that great compared to my hyungs and my appa. Let’s say, I was still junior werewolf at that moment. I just could smell and heard in meter scale. Roaming the woods, I finally gave up as I felt my feet weakening due to over-using them in walking.

            Feeling hopeless, I sat down behind the bushes and let my body rest. Suddenly, my eyes felt warm and without any warning tears started to drip from my eyes.I hated feeling lonely since I was always being with my brothers and my appas everywhere I was. As I was in the woods, I didnt bother myself to crying. There was no one here anyway and I was so tired and hungry and I lost my brothers and father. I was totally alone and I didnt know what to do.

            Wiping my tears, I heard someone walking closer to me but it didnt make me stop my crying. It was closer and closer and stopped in front of me.

            “Hey why are you crying?” I looked up to see a girl with lovely brown hairs and porcelain looked-so-smooth skin bringing a basket.  She wore a concerned face. “Are you fine?” She squatted down, fixed her eyes to my tears-soaked face.

            I wiped my tears once again and tried myself to smile. “I’m fine.Leave me alone.” I replied coldly. I didnt know why I rejected her, It was just I didnt know how to talk with a girls.You know, I was not used to be with girl as Im living with all male. Yep, I was mother-less. None of my brothers nor I even have a chance to see her face. Not even once.

            “Hey dont be shy,okay? I cry a lot. You can tell your problem to me, maybe I can help you.” Thats the first time in my life for seeing the most gorgeous smile ever.

            I even didnt know why, I threw my ego and my nervousness away and answered her hanging question“Actually..I-I lost my f-father and m-my brother.” I stuttered. Why the hell I stuttered?I must be looked so shameful. I really wanted to dig a hole and burried myself that time.

            “Okay lets find them.” Magically, I followed her when she took my hand by the wrist and walked together to search my father and my brothers.She smiled continuously made my heart beating irregular.

            “By the way, what are you doing here, inside the woods?” she asked me, snapping my eyes from her.

            “A-ah I’m a..woodcutter! Yeah, I mean my father and my older brother are woodcutter and I’m here to accompany them!” Wow,I must be the new born talented liar.or she was just being gullible?

            “How about you?” I braved myself to asked back. She then looked at me instead of the road. My heartbeat doubled up!

            “I visitted my grandma.” She answered my question and smiled. My heartbeat tripled up! No, heartbeat! Not now please.

            “The name’s Myungsoo. Kim Myungsoo.” Again, why should I tell her my name when she even didn’t ask it? To the stranger that I just knew some minutes ago. I touched my forehead to check myself whether I have fever or not as I was awfully weird that time.

            She was just silent. She didn’t hear it? Thanks God!

            “S-sorry I can’t tell you my name. M-my grandma said...” she stuttered.

            “No problem actually!” I faked my smile. Why was I disapointed?Why was I feel like tons of stone rained at me that time? Ugh I was getting weirder as the time passed by.

            As the sky getting darker, she fastened her pace. It was bright and clear few hours ago but now the sun seems to go back to its former place. I didnt know, the time went this fast. When I was with her, one minute seems like one second.Then I realized that this nearly half an hour or so, I busied myself with looking at her. Not all the time, but enough time to make me even forget that I was actually lost and should search for my brothers and my father.

            I snapped out when her walking was suddenly in halt.  She looked at me, opening .

            “Is that your house?” she pointed her finger.

            My eyes followed at the thing she pointed and yes it was my house. I glanced at her in awe. How can she could find my house at that instant time?

            “wow daebak.” A praisement suddenly came out from my mouth.

            She chuckled. “No, I was just following this little path. And my instinct.” She chuckled again.

            Then the saddest thing came,She bid a farewll and waved her hand.I waved back at her slowly vanished figure. Later, I found out that hyungs and appa left me to surprise me as it was my birthday. They gave me many gifts but the birthday gift I consider as the best was her. The girl with sincere smile.

            The next days, whenever I followed my appa and my hyungs I always came here,hoping I could saw her again. Let’s say, I agreed to follow my appa and my hyungs for this.But I didnt think that she would showed up again. It was not because I easily gave up, it was already three days and my eyes havent captured her. Disappointment crept to my entire body then I made my turn back to my hyungs and appa when suddenly I heard the distant footsteps.I quickly hid behind the tree and poked my head out just a tiny a bit. I was afraid she found out I was observing her. Peeking behind the tree, a sight of little girl was walking captured by my eyes.’It’s her! Finally!’ My little heart jumped up. Her hazel eyes glimmered in the sunlight and she had a graceful gesture. No other word could describe her except beautiful. I couldnt see my face that time but I swore a shade of red color dominated my face. My heart was beating extremely fast now that I was sure if she was a werewolf too she could hear it. Fortunately, she wasn’t so I shrugged that thought off. My heart beated faster than before as I looked her walking in a halt and her eyes wildly observing the surrounding and endep up at the tree I used for shield. I quickly hid again.

            “Kim Myungsoo. I know you are there” She said in playful tone. I could imagine she was smiling when she said that.

            Then, I lost in words as she was already in front of me and showed me her white smile. 

            “What are you doing here?”

             I had no idea how she could find me and made me startled. However I was kind of happy she found me.


            The next minutes, happy memories kept replaying in my dream.When we played together, showing each other’s smile,laughing together... Until I saw her jerked back then getting far and far away from me with a disgust expression glued on her face.

            I looked at the nearby lake to see what was going on with me then a terrifying looking wolf reflected. That big fangs, that ugly eyes, that awfully big jaws. I smiled sorrowfully.




            At the moment I opened my eyes, I found myself run out of breath. Inhaled and exhaled, I realized that I was slept on the side of the bed with my fingers intertwining to hers. Regaining myself after gasping some air, I stood up and walked off.

            “I should go. She will be mad at the moment she saw me here.”

            I said glancing at the beautiful figure of her sleeping face while I dragged myself away from her.

            End of Myungsoo’s POV



May this short; grammar-off chapter satisfy you  ^^

I was busy with my college’s business so yeah . . .

But dont worry, now Im back on holidays again ^^

Pleasee—pretty pleasee—dont be a siders(silent readers) : | Share me whats your thought about the story : )


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4 upvotes! omg thankseu youre the best. it energizes me to update soon. :')


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OhDarlla #1
Chapter 3: what happen between the two of them actually? >< I'm so curious!! update soon! ^^
cericeria #2
Chapter 3: poor her. she must think a way how to turn those werewolves into human..such a hard thing! :( why he seems to avoid her? is it because he's afraid of hateful look of hers? lol. pls update more n waiting for myungyeon moments kkk~
Chapter 3: update soon...
I love this fic ...
a reader from Nicaragua (Central America)
Chapter 3: i'm so curious about jiyeon and myungsoo... Update soon ^^
love_ya19 #5
Chapter 3: Oh my god.!! ^^ i love this :)) it's an awesome story ^^
What happened between jiyeon and myungsoo (?) I'm so curious :D
Update soon

New reader o/ love Myungyeon ♥
amiraazharuddin #6
Chapter 3: Noo ! I like jiyeon character :) update soon . Heheheh
kimaray #7
Chapter 3: Jiyeon hates Myungsoo, poor him. What actually happened to them ?
It's getting interesting. I'm waiting for Myungyeon moment. So update soon, ne ?!
Chapter 3: Ahh... poor Myungsoo, Jiyeon hate him..
Please update soon authornim .... :)
Retsel_ #9
Chapter 3: Wouuuaa... can't wait.!!! :) so she have to turn them into human.. and she doesn't know how.!! :)) what happened with myungsoo and jiyeon (?) He loved her a lot.. waiting for Myungyeon moments :)
Update soon. ♥
cericeria #10
Chapter 2: wooo it's getting interesting! they actually know each other since young. poor myungsoo. she hate him just because he's a werewolf? im curious wht will she do when she wake up later. pls update more~~