Just A Kiss

Baekyeol Oasis
BaekHyun woke to his teacher still droning on and on about cell mutations and whatnot and groaned. It wasn't his day in the slightest bit. 
First, he fell out of bed thanks to his alarm clock, his shower was icy cold, and his breakfast tasted like cardboard. 
~The odds are definitely NOT in my favor today~ BaekHyun thought grumpily. 
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the bell rang signaling the end of the period and everyone jumped out of there seats and rushed to the door. 
"Remember guys, test tomorrow-" BaekHyun didn't stay long enough to hear the rest and frankly, he didn't want to either. His teacher's voice just lulled him to sleep and he decided that it wasn't the best thing to sleep while standing up. 
"Baek! There you are!" Luhan strode over, hips swaying from side to side making Sehun, his other friend, drool. 
"'Sup Lu?" 
"Hey Baek," Luhan tossed a glance at Sehun and smiled shyly. "Hi Sehun." 
"Oh my god guys stop being so awkward with each other. Everyone knows you like each other now just go out!" BaekHyun threw his hands up. 
"Do not!" Sehun protested.
"Yeah! Exactly! We absolutely positively do not like each other!" 
Sehun and Luhan's relationship had been quite awkward since day one. Sehun always avoided Luhan, saying he hated him and then Luhan claimed he hated Sehun back and then it just went downhill from there. 
"Su~re." BaekHyun drawled, making both boy's shoot daggers at him. BaekHyun just ignored them and continued to eat his delicious salad that was way more interesting than the two love birds who wouldn't admit their love. 
"Pushing THAT," Sehun emphasized, "it seems you didn't have time to fix your hair... Or well... Anything. Baek! I can see your dark circles and your hair is a mess! You didn't put eyeliner on either"
"Shut it Oh. It's not my fault some people have to WORK to look good. All you have to do it get out of bed and everything is perfect and where it should be!"
Sehun snorted. "I flattered."
"You should be. I don't give out compliments easily." 
"Yah, Baek!"
The group turned their heads and saw Chanyeol walking over with his lunchbox. 
"Took ya long enough Yeol." Luhan frowned. 
"Teacher held me back for questions. I don't really know. He said something about me having perfect scores and cheating but I wasn't listening."
"Why does everyone greet me?"
"What?" The three said in unison. 
"Well Luhan said, 'Baek! There you are!' And did his usual hip swaying that got this guy," BaekHyun pointed an accusing thumb at Sehun who gasped, "to drool and then Chanyeol, you come over and say, 'Yah! Baek!' I mean, Luhan, couldn't you bring down your pride and say 'hi' to Sehun? Seriously?"
"Anyway, and Chanyeol, couldn't you say 'hi' to Luhan or Sehun?"
"What has your thong all up in a twist?" Sehun rolled his eyes. 
"Yah! Oh Sehun! I don't wear a thong!" 
"Su~re." Sehun mocked. 
"I hate you guys." BaekHyun grumbled and threw away his food, leaving the table, that had sounded like dying hyenas, behind. 
BaekHyun chucked his backpack on his bed and flopped down next to it, sighing. Maybe if he just slept, he could just escape from the exhaustion. So, that's exactly what he did and he shut his eyes, falling into a deep sleep. He took no notice of the door opening and closing. 
When he woke up again, he found himself underneath his covers and he remembered clearly that he fell asleep on top of them. Turning over, he saw it was late outside and his roommate had a small desk lamp on. 
"Studying again Chanyeol?" 
"You're up." Chanyeol said, not takin his eyes away from his chemistry book. 
"It's already," BaekHyun glanced at the clock. "8:30. I'm not sure when you came in but I know it was still light outside. You've been studying for almost four hours. Take a break." 
"BaekHyun, I have an exam tomorrow. I can't just 'take a break'." BaekHyun frowned and pulled himself out of bed. The air outside was cold and he desperately wanted to dive back under his covers but he couldn't forget about his shower. Slowly, he tiptoed past Chanyeol into the bathroom. 
BaekHyun came out of the shower, white towel wrapped around his waist and searched for his night clothes in the top left drawer of his dresser. 
"Yah, Chanyeol, can I borrow a t-shirt? I'm pretty sure all mine are dirty." 
"Bottom left." Chanyeol glanced up and immediately regretted it. Seeing BaekHyun without a shirt and just a towel loosely hanging around his waist made him... Not embarrassed, or nervous. There was a word dancing at the tip of his tongue but Chanyeol couldn't find it. The best description was, it made him want to 'touch' BaekHyun's soft skin. Quickly, he looked away. 
"Please put some pants on BaekHyun." 
"Yeah yeah I know. I was just looking for a shirt. It's not like I'm mooning you." 
"That's gross." 
After a few minutes, Chanyeol felt a strong tug on his arm and he crashed to the ground. 
"Yah! What do you think you're DOING?!" Chanyeol yelled. 
"C'mon! Stop studying! Talk with your roommate!" BaekHyun whined.
"You can just as easily go to Luhan and Sehun's room!"
"But it's suffocatingly awkward! They will not admit their love and the air then gets tense and uncomfortable!"
"What's gotten into you all of a sudden? You usually leave me alone when studying."
"I-I," BaekHyun stuttered. "J-just because!" 
"Right." Chanyeol smirked and picked himself from the ground. 
"Maybe I should've gone to their room." BaekHyun grumbled. 
It was around 10 at night when BaekHyun finally crashed on Chanyeol's shoulder. 10 was even too late for him who usually goes to bed at around 9 claiming he needs his "beauty sleep." Careful not to wake him, Chanyeol shimmied from underneath the smaller and picked him up, setting him under his covers and covering him. 
"Night Baek." 
Chanyeol turned the lights off and drifted off to sleep as well. 
BaekHyun's eyes fluttered open, around 3 am, to complete darkness. Glancing over at Chanyeol's bed, he saw there wasn't the usual large lump underneath the covers. Outside the wind howled making low noise. Frowning, BaekHyun kept looking around the room for his roommate. 
"It's just the wind BaekHyun. Stop being so scared." BaekHyun whispered to himself. Every movement, scared him to no end. Every time their heater clicked, he jumped. Eventually, after a long time of being too scared to move, BaekHyun quickly pulled the covers over his head and curled up in a ball, breathing heavily. 
After what seemed like forever, he heard the door click open and a low voice rang out, "BaekHyun?" It was Chanyeol. Swiftly, BaekHyun threw the covers off of himself and jumped out of his bed and tackled Chanyeol.
"Woah, BaekHyun, what's wrong?" Chanyeol sat up and propped himself on his elbows, looking at the boy who was now curled up on his stomach. 
"So scary."
Chanyeol felt the smaller shake against him and he wrapped his arms around BaekHyun. 
"I'm sorry." Slowly, he started rubbing comforting circles on BaekHyun's back. BaekHyun glanced up at Chanyeol who looked back. Slowly, Chanyeol leaned in and lightly kissed BaekHyun. It was just as Chanyeol had imagined. Soft and wonderfully warm. Quickly, BaekHyun scrambled off of Chanyeol and wiped his mouth. Without another word, he jumped back into his bed, heart beating much faster than it was before. 
Chanyeol who knew that he was rejected, just went back to bed, regretting his actions. He should've known BaekHyun didn't like him THAT way. It was merely a figment of his imagination. 
That morning, BaekHyun woke up, ready to ask Chanyeol what had happened but his roommate was nowhere to be found. Glancing at the clock again, he jumped out of bed and got ready as quick as he could. Th only thing slowing him down was the thought that Chanyeol had kissed him. Right then, his emotions were a mess. At first, he felt happy that Chanyeol had done that but then it turned to anger when he thought about the timing. It wasn't the right time at ALL to make a move. 
That day, BaekHyun saw nothing of Chanyeol. Not his tall figure, or his cropped sandy brown hair, even at lunch. 
When he reached home, he found his roommate curled up on his bed taking a nap. BaekHyun let out a sigh of relief and sat on his own bed. Not even a minute passed when BaekHyun stood up to take a shower to ease his tense muscles. 
BaekHyun opened the bathroom door, fully clothed this time, but didn't see Chanyeol anymore. Not even a note saying where he went. 
This cycle went of for an uncountable number of days. Chanyeol would be sleeping when BaekHyun arrived and leave before BaekHyun got out of the shower. He never saw the taller in the hallways or at lunch and it started to worry BaekHyun. 
His heart became heavy as he a song and waltzed around the room. It was obvious that he was completely and utterly bored. When his door opened, he spun around and said, "Chanyeol! Y-" but stopped himself when he saw it was Sehun and Luhan. "Hey guys."
"Baek, where's Chanyeol?" Luhan glanced left to right. 
"He left while I was in the shower." BaekHyun sighed. 
"Did something happen?" Sehun took a seat on BaekHyun's left and Luhan on the right. 
"No. We're fine. He's probably just studying. You know him. Always wanting to be top." BaekHyun lied. 
"He'd be a good boyfriend." Luhan sighed. Sehun glared at Luhan. 
"He's NOT going to be your boyfriend." Sehun said darkly. 
"You can't choose who I date!"
"Yes I can."
"B-because! Just because!" Sehun crossed his arms. 
"Anyway, BaekHyun, you should consider dating him."
BaekHyun pondered a bit. Him and Chanyeol had been friends since middle school. It was only recently Chanyeol began to have deeper feelings, judging by the kiss. BaekHyun brushed his fingers over his lips, blushing slightly. What had happened was merely a blur of things to BaekHyun. All he remembers is being scared and jumping to Chanyeol who then kissed him. Nothing before or after the incident. 
"Baek, why did you touch your lips? Did you and Chanyeol... You know... Kiss?" Luhan raised an eyebrow. 
"Yeah. It was the most wonderful experience I've had." BaekHyun said in a dreamlike state. 
"You said that nothing happened between you!" 
"I lied."
"Geez. You could've just told us before. That's so exciting!" Luhan lightly punched his shoulder, snapping him out of his trance. 
"I guess I do like Chanyeol..."
"You guys are adorable anyway!"
"Now you can't date Chanyeol because BaekHyun and him have a 'thing' going on." Sehun smiled. 
"Yah! It's not like I'm gonna date you!"
"I never said you were."
"I can hear it."
"You're so annoying." 
After a couple hours of just chatting, the two finally left, bickering and insulting each other as always. 
Just as BaekHyun fell asleep, he hear the door crack open and a shadow pass over him. Although he pretended to be asleep, he felt Chanyeol's presence in front of him, then he felt eyes watching him. Then, a sigh emitted from the taller's mouth as he opened his drawers and brought things into the bathroom for a shower, BaekHyun guessed. 
Chanyeol came out of the shower not too long after and BaekHyun dared to open his eyes. His eyes met with a sight that made his eyes widen. Chanyeol was standing there, shirtless and tight fitting jeans that made BaekHyun blush. Quickly, he squeezed his eyes shut and pretended to be asleep yet again. 
The next day, BaekHyun had become fed up with Chanyeol's absence and decided to approach him. 
Fortunately, Chanyeol was in his bed when BaekHyun entered the room after school. 
"Chanyeol." BaekHyun sat on the edge of Chanyeol's bed, turned towards him. He raised a finger and poked the taller. "Chanyeol." BaekHyun laid down next to him, moving close so their bodies touched and stared at his large empty back. 
Chanyeol, although pretending to sleep, was freaking out inside. Feeling BaekHyun's breath on his neck was way too much for him to handle. 
Without warning, BaekHyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol and rested his chin in the crook of his neck, making his heart jump. 
"Chanyeol, why have you been avoiding me?" 
Chanyeol's heart beat faster and faster and he was sure BaekHyun could hear it. 
"I get worried about you sometimes, you know? Lately, I have been even more then before. Truthfully, that's what my thoughts consist of 'Where is Chanyeol'? 'Is he ok'?" 
Chanyeol gulped but stayed silent. 
"Chanyeol, I miss you..."
Chanyeol felt his neck become wet with tears. 
"I miss you Chanyeol. I miss you a lot. I don't know... I don't know what happened but... Just please come back. I miss you! I really do!" BaekHyun was now crying a river by the time his speech was over. Although Chanyeol hated to hear BaekHyun cry, his thoughts were elsewhere. 
~BaekHyun misses me? BaekHyun misses me... But that doesn't mean he LIKES me THAT way.~
"Chanyeol! I know you're awake! Answer me!" BaekHyun cried, lightly hitting Chanyeol's back. Slowly, Chanyeol turned around, facing the crying BaekHyun, he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer. 
"I'm sorry BaekHyun," Chanyeol lightly kissed his messy hair. "Please don't cry anymore."
"C-can you kiss me again?" 
Chanyeol was taken aback and his mind momentarily blanked out. 
"Please kiss me again." 
Chanyeol bit his lip before leaning down and lightly brushing across his lips, but BaekHyun deepened the kiss, pressing a little harder. Quickly, Chanyeol pulled back, blushing. 
Chanyeol smiled and kissed BaekHyun's forehead. 
"바보. 사랑해."
Meanwhile in the Hunhan dorm 
Sehun and Luhan, even after two day, are still bickering about Sehun's ability to choose who Luhan dates. 
"You aren't going to date Jongin either!"
"Because I said so!"
"That's not a good reason!" 
"Is too!"
"You don't control my life! I can dare whoever I want! You're not even my brother! YiFan is and he wouldn't care!" 
"You won't date Jongin."
"Give me a good reason. ONE good reason." 
Sehun forcefully pushed Luhan agains the door to the bathroom and crashed his lips down on the older's. When he pulled back, Luhan was at loss for words. Sehun backed up to the bed and sat on it, holding his head, looking like he might explode. 
"Is THAT reason enough?" Sehun breathed. "I like, no, love you goddammit. I love you a lot. I don't want you dating other men because I'm still here. I don't want you getting hurt again. The last one you were with, I don't even remember his name, you always came back, late at night, crying. I don't want to see that ever again. It hurts me a lot. I-I don't know WHY I didn't do anything at the time. Maybe it was because I was a coward and scared you'd reject me. I really don't know why." Sehun laid on the bed sideways and curled up in a ball, slightly teary. Coming out of shock, Luhan walked over to Sehun and sat beside his head, softly running his fingers through his hair and playing with it a little. 
"You still are a kid at heart, aren't you." Luhan smiled, seeing Sehun curled up in a ball made him look not just four years younger, but about eight. Sehun sat up, wiping away tears and hugged Luhan who hugged back. 
"I probably look really pathetic right now." Sehun chuckled. 
"No, you don't. I think you look cute."
"You're just saying that cause you're my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend? I'm not gonna be your boyfriend. I was just being nice because I felt bad for you." 
Sehun looked as if were going to die. The tears appeared at the corners of his eyes and he covered his face, lying down the other way. 
"Sorry, I-I just thought..." Sehun literally felt like he was going to die. All he wanted to do was disappear and melt into the bed sheets to get away from the embarrassment. 
Luhan smiled and laid next to him, wrapping his arms around the taller. 
"I'm sorry Sehun. It was a cruel joke. I love you more than you think. I'm sorry. I do want to be your boyfriend, more than anything else in the hole world." Sehun turned around, relieved and hugged him back. 
"I hate you."
"I know you love me, Oh Sehun." 
"Took ya long enough." BaekHyun snorted when they announced they were officially dating. 
"I feared rejection ok? It's an actual reason." Sehun retorted. 
"I was waiting for him to say it already." Luhan snickered. 
"Wait so you knew I liked you?"
"No. I had liked you before but I wanted to know if you liked me back. So I just waited out the storm."
"What does this have anything to do with storms?"
"Nothing." Luhan nuzzled Sehun, making him frown but put his arm around his waist. 
"Anyway, what about you two? It's time to hand the spotlight over." Sehun looked at the two who were, just like Sehun and Luhan, snuggling. 
"Well... I didn't know about Chanyeol's feelings until he... Well... Kissed me one night. It was the most wonderful thing in the entire world." 
"When he ran back to bed, I thought he rejected me. So I kind if avoided him, as you know, until he approached me." Chanyeol chuckled. 
"Your body was so warm." BaekHyun laughed. 
"You guys... Did it?!" Luhan looked at them in horror.
"No, BaekHyun kind of came up from behind and hugged me, saying, 'I miss you Chanyeol. I miss you a lot!' Then, he begged me to kiss him again." 
"So cheesy Baek." Luhan laughed.  
"I didn't beg! I just... Asked."
"Yeah. Sure Baek. I could see you begging for Chanyeol's lips."
"Shut it Oh Sehun. So anyway, who's tops?" 
"Me." Luhan raised his hand. 
"Wha-? No." Sehun pouted. 
"I though Sehun would be tops since he's taller." 
"You should've seen him the other day. When he said, 'You're just saying that because I'm your boyfriend,' I told him that I was just being nice because I felt bad. He was crying really hard. He was all curled up in a ball too. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen." 
"H-hey! Shut up!" 
"You're so cute when you pout." Luhan pecked Sehun on the lips. 
"We've got odd friends..." BaekHyun frowned. Chanyeol just laughed and said, "Haven't they always been like that?" 
A/N: There will be typos. It's really hard to type on a phone!
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