EXO on Virility Island

EXO on Virility Island

            As far as true-males go, Chanyeol is considered average. He’s not the brightest or strongest of his age, but he is handsome, not that looks matters on Virility Island because more stock is placed on genetics as it pertains to physicality and intelligence. A person’s genetics also predetermines a person’s match. From the moment a child is conceived, his match is set for him, so that his genetics can be combined with his partner’s genetics in a way that can only improve their offspring’s genetics. It’s an individual’s duty to improve their genetic qualities through practice and training, so as to ensure they’re upholding their duties as a member of the island community. Everyone’s core belief is that they must improve their race; thereby ensuring the continuation of humanity because as far as they know, they’re the only one’s left and the rest of the world is contaminated.

            Now apart from this end of the world business and the fact that the island is symbolic of a utopian community run on a eugenics system, the people themselves can seem rather normal because they’re still human and they still have the same cares and worries that every other human has. They don’t know all of the truths surrounding their creation or how different life on the island is from the outside world. All they know is what they been taught and what they’ve grown to know about life on the island. All of the people on the island, all of whom are males, share common ideals. They’re taught from an early age to value strength and intelligence above all else, but one of their main responsibilities is finding their true-partner and this particular responsibility can be somewhat stressful for those who struggle with finding their partner, which relies mostly on a person’s natural instincts.

            Usually matches are formed no later than a males fourteenth year, not that it’s unheard of for someone to be matched later, which is the case with Chanyeol. He’s fifteen, in his eleventh year of school and he doesn’t have a partner. It’s not that he isn’t looking, it’s that he’s been unable to sense his partner and the longer this goes on the more dejected Chanyeol becomes.

            “I see you didn’t have any luck over the break,” Kyungsoo says, taking a seat across from his long time best friend Chanyeol. They lived near each other all of their lives and grew close because Chanyeol’s only a year older than Kyungsoo. They didn’t have a chance to meet up that morning since Kyungsoo decided to leave home early so he could go to school with his partner, so they decided to catch up over lunch.

            “Obviously,” Chanyeol replies scornfully, tugging on the bottom of his mask in irritation. It’s such an inconvenience to have to wear it while eating but he has no choice in the matter. It’s one of the island’s bylaws; every unmatched member of the community must wear a mask. There’s something scientific about the concept of hiding one’s face so that partners can be formed on the basis of pure DNA compatibility as opposed to superficially. “I was hoping to be rid of this thing,” Chanyeol complains, sipping his drink through a straw.

            “There’s nothing you can do about it.” Kyungsoo was never really great at consoling people.

            “Thank you for your kind words,” Chanyeol scoffs sarcastically. “You’re always so helpful. Whatever did I do without you during the break?” This was the first time they didn’t see each other during a school break. Chanyeol had been forced to join a training camp to better improve his physique because he was slacking off during their previous school term. He had barely passed his quarterly fitness tests and it’s unacceptable for anyone on the island to perform poorly. His parents had been embarrassed by his lacking ability that they signed him up for camp, which meant Chanyeol was busy during his entire break.

            “How was camp?” Kyungsoo asks, ignoring his friend’s snide remarks.

            “Intense.” Chanyeol frowns remembering the long days he spent turning his body into a throbbing mass of sore muscles and achy joints. “My body feels rejuvenated. What about you? How was your break?”

            Kyungsoo shrugs, “I studied and spent some time with Baekhyun. He said he wants to focus more during his last two years of school. He’s hoping to get into the engineering program on his graduation placement test.”

            “I still can’t believe he’s your partner. Are you sure you picked the right one?”

            “I see you’re still as deprecating as ever Chanyeol.” Baekhyun grins mischievously as he takes a seat beside Kyungsoo. Chanyeol had known Baekhyun almost as long as he had known Kyungsoo. They had been in class together since pre-school, so Chanyeol knows just how much trouble Baekhyun can be because they’ve been best friends from the time they made an exploding robot in first grade. Even though they are best friends, that doesn’t mean Chanyeol approves of Baekhyun being with Kyungsoo because Kyungsoo’s like a little brother and Chanyeol only wants the best for him, which means Baekhyun’s definitely out of the picture.

            Regardless of what Chanyeol thinks, Baekhyun is perfect for Kyungsoo, at least genetically speaking anyway and that’s what matters. To Chanyeol’s shock, Kyungsoo confessed to Baekhyun after he turned twelve, it seemed he had been waiting to tell Baekhyun when he was old enough to participate in the unmasking ceremony, which is the only way for a couple to become official. Kyungsoo realized his connection with Baekhyun around the time he was eight and had been keeping it to himself for years. Strangely, it seemed that Baekhyun had no idea that Kyungsoo was his partner and honestly most people jump at the chance to claim their partner but Kyungsoo waited so it came as an absolute shock to both Baekhyun and Chanyeol when Kyungsoo confessed.

            “You know, there’s a high number of unmatched ninth years this term, why don’t you go scouting to see if any of them are attracted to you or vice versa? That way Kyungsoo and I can eat lunch in peace.” From the way Baekhyun’s leaning against Kyungsoo coupled with the positioning of his arm, it’s easy for Chanyeol to see that they’re holding hands under the table. When his two best friends had become a couple, Chanyeol had adamantly outlawed any form of affection between them in front of him and at the moment he can tell their holding back.

            Chanyeol glares, eyes curving dangerously as he says, “I wish you were still wearing your mask. You talked less with it on.”

            Before Baekhyun can make another smart remark, an underclassman approaches their table; his cream-colored sweater signifying that he’s a first year, while his mask signifies he doesn’t have a partner yet. He’s somewhat tall, but shorter than Chanyeol, which most people on the island are anyway. He’s tan and lean, a perfect show of athleticism in his physique. For some reason, Chanyeol thinks he looks familiar, but can’t put his finger on where he’s seen the boy before. Regardless, Chanyeol isn’t too interested in him because one look at him and he felt nothing. To Chanyeol, it’s obvious this boy isn’t his partner.

            “Hey Baekhyun, have you seen Sehun around? We were supposed to eat lunch together, but I can’t seem to find him.” The guy barely glances at the other two sitting with Baekhyun, too focused on locating his friend to really pay attention to them.

            “He’s probably in library.”

            “Why would he be in there?” the boy asks, confusion clear in his eyes. “He hates going to the library.”

            “Didn’t you hear?”

            The boy shakes his head, his brunette hair falling just above his eyes. “Hear what?”

            “Luhan was placed in the library to complete part of his career training. He plans on teaching so he’s spending the year doing intensive research. Sehun found out this morning.”

            “Are you serious? Now he’s going to completely ignore me. It’s going to be all Luhan all the time. That’s all he ever thinks about.”

            “You’ll understand when you find your partner,” Baekhyun teases, placing his arm around Kyungsoo to openly show his relationship.

            “I hate when people say that. You’re just rubbing it in that I don’t have a partner yet.” Placing his tray on the table, he gestures to the chair beside Chanyeol, finally acknowledging the other’s presence. “Mind if I sit here.”

            Chanyeol simply nods, while Baekhyun finally introduces the boy. “Guys, this is Jongin. He lives down the street from me. Jongin, you’ve met Kyungsoo and the giant beside you is Chanyeol.”

            Jongin nods in greeting, while he maneuvers food into his mouth. His ability to eat is also hindered by his mask, but that doesn’t seem to be slowing him down. “

            “Jongin,” Kyungsoo calls to get his attention. “Didn’t you go to the training camp during break?”

            The boy nods again, cheeks filled with his lunch of broiled steak and steamed spinach.

            “I thought so. Chanyeol trained as well. Did you happen to see him there?”

            Jongin pauses, swallowing to empty his mouth before turning to fully gaze at the upperclassman next to him. Chanyeol tries to avoid eye contact, feeling a bit shy at the sudden close assessment. He feels Jongin’s eyes boring into him. After a moment of hesitation, Chanyeol glances in Jongin’s direction, finally meeting eyes for the first time. Their gazes lock, Jongin’s eyes widening momentarily shocked before he drops his gaze back to his plate. Chanyeol still feels nothing.

            “I don’t recall seeing him there,” Jongin says, speaking more to his plate than to Baekhyun.

            Kyungsoo frowns in disappointment. “That’s too bad. I was hoping to hear some funny stories about him being a klutz. He refuses to talk about camp.”

            Chanyeol sighs, vigorously chopping his grilled chicken. His parents are making him stick to a strict diet regimen to make sure his training wasn’t a complete waste. The changes in his lifestyle are making him irritable. It’s not that he isn’t healthy or strong; he’s just not as healthy as strong as his parents want him to be. “That’s because I don’t want to remember it.”

            “It couldn’t have been that difficult.” Baekhyun takes a large bite of his roll as if rubbing it in that he gets to eat delicious bread while Chanyeol has to cut back on his carbohydrate intake.

            “How would you know? You’ve never been to a training camp before.”

            Baekhyun turns to Jongin, completely ignoring Chanyeol’s comment. “How was it for you?”

            Jongin hums, mind obviously occupied with something else as he plays with his food.

            “The camp. Was it difficult?”

            “Not really,” Jongin answers distractedly. He peeks over at Chanyeol trying to inconspicuously size him up, then he stands abruptly. “I’m going to go interrupt Sehun’s lunch date. I’ll see you later Baekhyun.”

            They watch as he crosses the cafeteria in a hurry. “What’s gotten into him?” Baekhyun asks to no one in particular.

            Kyungsoo remains silent as he stares knowingly at his best friend. He saw the look in Jongin’s eye and knows all too well what it means, but chooses not to comment on it because it’s not his place to meddle with Chanyeol’s future relations.






            Chanyeol’s parents aren’t allowing him to slack off on training now that school is back in session. They want him to be in peak physical condition because there is nothing more shameful on the island than being weak. Intelligence is also important but strength seems to be more highly celebrated and Chanyeol’s parents are very highly trained individuals. They always finished at the top of their classes in school in every athletic event they were required to compete in. So to them, having a son like Chanyeol is embarrassing and unacceptable.

            That being said, his parents are forcing him to train almost every day with emphasis on the weekends, which is why he’s up at five in the morning on a Saturday. His destination is the park, where he can use the outdoor training equipment. If he has to suffer through this, he’d rather be outdoors than stuck inside a gym with trainers breathing down his neck telling him that his technique is wrong or that he should rethink his routine because it’s not suitable for his build or something else just as critical. Truthfully, Chanyeol could be a trainer. He can easily analyze a person’s body structure by watching their movements while they complete a few simple exercises and then design the perfect work out regime based on their strengths and weaknesses. He knows it all, understands how to improve his body, but he’s just too stubborn and unwilling to do it without someone forcing him because he’d rather spend his time inside experimenting and building “useless” models, or at least that’s what his parents call them.

            As Chanyeol makes his way to the closest park, he’s aware that not many community members are roaming the streets because most of them are getting their recommended amount of sleep for optimum physical performance. He wishes he were getting sleep as well, but no, he’s stretching his limbs in preparation to torture his own body because that’s what expected of him. He gets halfway through his routine, shoulders aching as he pulls himself up on the high bar. He’s on his second set of reps, trying not to lose count as he goes up and down.

            “You should alternate the positioning of your hands,” a voice says from the side, causing Chanyeol to drop to his feet.

            He looks to his right, momentarily confused before he recognition dawns. “Oh, Jongin, it’s you,” he says, propping against one of the metal poles as he catches his breath, which is mostly hindered by the mask he’s forced to wear when out in public.

            Jongin smiles, or at least that what it looks like when his eyes curve. He’s wearing his mask as well which means Chanyeol can’t see the entirety of the boys face. “You should turn your hands around on the bar to work different muscles. Your shoulders need more work.”

            Chanyeol laughs lightly, knowing all too well what exercise works what muscle. He was being a bit lazy this morning with his drills and hadn’t realized anyone was watching him.

            “You’re arms and legs are well defined, but your core muscles are lacking,” Jongin explains.

            “How long have you been watching me?” Chanyeol asks, effectively changing the focus.

            Jongin looks away as if embarrassed, tucking his hands in his pockets. “Not long,” he says more to the ground than to Chanyeol. “How’s your knee?”

            Chanyeol glances down eyeing his leg, briefly recalling the fall he had earlier while scaling the climbing wall. That happened about thirty minutes ago, which means Jongin’s been watching for a while and Chanyeol’s suddenly feeling embarrassed because he didn’t think anyone had seen him. The fall had been hard enough to stun him and probably looked ridiculously laughable to an onlooker. Chanyeol’s always been a bit of a klutz with his long limbs that he hasn’t completely grown into.

            “You saw that?”

            Jongin nods staring at Chanyeol’s wounded leg. “It looked rather dramatic.”

            Chanyeol groans, squeezing his eyes shut trying to pretend this isn’t happening, while Jongin stifles a laugh. A tense moment of silence passes before Jongin asks, “Would you like some company?”

            “If you want,” Chanyeol says with a shrug. He doesn’t really know Jongin, but he’s not against having company because exercising alone can be rather boring.

            Chanyeol returns to the bar doing pull ups, while Jongin takes the next bar over. The younger boy climbs up, swinging his legs over the bar causing his body to hang upside down. He crosses his arms over his chest before doing a sit up. Chanyeol simply hangs from his bar, staring in awe as Jongin draws his upper body up with such ease. He doesn’t seem to struggle at all as he executes each sit up in a manner befitting a pro trainer.

            Realizing he’s staring, Chanyeol focuses on his own routine, mentally counting each move. As he concentrates, he temporarily forgets about Jongin. During that time, Jongin takes the opportunity to watch Chanyeol, somewhat entranced by the way his arm muscles flex beneath taught skin. He thinks this is nice, being with Chanyeol feels nice.






            “Kyungsoo, can I ask you something?” Jongin’s sitting beside the boy at one of the broad library tables. It’s mostly empty because school is out for the day and most students don’t start using the library until after the first month of the school term when assignments become more rigorous. Kyungsoo and Jongin wouldn’t normally visit the library either, but Baekhyun wanted to check out a few books and Kyungsoo chose to tag along, while Jongin went with hopes of meeting his best friend Sehun who’s practically living in the library because of Luhan.

            Kyungsoo shifts in his chair to better face Jongin because the boy’s tone sounds serious. “What is it?”

            “Well, it’s about…” his eyes shift towards the stacks where Baekhyun had disappeared behind. “How did you know…” he lowers his voice, “…Baekhyun was your partner?”

            Kyungsoo chuckles much too loudly in the silent library causing Jongin to jump and cover the elders mouth with his hand. Jongin shushes Kyungsoo just as Baekhyun pokes his head around the bookcase to see what they’re doing. Kyungsoo frees himself from Jongin’s clutches and with a wave of his hand he tells Baekhyun to go back to his books.

            “Don’t laugh,” Jongin whispers, eyes searching the room to make sure that no one’s within listening vicinity. “I really want to know.”

            Kyungsoo’s eyes light up mischievously, knowing all too well why Jongin’s asking this because it was only a week ago when Jongin met Chanyeol and from what Kyungsoo hears, the two of them had a work out session over the weekend. News travels fast on the island and it helps that Kyungsoo’s best friends with Chanyeol who tells him every aspect of his life.

            “Why do you want to know? Do you think you’ve finally met your partner?” Kyungsoo asks only to tease Jongin, which works rather well because the younger boy looks away shyly.

            “I don’t know,” he whispers forlornly. “How does anyone really know they’ve met their partner?”

            Taking pity on the boy, Kyungsoo pats his shoulder. “It’s hard to explain Jongin. It’s a very intense feeling and I don’t know if I will do it justice by trying to put it into words.”

            “Please try,” Jongin pleads, innocence glowing in his pure eyes as he waits hopefully.

            “Well,” Kyungsoo pauses in thought, finally closing the book he was reading and setting it on the table to give his full attention to Jongin’s dilemma. “When you meet your partner, you’ll suddenly feel tied down, like you’re body has finally secured into this reality. It feels like there’s a string connecting you to this other person and the further you are from him the tighter the string pulls. Every fiber of your being wants to be close to him and when the partnership has been made final by the unmasking ceremony, these feelings are intensified tenfold.” Kyungsoo stares down into his lap, fingers fiddling as he remembers his own experience. “The love you feel for that person is stronger than anything you feel for anyone else, to the point that you would do anything for them because their happiness is your happiness.”

            “Why does it sound so painful?”

            “Believe me.” Kyungsoo grins. “The good outweighs the bad and if I could go back, I would have confessed to Baekhyun sooner.”


            “Because whatever worries you may have about finding your partner, they aren’t nearly as bad as the uncertainty your partner is feeling about not being confessed to. True-males can usually sense out their birth-giver partners given that both partners are openly emitting pheromones but sometimes the birth-giver unknowingly puts up a blind. It’s becoming more common recently and I only found out about it because I did the same thing. I blinded Baekhyun from seeing me as his. He didn’t sense me until after I confessed and dropped the blind. Researchers are unsure as to why this is happening, but most presume it’s evolution trying to find a more secure way to protect our people and make our matches truly perfect.” Kyungsoo shrugs, getting back on topic. “Anyway, for cases like you and I, our true-males partners remain lost and alone until we approach them and let our guard down. If I had told Baekhyun sooner, if I had opened up to him when I was eight, we could have looked forward to the unmasking ceremony together, instead of suffering separately. Our people aren’t meant to remain single.” Kyungsoo takes hold of Jongin’s hand, squeezing it comfortingly, smiling as he gives Jongin one last piece of advice. “You should tell Chanyeol how you feel. He’s been waiting for you longer than you’ve been waiting for him.”

            Jongin’s mouth gapes in shock. “How did you know it was him?” Kyungsoo shrugs and Jongin tries to contain his shock. “I guess the blind thing makes sense because Chanyeol didn’t seem to react to me when we met. I felt like he had completely ignored me. It made me feel even more insecure about confessing to him.”

            “My simple observations met with my own experience and it wasn’t that difficult to put two and two together. I can’t tell you how he will respond, but confessing is not nearly as bad as you think it is.”

            Jongin opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, trying to say something but unable to form the words.

            With book in hand, Kyungsoo stands. “Just think about what I told you and follow your heart. At school we’re taught to be analytical and precise, but when it comes to choosing your partner, you must completely follow you instincts. Don’t over think it.” He leaves the underclassman somewhat dumbfounded; his mind more settled by the elder’s words.

            Jongin stores Kyungsoo’s words in his mind to think on them later. At the moment, he doesn’t think he’s strong enough to set a resolve to confess to Chanyeol, which is strange because Jongin’s physically stronger than anyone his age. For now, he chooses to push thoughts of the tall, lanky male that may or may not be his destined partner out of his mind and instead, chooses to find his supposed best friend Sehun with hopes of teasing him about Luhan to distract himself from his own problems.






            “You’ve been acting weird lately,” Sehun says as he and Jongin follow their usual running trail through the woods along the south end of the island. On the upcoming Monday, it’ll be two weeks since Jongin’s met Chanyeol.

            “Have I?” Jongin picks up his pace a bit forcing Sehun to follow along. Jongin’s usually the pacemaker for these runs because he’s the one who knows all the fine details regarding proper training for peak physical performance.

            “You’re more absentminded.” Sehun tries to gradually lengthen his stride to keep up with Jongin. “And you don’t harp on me as much for spending time with Luhan. It’s almost like your more considerate and understanding, which is weird because I’ve known you for ever and…” Sehun pauses as he ducks beneath a low hanging branch. “You’ve always been a bit selfish and possessive when it comes to me. At one point I even thought you would confess to me. I wasn’t sure because I didn’t feel anything for you but I really thought you saw me as your partner and just never said anything.”

            Sehun’s words cause Jongin to slow to a stop, both still breathing steady even though they’ve been running for a good half hour. “Why would you think that?”

            Sehun shrugs, resting his hands on his waist. “I don’t know. You just seemed kind of attached to me and I thought it might have been because you were my partner even though I never really felt anything for you. I thought I might have been mistaken or something.”

            A thought occurs and Jongin voices it before he really has a chance to think about it. “Would you have been disappointed if I had confessed to you?”

            Sehun chuckles, amused by his friend’s curiosity. “I actually thought you would have been a great partner, but now that I have Luhan, I don’t think I would have been able to agree to being with you. Before it happened, I didn’t think the connection between my partner and I would have been so intense. When I met Luhan and he asked me to be his partner, when he truly allowed himself to open up to me, I knew immediately that he was the one. I didn’t have a single doubt or reservation and after that moment, I felt at ease, like my world had stabilized because of him.”

            “But you never seemed worried about finding your partner.”

            “That’s not true,” Sehun admits. “I just never let on that I was anxious. At one point, I even disliked being born a true-male because it meant that I couldn’t confess to anyone. I even started thinking I was defective, but then I met Luhan and the moment our eyes locked, I knew he was the one. It felt like all of my senses were targeted towards him, like his every move was heavenly to me. I had never thought that my partner would have been so much older than me, not that Luhan’s old or anything.” Sehun pauses, really examining Jongin and the way he seems to be absorbing this information. “Why are you so curious about this all of a sudden? You’ve always scorned the idea of being forced to find a partner.”

            Behind his mask, Jongin bites his lips, cheeks flaming bashfully. He knows he’s been caught. He was never really great at hiding things from Sehun. “I think I’ve found my partner.”

            “Really?” Sehun clasps his hands around Jongin’s upper arms, shaking him excitedly. “Who is it? Someone I know?”

            “I think you’ve heard of him, but I don’t think you’ve ever met him,” Jongin explains.

            “Well,” Sehun urges, “what’s his name?”

            Jongin shakes his head. “I’m not telling.”

            “What! Why not?”

            Jongin shrugs off Sehun’s hands, turning to continue their run.

            “Why won’t you tell me?” Sehun whines, feet falling into step along with Jongin’s.

            “Because you don’t know how to keep a secret and I can’t have my partner finding out about me before I can confess. You’re not going to ruin this for me.”

            “So you’re going to confess. When? Can I come watch?” Sehun asks excitedly, practically running sideways as he turns to face Jongin. He almost trips over a tree root, causing Jongin to laugh at his clumsiness causing him to forget the witty comeback on the tip of his tongue, in turn allowing the subject to drop while the boys continue their eight kilometer run.

            Thinking about it, Jongin isn’t sure when exactly he wants to confess to Chanyeol, but at least he’s more certain about Chanyeol being his true-partner.






            The third week of school starts and there hasn’t been any progress between Jongin and Chanyeol, mostly because Jongin’s avoiding the guy and honestly, Chanyeol doesn’t expect anything because he’s absolutely clueless to Jongin’s feelings. Kyungsoo’s getting frustrated just sitting by watching as Jongin skips eating in the cafeteria in favor of spending time in the library during lunch. He claims he’s doing his homework, so that he can spend more time after school training, but Kyungsoo knows it’s a lie, so he decides to help his friends along because it doesn’t seem like Jongin’s going to say anything any time soon.

            “Are you still doing your Saturday morning workout regimen?” Kyungsoo makes sure to ask after he sends Baekhyun away to buy drinks.

            Chanyeol’s eyebrows knit together as he wonders why Kyungsoo would ask such a thing. “I don’t really have a choice. My parents would kick me out of bed if didn’t get up on my own. Why do you ask?”

            “I’ve thought about training a little more, so I was wondering if you wanted company. You could help me set up a routine.”

            “Sure.” Chanyeol welcomes the company because it makes time go by faster when training and the faster he can finish his the training, the faster he can go home, relieve himself of his constricting face mask in the privacy of his own room, and finally relax. “I usually leave for the park near our neighborhood around five thirty. I can meet you at your house on the way.”

            Kyungsoo hesitates before saying, “That’s a bit early for me. I can meet you at the park around six thirty. Is that okay?”

            “Come whenever, I’m going to be at the park anyway.” His voice drops to mumble as he adds, “Must be nice to sleep in.”

            “What are you two talking about?” Baekhyun asks as soon as he gets back to the table, handing Kyungsoo the iced green tea he asked for.

            “I was just telling Chanyeol about the owl shaped alarm you made me and the way you recorded your…” Baekhyun slaps a hand over Kyungsoo’s mouth to keep him quiet, ears and cheeks tingeing pink with embarrassment.

            Kyungsoo simply smiles as Chanyeol stares at them completely lost and very curious about what this owl shaped alarm clock is really all about. He’ll have to see for himself the next time he’s invited to Kyungsoo’s house.






            Kyungsoo tells Baekhyun he wants to go by the library during lunch to look up something in one of the reference books and that he’ll just meet Baekhyun in the cafeteria when he’s finished. In reality, he’s going to track Jongin down to continue with his plan.

            “Can I ask you a favor?” he says as soon as he finds Jongin sitting with Sehun at one of the tables in the middle of the room. Luhan seems too busy working at the reception desk to keep him company and has sent the boy away so that he’s not a bother. Sehun looks particularly petulant but it doesn’t seem to be bothering Jongin. If anything, the boy looks rather amused.

            “What can I help you with?” he asks brightly.

            Kyungsoo eyes Sehun before deciding he’s not a threat. “I was hoping you could help me this Saturday. I want to improve my training and I thought that maybe you could create a routine for me.”

            “I don’t mind. We could meet at the park between our homes. What time’s good for you?”

            “I wanted to get an early start. How does six sound?”

            Jongin nods. “I can do that. I’m usually up by then anyway.”

            “Why do you want to train? You don’t look like you need it,” Sehun blurts finally jumping into the conversation.

            Kyungsoo smiles innocently. “I’m just trying to do my civic duty. It’s unacceptable for me to neglect my physical fitness.” Glancing to Jongin, he says, “Well, I need to be going. Baekhyun’s waiting for me. I’ll see you on Saturday, Jongin.”






            Saturday comes and Chanyeol wakes dreading the morning, but he trudges to the park like he’s supposed to. His parents bid him goodbye after serving him a high protein breakfast to give him energy during his morning work out. He arrives at an empty park, deciding to spend time stretching and doing simple exercises to help with his flexibility. He’s been feeling tense all week for some reason and it’s important that he limbers up properly before moving too rigorously. He doesn’t want to pull a muscle or something worse from being careless. His parents would be ashamed if he did something like that.

            Jongin arrives right at six only to find Chanyeol at the park stretching. He had forgotten that Chanyeol uses this park on the weekends. Instead of going over to greet him though, Jongin stays back a bit, still nervous about interacting with his prospective partner. Time passes and Kyungsoo doesn’t show. Around six thirty, Chanyeol starts scanning the park for his best friend. Kyungsoo’s always been prompt when it comes to meeting times, but he’s late and that’s a bit concerning to Chanyeol. As he looks around, he notices Jongin sitting on a bench near the far end of the park. The need to socialize overtakes Chanyeol, so he stops his routine and walks to where Jongin is resting.

            Standing behind the bench, Chanyeol taps Jongin on the shoulder to get his attention. Jongin tries to compose himself before greeting the other, nerves quaking at the thought of looking the boy in the eye and being overwhelmed by emotions he can’t control. Luckily, his mask hides the blush creeping up his cheeks as he turns and says, “Oh, hi Chanyeol.”

            Chanyeol waves, seeming a bit awkward but nonetheless happy to be talking to someone he knows. “What are you doing sitting out here? Did you come to train again?”

            “Actually, I’m supposed to be meeting Kyungsoo. He should’ve been here by now.” Jongin averts his eyes but all he really wants to do is stare at Chanyeol, to take in his every feature and quirk.

            “Wait,” Chanyeol grips the back of the bench, leaning over to get a better view of Jongin’s face. “I’m supposed to be meeting Kyungsoo to help him train.”

            Jongin’s eyes widen in understanding. He knows what’s happening. He’s beginning to see Kyungsoo’s plan, knows exactly why Kyungsoo chose to ask him for help with training and to meet at this time at this particular park. This was all a major set up.

            “Why don’t you sit down,” Jongin says, gesturing to the empty bench beside him.

            Chanyeol obliges willingly. “Why would he ask us both to meet him and then not show up? That doesn’t make sense.”

            Jongin remembers Kyungsoo’s words. He’s felt first hand what it was like to know that Chanyeol was his partner, what it was like to be so close to person meant for you but to not be connected in the way you should be. Chanyeol’s filled every thought of Jongin’s waking and dreaming mind. He wants them to be together, he wants to be official, but he’s still scared and this meeting is Kyungsoo’s way of giving them the opportunity they need to clear the air. He’s telling Jongin to make his move, to not be afraid of what comes next.

            Jongin mentally prepares himself for what’s about to happen. He takes measured breaths to calm his mind before angling his body to better face Chanyeol. Clearing his throat with a cough, he says, “Chanyeol, there’s something I need to tell you.”

            Chanyeol hums as he turns his head, instantly meeting Jongin’s eyes. For a brief moment, their gazes lock before Chanyeol falls backwards off the end of the bench and onto the ground, startling Jongin in the process.

            “Woah!” Chanyeol stares up in awe at Jongin who’s leaning over the bench to get a better view. “What happened? That wasn’t there before.”

            “What wasn’t?” Jongin asks, slightly worried by the turn of events.

            “The attraction. I didn’t feel it before.”

            “Oh,” Jongin says more to himself than the other. He studies Chanyeol’s expression closely. “The blind must be gone.”

            “What are you talking about?” Chanyeol’s eyes soften as he openly gazes at Jongin. From the crinkle of his eyes, Jongin can see that he’s smiling even with half of Chanyeol’s face covered.

            “It’s a lot to explain.” Jongin laughs. His heart feels lighter knowing that Chanyeol feels something for him, that he feels drawn to Jongin as well. He stands, reaching down to give Chanyeol a hand pulling him upright. He doesn’t let go, using Chanyeol’s oversized hand as an anchor to keep him on his feet and in reality. “Chanyeol?”

            The boy in question stares down at his shorter companion. “Yeah?”

            “I wanted to ask you, I mean, I think you may be…” Jongin pauses, taking a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds before releasing it with a rush of words. “Do you want to be my partner?”

            Chanyeol takes a step forward, closing the gap between him and Jongin. He leans down, keeping his silence as he gazes deep into Jongin’s eyes, savoring the new feelings he receives from the boy. Using his free hand, he cups the younger’s cheek and for a brief moment Jongin’s afraid that Chanyeol will take off his mask, which is definitely forbidden until the formal unmasking ceremony, but then Chanyeol slides his hand down and around Jongin’s neck. In one swift movement, Chanyeol embraces Jongin in a hug filled with more affirmation than anything he can verbally give Jongin.

            “I’ve been waiting for you,” Chanyeol whispers into Jongin’s hair. “To think you were right in front of me and I still couldn’t find you.”

            “I’m sorry.” Jongin wraps his arms around Chanyeol’s waist. “I didn’t even know I was hiding from you. I just thought you didn’t feel the same way.”

            Chanyeol pulls back just enough to see Jongin’s face. “What do you mean you were hiding?”

            “You should ask Kyungsoo. He can explain it better than I can.”

            “Wait.” Chanyeol gives Jongin a puzzled gaze. “You talked to Kyungsoo about this?”

            Jongin nods in affirmation. “Yeah and he already knew I thought you were my partner before I told him. He’s very observant, almost scarily so. He knew I was hesitant to tell you and set this whole thing up.”

            “It all makes sense now. Kyungsoo would never willingly ask me for help with anything and he definitely wouldn’t want to work out on a Saturday morning.”

            “We should probably thank him later.”

            Chanyeol sighs, already knowing how Kyungsoo’s going to react when his finds out that his plan worked. He’s going to love this, probably using it as leverage to get Chanyeol to do something for him. Biting his lip, Chanyeol hesitates before saying, “I don’t want to sound like I’m rushing or anything, but tomorrow’s Sunday.”

            It takes a second for Jongin to realize what Chanyeol’s referring to. “You want to go through with the ceremony?”

            “It’s inevitable isn’t it, besides we both obviously feel the same for one another.” He draws his hand up to cup Jongin’s cheek once again, the thin white cloth masking his face. It would be so easy for him to pull the elastic band from behind Jongin’s ear, revealing what’s hidden beneath. “I want to see you smile,” Chanyeol breathes, sending an electric shock down Jongin’s spine.  

            Jongin shies away from Chanyeol’s hand, feeling overly moved by his partner’s actions. “What if I said I wanted to wait? I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to experience the unmasking ceremony so soon.”

            A small groan sounds in Chanyeol’s throat as he closes his eyes and inhales. “I won’t have any choice but to wait for you.” He rests their heads together, pressing in close once again to whisper into Jongin’s ear. “Please don’t make me wait for long.”

            “One week,” Jongin says, voice muffled against Chanyeol’s shoulder. “Just give me one week.”






            During the next week, Jongin and Chanyeol spend as much time together as possible, both in and out of school. They gradually learn more about one another, but most of their time is spent just being together because they’re still awkward when it comes to being in a relationship, even after they had such a sweet embrace during their confession. Kyungsoo watches them, a somewhat smug look on his face each time Chanyeol tries to discretely hold Jongin’s hand or the way Chanyeol blushes to his ears when Jongin leans in close to intimately whisper something in his ear.

            “I can’t believe you’re stuck with Chanyeol,” Baekhyun chuckles, trying to tease the new couple.

            “I can think of someone worse to be partnered with.” Jongin turns to Kyungsoo. “You’re too good for Baekhyun. He doesn’t deserve you.”

            Baekhyun scoffs as Chanyeol bumps Jongin’s arm. “Don’t praise him so highly. He’ll grow egotistical and much to obnoxious to associate with.”

             Beneath the cafeteria table, Kyungsoo kicks Chanyeol’s shin without reservations, causing his friend to jerk back nearly falling out of his chair but Jongin reaches out to catch him. “The ceremony’s this Sunday right?” Kyungsoo asks.

            “You’re not invited,” Chanyeol announces immediately. “Only our families are allowed to come.”

            “Would you like to come?” Jongin asks, countering Chanyeol’s previous statement.

            This causes Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to burst into a fit of laughter. “I like him,” Kyungsoo says in between chuckles.

            “We’ll definitely be there,” Baekhyun replies. “It’s only proper for me to come since Chanyeol attended my ceremony.”

            “It will begin at ten,” Jongin informs.

            “We’ll be there early.” Baekhyun grins, lips curling in a manner that makes Chanyeol nervous.






            On Sunday, Chanyeol and Jongin are the fifth couple in line to perform their unmasking ceremony. They respective family, friends, and neighbors are there to witness the occasion and welcome them into the community as true-partners. This ceremony is an important milestone for them as members of the community. They’re initial cause, the reason for the community’s prosperity and growth, is their desire to create a superior species of human; one that can survive every hardship. Everything they do on the island is for that purpose and by finding one’s true-partner and performing the unmasking ceremony, they’re performing their civic duty as contributing members of society.

            “That was an absolutely touching ceremony,” Baekhyun jokes, but Chanyeol’s too happy to care because Jongin’s by his side and everything’s official between them.

            As a counter to Baekhyun’s teasing, Chanyeol swoops Jongin into a hug causing his younger partner to laugh breathlessly before Chanyeol kisses for the second time, the first being during the unmasking ceremony. The second kiss feels just as strong as the first, synchronizing every cell of their bodies. They’re living for one another and before the ceremony Jongin was beginning to understand why everyone else is so attached to their partner, but now he definitely gets it. He feels the longing, the desire, the need to be close so that he can feel settled.

            They exhale simultaneously upon separating, both completely attuned to one another in every way. “I apologize for making you wait so long,” Jongin murmurs just loud enough for Chanyeol to hear. They’re friends and families have dispersed to give them some time together.

            Chanyeol brushes stray pieces of Jongin’s hair back into place because he’s responsible for mussing Jongin’s hair during the kiss. “We still have the rest of our lives to spend together and make up for lost time.”

            Jongin smiles bashfully, averting his eyes to stare at Chanyeol’s chest because making eye contact is too intense for his emotions at the moment. “I’m looking forward to it.”

            “You have an amazing smile.” Jongin had no idea Chanyeol would be such a smooth talker. “Thank you for choosing me.” Chanyeol curls his fingers into the hair along Jongin’s nape, smiling adoringly before capturing Jongin’s lips once more. “I’m going to make you very happy.”

            Jongin laughs against Chanyeol’s lips, pressing back as he mumbles, “Likewise.”



A/N: I've been thinking about writing EXO in my Virility AU for a while and then I got writer's block and this was the only thing I could get out so I went with it. If you're interested or like BAP, you can read my other fic in this AU. I might revist these guys. Nothing's set in stone.

Well, I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! I love comments!

<3 Jae

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elle96beauty #1
Chapter 1: so interesting..and jongin is just too adorable in here>\\\<
allKlover #2
Oop, should have read your note before posting. Thankfully there will still be other chapters for Bap.
allKlover #3
But, but, what about Bap ? Anyway, I'm going to read the exo one now while waiting for Bap's update. (You haven't given up on it, right ? Please)
Chapter 1: This was truely beautiful! And now i really badly wanna read another update of this on the bap one :D
Lyla_HoNeybaby #5
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaa ~~~i want more of them ..hahaha
KKkkkk #6
First of all, i wanted to say how superb your writing skill is. Im nearly jealous haha. And this is the very first time ive read a kaiyeol fic and i must say its pretyy darn well written. Not only how you wrote it but the au as well. And i cant believe you only got 3 comments me included, heck you deserve more! thank u so much for writing this i really love it specially with the baeksoo. They kinda my new ship im fangirling these and il really really love you more if you make their sidestory!

haha i know im shameless for even requesting lol haha but hope you'll think about it whehehe!

love lots!

Chapter 1: Finally! Someone who undrstands the power of the Kaiyeol!^^
Your AU was really cute! XD it always amaze me the way people can create awesome new worlds in a few pages.
all those intense feelings... Furhrhskfh
Morning training, too much emotion right in the morning. Poor guys xD
Thank youuu!! :)
jlee21231 #8
You know I usually love your writing. And I love this AU. But... And it always seems like there is a but... But, this piece seems... Not up to YOUR standards. Like, you are an absolutely amazing writer, and so that means that this piece wasn't as good as the main story of this AU. Specifically, I felt that time was rushed in this story, and you should have slowed down in the pacing of the story. (Haha, then again, who am I to judge when my writing sssss)

Anyways, that said, I still love your writing, so please still continue on. FIGHTING!