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Next Chapter(011814)

I woke up with a noise of the city. I wasn't use to it but I love the feeling of it. I checked my aunt on my side and she is still sleeping. I slowly went out of the room and went to the balcony. The sun is starting to rise up. I can see the neighbours outside their houses too drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.


The wind blew and I felt a cold breeze on my skin that gave me chills. I hugged myself and gritted my teeth. Staring at the vast blue sky while hearing the vehicles beeping their horns. Breathing in the fresh morning air this is the best way to start my favorite day. Wednesday.


I went back to the room to text Kai a goodmorning text. Then I went downstairs and take a shower. I didn't eat breakfast because my tummy doesn't feel like accepting food at the moment. While my auntie is eating her breakfast I wemt upstairs to get dress and fix myself.


I was standing outside the house and waiting for Suho to come. He told me yesterday that were going to school together since he just live 2 blocks away from my aunties house. Quarter past 8, I was talking to Minhee on the phone when Suho just arrived. Minhee has been ringing and texting me since the teacher is already there.


When we got there the teacher was already checking the attendance. Lucky he didn't see us since we came in from the side door of the gym. Me and Minhee got separated for the first time in groupings since the teacher doesn't want to be unfair to others because were the only good dancers in our class. Were both leaders of the group and we don't want any competition between the groups. We just want to perform and show the best we got like real dancers do.


After class, our group of friends (which is all boys) went to the cafeteria and eat breakfast and lunch there. Kai hasn't texted me yet. I told him to text me when he wakes up so Im hoping he's still sleeping right now. But them his close friend MinAh told me that Kai texted her earlier that he won't attend P.E. I felt so disappointed on him. How can he text her and not me. Im his girlfriend he should tell me those things too. Besides I told him to text me when he wakes up and he didn't even send me a single text. How annoying.


Once we all finished eating we went straight to the boarding house and relax there. I keep on checking my phone to see if he texted me but he hasn't. I got tired of waiting so I put my phone in my bag and forget about worrying about him for a moment and relax myself here.


After two hours of enjoying myself for every funny things they're saying I checked my phone and saw no text and 1 missed call from him. After a few minutes Kai rang Suho and he told him his going here. Once Kai got here he didn't even enter the room. He was just there at the lounge and talking to some of our friends. He didn't even say 'Hi' to me when he got there. He didn't even tell me the reason why he didn't texted me earlier. I just don't get him.




After attending two subjects we decided to go back to the boarding house and have a snack. We still have 1 subject to attend and Im sure once we got there everyone will say not to go to class again and as expected we didn't attend our last subject. I didn't argue anymore because we already had a quiz there so we won't be doing anything today so it's alright.


For the first time Me and Kai were walking alone since everyone decided for us to buy the food. While walking I was trying not to be awkward with him and surpringsingly I managed to make a conversation little by little. At first I was hesistating to cling my arms on him but when I saw my slippers nearly broken I decided to make a move and hold his arms to support me while walking with that slippers.


I was enjoying myself at that moment. How I wish we were like that from now on. We had this silly little fights while walking back to the boarding house about who to blame for not asking for an extra sauce of the streetfood we bought. We both know that everyone there loves the sauce and the amount of it isn't enough for us. I keep on hitting his arms for not asking for an extra sauce. I was taking advantage of this moment. Only God knows how desperate I am of talking to him, touching him and having a moment alone with him.


Even though I was upset on him this morning it quickly fades away the moment I saw him today. This is the first I saw him again after 5 days of not seeing each other. I want to hug him so bad but it'll look bad if I was the one hugging him first. I will look so desperate on him in everyones eyes. So I patiently wait for that moment when he will hug me.


Time goes fast everytime I was with him. I just want to stay here and continue the moments were having but it's time for us to go home. It's dark outside already. We walked to the last jeepney stop to get a not-so-crowded one.


Sitting together with him on a jeepney is the best part of the day. Passengers keeps on coming in and we have to squeeze ourselves so they can sit. I love it when I was sitting so close to him. Again I want to hug him but couldn't. We didn't realize that he is nearly off because of the fun were having. Soon he went off the jeepney while Me and Minhee was still on it and were near to our stop as well.


I had so much fun today. I knew it that this is my favorite and the best day ever. Im looking forward for the next wednesday. I get to have alone time with him today and it felt amazing. I wonder what it felt like when I can finally do normal things like a girlfriend would do to him.




I don't want to go to school today. I have my monthly period and my tummy hurts so much. I forced myself to go and wash myself before getting ready. I really think that there will be no classes today due to the first batch of Educational Tour. For sure some of the teachers were included as well.


Quarter to 1, I came to school early as usual today. Minhee was bored at home so she told me to get ready early so we can have free time for ourselves at school. I told Kai and Taemin to get ready early too. There's only the 4 of us in the room. We were all arguing if we should or shouldn't stay in this room within 10 minutes if no one hasn't come yet.


Surprisingly, people were coming in so expect that we have classes today but one of our classmates told us that a teacher told him that theres no classes today so everyone went home except our group of friends. They wanted to hang out, we all know when boys want to hang out they want to drink of course. We all went to a drinking place which is apparently the famous drinking bar in the city. It's still early but there's too many students here already. I wonder if they don't have classes as well or they're just wagging.


They all drink and smoke except me. Minhee does those things too but I told her not to drink or smoke today and she promised she wont. When we get there she couldn't help herself but to break the promise. Aish this naughty girl. Kai knows that I don't drink neither smoke and Im glad he never force me to. Im glad he understands me well and respect me for what I want. Unlike some people they will force you to try it and tells you that you're boring if you decline them. I hate those kind of people. Right now Im annoyed because we were with those kind of people. All of them were forcing me but I just keep on smiling and shaking my head to them.

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ChrisBaek0118 #1
please update soon! i love your stories..
Ice_Deer_722Jjang #2
why this already complete??