Funky, Old and Fabulous


Wu Yi Fan wanted a multitude of things in life. Like any typical human being he wished to see the Northern Lights, go skydiving, travel the world, earn a Ph.D, and visit the Grand Canyon. And knowing his nature, all would acknowledge that Wu Yi Fan would kill to have an entire gallery dedicated to exhibiting the full hearted passion which he poured into his artwork.


Kim Joonmyun also wanted many things in life. But, after existing on this planet for so long, Suho had bought himself practically everything his heart wished for. Despite that fact, there was just one thing he had yet to cross off his bucket list: make somebody’s dream come true.


Sure, Suho had fulfilled the most delusional hopes of every fangirl he had performed for. He knew the feeling well, the resonant cries of “Oppa~!!!!!!!!! Oppa!!!!!” rattling him to the bone, the adulatory tears streaming down flushed faces as he smiled toward the crowd; but that was different. He wanted to change the life of somebody he was directly correlated with, somebody who he truly cared about with all of his shriveled-up heart. (Not to say that Suho doesn’t love EXO fangirls…)


Once again finding himself in the cushiony arm chair in Luhan’s living room, Suho did a perfunctory once-over of the people present in Luhan’s cabin today.

It was a steamy morning, with the constant drumming of raindrops hitting concrete droning in the background. Early morning dew was gliding down fresh blades of grass, copious amounts of oxygen were inhaled, and crisp carbon dioxide was dispelled. Energy was buzzing around every corner; naturally retired-EXO’s headquarters (Luhan’s house) was radiating with energy as well.

Conversations among the twelve elderly men were saturated with the usual sarcasm, teasing, and lighthearted bickering. Chanyeol was blabbering on about a nightclub or something; but nobody seemed to be listening. But for the time being, Chanyeol seemed perfectly content with his one-sided conversation with the wall. Kyungsoo, Luhan, and Sehun were preparing mouth-watering french-toast for brunch. Meanwhile Minseok was meticulously overlooking the process of preparing the oven temperature to the exact number of degrees.

“Don’t get too close to the oven glass, Minseok; you’ll burn your nose off,” Kyungsoo commented upon observing Minseok’s devilish obsession with the temperature dial. As if on cue, Minseok let out a startled yelp and proceeded to rub his currently sweltering nose. Sehun let out a judgemental chortle as Xiumin stuffed his head into the freezer.

At the dining table, Kris and Tao were flirting shamelessly with each other, each sipping appreciatively at their steaming green tea. Tao closed his eyes as if to savor the moment. Kris reached over and ruffled Tao’s forever-black hair.

(Suho could tell that Kris was secretly envious of Tao’s hair, but he just covered it up with flattery)

At the very moment when Kris stopped cooing over Tao’s jet-black hair and looked over at the armchair, the two leaders locked eyes. In that  instant, they both knew that the key to their  most nagging wishes was lying before them this entire time; Kris’ in Suho’s wallet and Suho’s in Kris’ horrifying art skills.




And so it began, the leaders’ attempt to accomplish their final goals in life, hand in hand while they walked up the cobblestone trail to the brand new high-end art gallery in downtown Seoul. Kris and his munchkin counterpart practically skipped up the trail to the contemporary building with an optimistic hope of new beginnings swelling up in their chests.  

After a brisk walk, EXO’s dragon and controller-of-water strutted into the elaborate french doors of the future location of the ‘Wu Fan Gallery’.

Upon entry the two were blasted with the thick, sophisticated scent of expensive fragrance, sandalwood, and spearmint.

A tensed businessman emerged out of the haze of hurried artists bustling around the newly opened studio.

Cautiously, the gallery owner approached the two leaders with a suspicious disposition about him.

“I’m sorry, but Mina Kwon’s art show ended last week.” He paused, and looked the two over.

“You must be her grandfathers, she was telling me about how excited she was for you to see her accomplished display.”

Before the owner could finish his explanation, Kris’ face displayed an utterly offended emotion that planted a seed of uncertainty in the gallery owner’s stomach.

“Uhm, excuse you; but I’m here to open my own gallery, the  Wu Fan Gallery, to be exact.”

“Oh-oh, yes, certainly I would be glad to consider adding your portfolio to the wide ra-”

Once again, the pitiful gallery owner was interrupted mid-sentence.

“I don’t want you to consider my portfolio. I want you to open the Wu Fan Gallery even if it’s the last thing your wimpy does.” Kris topped of his sassy proclamation with an icy glare as he overtly reached into Suho’s pocket and shoved a considerable amount of moolah under the owner’s nose.

In about the blink of an eye, the deal was set, the contract was signed, and the decoration of the Wu Fan gallery had begun.

And here we see the perfect example of our two precious leaders, going to the most ridiculous extents to make their final aspirations a reality without even having to do as much as lift a finger.


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