Fighting! 2

I Give My First Love To You

(Day games)

      Representatives Hey! Say! JUMP Koukou have already arrived in Koukou Arashi with their coach, Sasuke Sensei for a friendly match. Representatives Hey! Say! JUMP Yamada Ryosuke Koukou is the best friend of Xi Luhan. Normally, they both always representative of the school in badminton as possible factors school seniors and their greatness. No one can match them. But unfortunately, no female representative from their school = '(

     The first game between Ryosuke Yamada and Matsumoto June aka Koukou Matsujun of Arashi will take place very soon. Yamada heart was pounding with a match that will last. However, Luhan permanent supportive of the Yamada. That's what a real friend, they stay with ups and downs ...

10 minutes later ...

(First match)

"Yama-chan! You can not fight him! Go, Go Yamada! '

'Hey Luhan, you still can not? -_-'' Is noisy you have here .. I want to focus on why you can not even!

'Alaa you have here .. I want to support can not even: '3 ... Fine, this is, I sing the song je je lah you want the spirit told you .. mentang-mentang is you have a new album Hey! Say! JUMP '

'Why? Jar to you? Come on, boy is it already start .. '

'Fine! I sing the chorus Bounce je lah ... Itsumo soba de never ever let you go, my shadow hanarerarenai (u're my shadow), doko ni itemo're always by my side (oh), warai kakeru yo my shadow, dakara jumping up kimi to jumping up, dance demo donna talkie with you, always for you, Bounce Bounce Everybody JUMP! '

       In Britain everyone was stunned to hear the singing and jumping Luhan tu .. very melodious voice, melting woman to have her voice heard singing the song: 3 all know, the song from the Yamada own, though many fans is equivalent to the middle Luhan .. Yamada opponents badminton tu jump when heard Luhan sing the song. Is excited to say ...

       The match between Yamada with Matsujun more intense .. Yamada did not stop cheering fans to support him. Yamada was dripping sweat up on court. All of a sudden ....

 'Ouch! Ah ~ sakitnye ..!!  (Yamada falling)

       All the audience up as surprised to see Yamada fell during the match .. What more Luhan, screaming he was surprised .. Continue reason he went into the ring to lift Yamada took them out of the ring ..

'OMO ~! Yama-chan! Ah, you're all right? How did this fall ..? Nasub good Jap broken here tau .. Meh your hands, put on my shoulder .. I take you kat treatment room ..

        While Yamada want to lift his hand to park on the shoulder Luhan, her face Luhan met quite closely and they seized up .. All the audience were shocked and "Aww ... so sweet .. see a pair of close friends here .. like the drama la pulak. . 'said one onlooker.

"Luhan ... Arigatou ne ~ cause you help me: am I the 3 shy .. Just now I am much annoyed you .. '

(Luhan smile)

'It's ok ;) I thought you jugak .. my friend already, I'm ready to wrap small wound knee kat .. you have here already, go fast! Ganbatteh!


The match continued again ...... (30 minutes later)

         Yamada won 21-19, 18-21 and 21.20!

'Yeay! Yama-chan! I love u so much! ' 'I got a bit, Yama-chan must win' 'Hey! Say! JUMP Koukou win! '

         Various voices heard after the announced Yamada won the competition .... Yahooooo!!!


Tsudzuku..To be continued...


Awek Yamada (///_///) 

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Chapter 6: Yeah..dh kantoi... soon ! Klo x i xnk kwn u..hehe
Chapter 4: Oh yeah! Ganbatte for incoming chapter! ;)
Chapter 4: XD lawak~
Demo, terlalu banyak memuji diri sendiri~ *tunjuk kat Ryosuke n Luhan* =A= sombong bunyinya~ so far its good~ ♡ XDD
Chapter 4: hahahahha...kesian luhan..poor my baby lu..siap yana nnti kt skolah ! hohohi
Chapter 3: xD garangnye minhwa.. haha
Chapter 2: waaa..kali ni mmang nk pngsan dh. luhan peluk..ohmgeeee
Chapter 1: Lawak siot.. Trglak syatul bca xD syatul minat time luhan msuk klas. Syatul jrit sengsorang :3
wui...spe ajar Masukkn gmbr?? btw, update soon.... yeah..weee
EnergizeMe #9
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^