Falling for a Pathetically Dorky Guy

Baekyeol Oasis
Ever since 7th grade, Byun BaekHyun has fallen hopelessly in love with a pathically dorky giant. 
In previous years, everytime BaekHyun would hear news of the giant and some girl from Kyungsoo, he would always scoff and mumble, "Drama. Dumb retards attracting more attention."
Now, 7th grader BaekHyun, who at first thought it was unfortunate, was stuck in the same class as the annoying person, Park. Chanyeol. 
"Hey, BaekHyun, can I barrow a pencil?" Chanyeol tapped on the desk impatiently. It just so happened, Chanyeol was placed right next to him. BaekHyun rolled his eyes and dug through his pencil box for the worst pencil he could find and tossed it onto the other desk which rolled off and onto the ground. Leaning in his chair, Chanyeol reached for the pencil, clawing the ground before falling off with a loud crash. Laughter erupted around the room and the teacher just shook his head. BaekHyun couldn't help but crack a small smile that he quickly erased once Chanyeol had gotten back up. 
As the year wore on, BaekHyun had at least smiled once, only slightly though, at Chanyeol 's actions. Sometimes, when they were alone doing partner work, Chanyeol would show his dorky side and laugh really weirdly whenever BaekHyun did something stupid. It was unexplainable how Chanyeol was dorky. He just... Was. By default. Though it was only with BaekHyun did he ever do that. 
It didn't take long for BaekHyun to warm up to Chanyeol. Soon enough, they were labeled "Clowns" by the entire grade. 
"Baek," Kyungsoo said one sleep over, "who do you like?" Secretly, Kyungsoo wanted him to say Chanyeol. Everyone shipped them together but, of course, did it secretly. BaekHyun fidgeted with the pillow he was holding shaped as a pikachu. 
"I... I..." Kyungsoo 's eyes lit up, "Luhan." BaekHyun lied. Literally, you could see Kyungsoo wanted to, and almost did, punch BaekHyun who had his face dug into his pillow. 
"He is so nice... And so beautiful too. It's not fair." 
"What about Chanyeol?" BaekHyun's face froze in shock before laughing and brushing off the idea. 
"Him? Haha. You gotta be kidding me. Course not. We're jus friends. And even if I did, he's straight. Literally, everyday, he points out the girls with the best butts or s or whatever." 
"You lie." 
"No I don't!"
"Byun freaking BaekHyun, how long have we been best friends?! Since the womb days."
"Dude, Kyungsoo, that's disgusting."
"I know when you lie and that's the worst lie I've heard coming from you."
BaekHyun smiled bitterly.
"You caught me red handed. You're good Kyung."
"So you do!"
"Course I do. He's so adorably dorky, how could I not?"
"What if he was just getting you jealous?"
"Kyung, a gay person would instead point out guys and how hot they are. Not girls." BaekHyun frowned, obviously not convinced. 
"Maybe he wasn't sure you were gay."
"I doubt it." Kyungsoo finally let loose and punched BaekHyun's chest, sending him falling backwards. 
"AYE THAT HURT!" BaekHyun yelled putting a hand on his chest. 
"Stop being so pessimistic."
"Confess tomorrow or you'll get another bruise on the other side."
In the end, BaekHyun didn't confess and did actually get another punch from Kyungsoo. 
It's the start of 8th grade and Chanyeol is no longer in his class and is in another hallway. This scared BaekHyun. He didn't want Chanyeol to fall for other girls since he was no longer there. He was scared Chanyeol would forget about him. 


When they passed in the hallways, Chanyeol would have his arm around girls and would always be smiling. So, to avoid being noticed, Baekhyun would always keep his head down and walked past. Of course, this method didn't work for long. 
"BaekHyun?" Chanyeol that day didn't have anyone flocking him and he strode over to Baekhyun. 
"Oh, h-hey Chanyeol." BaekHyun plastered the fakeest smile he could manage on his mouth. 
"How's it going?"
"Good. Do you have a girl friend?" Chanyeol blinked before responding.
"O-oh. Good. I knew you'd get one quickly. Since you're so popular and stuff." 
"Yeah... Hey... Wanna sit by that tree," Chanyeol pointed to a small tree in the courtyard, "for lunch?"
Lunch seemed like it was 500 hours away. More like 45 minutes. BaekHyun was ecstatic that Chanyeol had invited him for lunch. 
Once the bell rang indicating the end of class, BaekHyun got his lunch box and got to the tree. Under it, he found Chanyeol sleeping. Quietly, BaekHyun approached and sat down next to him. 
"You're asleep right?" Baekhyun chuckled as Chanyeol made a sleepy grunt as if he said "yes."
"Hey Yeol," BaekHyun in a shaky breath, "can I tell you something important?" Silence. "I... I like you." BaekHyun swallowed nervously but continued, "I liked you since last year. Truthfully, I thought you were one of those stupid people who always wanted attention." BaekHyun chuckled, remembering the time he threw a pencil at Chanyeol, "but either way, you still showed your dorky side to me. That's when I realized it. I fell in love with a pathetically dorky guy. But you would always point out the hottest girls and all. I guess you could say I got jealous. I know you're straight and all. This year, I was scared that... Scared that you would forget about me. That you would fall in love with a beautiful girl and get married, have a kid... Well. I know now that you have found that girl and I wish you well." BaekHyun glanced at Chanyeol and found that his eyes were in fact open and he was listening with a grin spreading across his face. 
"Holy- Did you hear that?!" BaekHyun yelled, face heating up and he covered his face. Quickly, BaekHyun scrambled to his feet and started walking away. Though Chanyeol wouldn't allow it and caught his wrist, pulling him in for a hug.
"바보. It took you long enough."
"백횬 사랑해요~" Chanyeol leaned down and gently pressed his lips against BaekHyun's. 
A/N: So cliché so kawaii~ This is actually somewhat based off of my own experience. I did like this guy last year who I though was all popular and such and then I reallized after spending a whole year with him in my class that really, he's dorky... And really derpy too. But nothing amazing like this happened to me! ^^
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