When He Was Mine


Everything was perfect for her. Her life, wealthy,friends, school, studies and even a boyfriend. She had everything that she wanted. Unfortunately, her life turn upside down when his parents announced about their business was going to bankrupt. Her friends and boyfriend started to avoid her after they heard the news. Krystal was ashamed with herself that she wanted to commit suicide. Her life totally changed after she moved into a small town living with her aunt. Her parents left her to manage back their company.He had to live like an ordinary person.Going to school ,work part time,meet with strangers and...her mysterious neighbour.


"Aunty, who is he?"

"Our neighbour. He lives right beside our house."

"But..why I never saw him before this??"

"Aisshh!Go and ask him yourself!I'm not his stalker!!

Everyday she met with her neighbour but he never smile for once.He never walked in day and only out at night. She was puzzled with his identity.Until one day happen....

"Ww..who are you??!!"

"I'm a human being..same like you...."

"No you're not!!!!"

Her life changed 360 degree after she met her. Her life was miserable with his presence and always be in danger whenever she with him. But, unexpected feelings started to grow in their heart.

"Please.. please stay with me..I need you.."

"I can't stay with you more longer.."


"There's one thing you should know..I really love you so much..."

She felt lost when he left her.Her life wasn't complete without him.


"Krystal...do you love me?"

"Of course I do,Kai.."

"Then,stay with me..."

What will happen if he had to sacrifice his life just to save her from danger that awaits her? And what she will do to protect their love? Can their love stand forever until the end?

p/s: Hello! At last I managed to create a fanfic.I'm really sorry to my subscribers that had subscribe my story before this that I couldn't finish it..This is the one I'll try my best to finish up.Hope you enjoy!!


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tarquin #1
Chapter 1: please update!!
update soon please