Love's Never Too Late
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"You should forget about her and move on Ji."


I said trying to calm the hell out this crying friend of mine. I just got home from work and was about to enjoy the rest of the day when that stupid guy named Kwon Jiyong suddenly barged in my house and started crying here and there.. My house is almost drowned for pete's sake! He's crying like Spongebob on one of the episodes when his granny didn't give him any cookies! Thanks to him for at least helping me cleaning this house .....with his tears...yeah...THANK YOU SO MUCH.


"No way! I rather be alone forever than move on from her! I love her! I'm such an idiot for letting her go!" He exclaimed.


I face-palmed myself. He just realized that now? And damn right, he's an idiot for letting her go like that. I didn't answer him but let him murmuring something I don't understand but time passed and my head started pounding hearing his words nonstop. 'I love you' 'I miss you' 'please forgive me' 'comeback' .... I looked at my right. A door.. Oh how I wanted to kick him out from here..


"Dara.. Sorry for what have I done okay? Oppa love you.." I heard he said. I immediately looked at him and gave him a disgusted face while mentally eww-ing here and there. That's just soo.. EWW! People who are in love are so sickening! They're like love-sick puppy! It disgusts me from the pores of my skin right down to my internal organ!


"Please comeback here.. I'm sorry.. I miss you.. I ...love you.." He said while staring at nothing in particular. I sighed hearing him again. He's in love with her but just realized it now ....when she's gone already. Maybe I should help him..




He immediately turned his head to face me. There I saw his eyes watered as he stared to me with his big-sad-puppy eyes. "Help me.."


I was about to say that I'll help him when suddenly he hugged me who was sitting beside him. "Hyung! Help me.. I need your help! Please!!" He begged then shook my body furiously that I almost feel my head was about fell down. I pushed his hands which are holding me off from my shoulder.


"Jiyong!" I shouted loudly as I whacked his head hard. He shouted in pain before rubbing his hurting head. He did that while staring at me with his big-sad-puppy eyes again.




I sighed. There is no way to stop these childish acts from him. I really want to tell him how disgusting he is but this was not right situation to tell him that. I slumped back on the sofa then rubbed my forehead in frustration.




"Fine! I'll help you! But please shut up! You're hurting this head of mine!"


He stood up hurrily then pecked my cheek. He grinned ear to ear, "Thank you so much! I love you!" I turned my head to him then gave him a disgusted face. I brushed at the spot where he kissed me before while saying, "Eww.. Go away! You're only making me sick of you!"


Jiyong rolled his eyes and ignored my words, "Whatever.."


Jiyong sat back on the sofa and took the remote. He the television as a drama appeared on it. He smiled then decided to watch it. He raised the volume then threw the remote away. The remote flied away as I looked at it flying from here till it stopped right on the wall — hitting the wall hard.




He heard the crashing sound but ignored it; didn't care if it broken or not at all, didn't care the remote that he broke is mine. While me, I was in state of shock for awhile before glared at him that I almost shoot that stupid head in front of me with my laser beam.


"Yah! Why you throw it like that?! It's mine you know?! How the hell will I watch next time without any remote!?" I screamed furiously. I tried to not to punch that handsome face (according to him) till there is no more any stupid annoying face of him that I would see in the future.


"There are buttons on the tv, just use them."


"It's broken! I need the remote! And now it's broken too!"


"Just buy a new one." He said flatly while keep focusing on watching the drama.




I parted my mouth as wide as hippopotamus' mouth to yell to him again but stopped when I saw a single of tears escaped from his eyes. He wiped it away before continuing watching the drama. I sighed before looking at him again... Fresh tears now is streaming down his cheek. He didn't wipe it away this time but just let it keep wetting his cheek. I raised my brow. Really? Crying over a drama? Is the drama that sad? The curious me decided to watch the drama for awhile...


"I love you.." The guy whispered on the girl ears as he caressed her hair. The girl looked at him shyly before answering, "I love ...you too.." Her face reddened when she said that. He smiled widely when he heard his girlfriend's sentence for him then kissed her forehead before staring at her in the eyes. The girl stared back at him in the eyes before slowly closing her eyes. The guy slowly leaned closer to her as he closed his eyes. Their lips neared and neared till their met as they started to kiss, showing their love to each other.. 


I stopped watching as I stuck my tongue out in disgust. I hate every drama with romance genre in it! It's disgust me too! EW! Seeing every couple lovey dovey to each other make me sick! I rather watch some comedy or action. They're better than this romance drama! But why the hell is he crying over it? There's nothing sad about it!? Did that idiotic head of his hit by the wall or something? He should be blushing or something at this part not crying!


"Why are you crying? There's nothing in the movie that would make you cry.." I asked. He watched for awhile before wiping his tears then faced me. "I'm just sad.." He mumbled. I raised my brow, "Sad? Why?" He heard my question then pouted.


"I want to do those things with Dara too..." He mumbled as his lips trembled and his eyes watered. He closed his eyes as he let the tears fell freely from his eyes. He opened his eyes again then stared at his friends sadly, "I'm just sad that I can't do those things with Dara.." He said sadly.


Such a drama queen..


"Yeah, yeah.. But I'm sure you're going to be able to do those things with Dara soon." I said, trying to make him happy. He frowned, "It's impossible.. She hates me.." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes, "Then don't ask me to help you if you think it'

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Chapter 2: aigoo.. Ji is just getting burn.. seunghyun you have to be creative... ( ̄∇ ̄)
thank you for the update...^^
iheartDEE #2
Chapter 1: When will you update this authornim? T___T
Chapter 1: aigoooo poor jiyong !!!!!
Chapter 1: Awww.. poor Jiyong... tsk tsk tsk... but i love the image of a love sick Jiyong.. thanks authornim for the update..
freckles #5
Chapter 1: funny moments add flavor to a story . . . it makes reading more enjoyable . . . keep it up! ;-D
Chapter 1: u make this multichap rite? really chap 1 is .euuw gay?
moore ppplllsss
Kyumin #8
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
ur foreword... so long O.o i want to know next one.. ur english good enough its okay... i enjoy it tho