Chapter 2

My Heart Broken In Two

Your POV

I had fallen asleep after a while. When I woke up, Daehyun and Youngjae are still here.

"Oh boy..." I whispered as I noticed how uncomfortable they looked asleep on the floor.

"Daehyun." I shook him.

"*******" he mumbled.

"Daehyun, wake up."

His eyes opened half way and he looked at me.

"Go sleep in my bed." I said.

"Ok." He said but he just fell back asleep.

"Aigoo...Daehyun!!!!" I shouted. Youngjae woke up.

"Minah, what's wrong?"

"I'm trying to wake Daehyun up so he can go sleep in my bed. You guys looked uncomfortable on the floor."

Youngjae walked over to Daehyun and playfully attacked him.

"Get up paboya!"

"I'm awake.." He stood up and stretched.

"Minah, are you feeling better?" Daehyun asked.

"Much better!"

"That's great!!"

"I'm making some tea, anyone want some?" I said.

"Me!!!!" They both shouted.

"Ok." I said and giggled. I walked into the kitchen and started making our tea. I could hear the boys quietly talking in the livingroom.


Daehyun POV

Me and Youngjae sat on the couch while we waited for our tea.

"Isn't she so cute?" I whispered. Youngjae blushed.

"I don't know."

"Look, you're blushing!!"

"Am not."

I started laughing.

"If she's so cute why don't you date her?" He huffed.

"Huh? But, I just met her you pabo."

"So, if you like her then-"

"Tea's done." Minah said as she sat our tea on the table.

"Thanks, Minah." We said in unison.

"No problem." She sat in between us. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. I quickly grabbed my tea and drank it to cover my red face.

"No, Daehyun!! It's still-"

"OWWWWW!!! HOT HOT!!!" I cut her off as my mouth burned and I spilled a little. She took the tea and sat it down then handed me a cold water to ease the burn. Youngjae laughed at me.

"You gotta be careful, Daehyun." She wiped my face with a napkin.

"Thank you, Minah. Sorry, I spilled some of the tea you made me. And, Youngjae be quiet! It's not funny!"

"It's okay, Daehyun."

"That was funny though, Daehyun!!" He continued laughing.

"Are you two still tired?"

"A little." Youngjae said.

"Definitely. Our schedules have been busy so that's why." I said.

"Ok, I'll go prepare the bed for you two. I mean, if you want to stay the night here."

As she said that I started to imagine..

**Daehyun's Imagination**

"Daehyun, it's too lonely in my room. Can I sleep in here with you?"

"Of course!! Come here!!" I held out my arms and she ran to me.

"You're the best oppa!"

I smiled and hugged her tightly.


"Well, I don't-"

"Of course!!! Let's stay here, Youngjae." I cut him off.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Well, yeah. I mean, we don't have any schedule tomorrow and it'll be fun."

"Ok, fine. We'll stay here."

"Ok, I'll be right back out after I finish preparing the bed for you two." She skipped along into her bedroom.

"So, what are you up to now, Jung Daehyun?"

"Huh? Nothing, why?"

"What are you gonna sneak out here and kiss her in her sleep?"


"If you say so." He got up.

"Hey, Minah. I'll help you with that." He ran into her room.


Youngjae POV

I ran down the hallway and once I saw Minah's room, I was surprised. For her house to be a bit small, her bedroom is no joke. It was nice and all, the only thing I cringed at was the amount of pink that covered that room.

"Oh, hey Youngjae. I didn't see you there." She said as she placed pillows onto the bed.

"Yeah, I was just admiring your beautiful room."


"I hope you guys don't mind sharing the bed. I don't have anymore."

"Oh, it's fine." I sat on the bed.

"It's very soft."

"Hehe yeah."

"There's a TV over there, plenty of books over there, and a laptop here if you guys get bored."

"Oh, wow! Thanks!" I noticed a photo on her desk. It was her and some guy.

"What's this?" I said as I held the photo. She looked.

"Oh, that? It's nothing important." She took the photo and put it in a drawer.

"Is there anything else you guys need?"

"No, we should be fine. Really, thank you for letting us stay over."

"My pleasure." She smiled and went back into the livingroom. I quickly went back into that drawer and looked at the photo.

"Is that...-"


Your POV

I walked back into the livingroom and didn't see Daehyun anywhere.

"Daehyun?" I called out. No response.

"Daehyun!!" Still nothing. I walked started walking into the kitchen and instantly started hearing loud chewing sounds. I saw a figure in the fridge.

"Daehyun..?" He turned around with food all around his mouth.

"Are you eating my cheesecake??"

"Maybe." He said with his mouth full.

"Yah!!! That cheesecake was expensive!!" I scolded.

"Sowwy(Sorry)." He said. I sighed.

"Aigoo Daehyun. Let me help clean you up." I grabbed some napkins and wiped his face as he just stared into my eyes like he was frozen. I felt his cheeks.

"Are you hot? I can turn the heater down." I said. He just shook his head. I grabbed a water out of the fridge and sat on the couch. Daehyun sat next to me, still eating the small bits of the cheesecake that was left.

"This cheesecake is really good."

"I didn't even try it yet." I laughed. He held out a piece to me.

"Here." I looked at the cheesecake then him.

"Are you sure?" He noded. I ate it and it tasted so good.

"It's so yummy!" I said and finished.

"Then, let's share this." He said and I smiled brightly as we ate it together. Eventually, we finished it and started watching TV together. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep.


Daehyun POV

After finishing our cheesecake together, I noticed Minah falling asleep. It was really cute. But, then she leaned her head on my shoulder. My cheeks were red and I felt so happy that I could just fly.

Youngjae came out of the room and noticed Minah.

"Whoa whoa, what happened here?" He said.

"What?" He pointed to the asleep Minah on my shoulder.

"She fell asleep." He frowned a bit.

"Ok, well I'm going to bed. If you do come in the room, try not to wake me up."

"Ok." He went back in the room.

I wacthed TV for awhile and every now and then I'd watch Minah sleep. I didn't wanna move and wake her up, so I decided I would sleep right here, next to her.

I closed my eyes and almost instanyly fell asleep.


Your POV

I woke up to Daehyun next to me. He looked to be in a deep sleep. I smiled and went to grab my phone out of the room. Surprisingly, Youngjae was awake.

"Good morning Youn-"

"Were you dating Jongup?" He immediately questioned.

"Huh?" I noticed the photo in his hand.

"This....this is Jongup." He pointed to the male in my photo.

"It's an old photo..."

"It doesn't look old to me."

"It was a couple years ago."

"So, you dated Jongup, right? Are you dating now?"

"Yes and no! What's the big deal?"

"You're just trying to date all of us, aren't you? Is that your goal? To date B.A.P?!"

"WHAT?! I only dated Jongup cause he liked ME! I did it to make him happy cause he's a really nice guy. I'm not trying to date all of you, nor do I want to. What do you think I'm some kind of a ?!" I snatched my photo away from him.

"You know need to just leave."



He looked down and slowly walked out.

'What is his problem?! Why does he care who I used to date? And, why would he just suddenly be so mean?' I thought as I flopped onto my bed. I crinkled my nose as my bed was covered in his scent now. I grabbed a pillow and screamed as loud as I could into it. Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Go away."

"'s Daehyun." I wiped away my tears and answered the door.

"Can I talk to you?"

"I guess." He came in and slammed the door shut.

"I'm sorry about Youngjae. He get's a little moody and...jealous."

"It wasn't right for him to go through my stuff and then yell at me like that though."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

"Well, it's not your fault Daehyun. I'm not mad at you just him."

There was another knock.

"If you're Youngjae, go away." I shouted.

"It's Jongup." I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Can I come in?" He asked and I opened the door.


"Minah, Youngjae told me what happened."


"I know you're mad at Youngjae but, it's also my fault cause I never told him that me and you dated before."

"Yeah, but he didn't know me so I think that's only normal."

Daehyun stood there looking at the floor.

"I don't want you two to be mad at each other though." I tear slipped down my cheek.

"I'm just hurt that he said that..." Jongup came over to me and hugged me.

"I know that I couldn't make you happy back then...but, I'm trying to do better."

"What do you mean..?"

"I still love you."

I heard a sniffle and Daehyun left the room.

"B-b-but, Jongup, it wouldn't work out. We said that we'd just stay friends."

"I know...but, I miss you. I think about you everyday and when I saw you at Himchan's house, I was so blown away to see you again that I couldn't even say anything."

"Jongup...I'm sorry, but right now is not the time."

"You're right, sorry." He let go of me, awkardly.

"I'm gonna go talk to Daehyun. Maybe we can sort this situation out."

"Ok. I'll try to talk to Youngjae. If he's not still ignoring me."

"Ok." I ran out to look for Daehyun. But, he was no where to be found. I searched everywhere in the house. So, I decided to look outside and there he was, sitting in the freezing cold with no jacket, no shoes, no hat, nothing but the scaf I put on him yesterday.

"Daehyun." I said. He slightly looked back at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"It's nothing.."

"No, it's definitely something. What is it?" He looked at me.

"If I told you, you'd probably think I was crazy."

"No, I won't. You're my friend, remember?" I smiled.


"So, what's up?"


I waited.

"I um..." his cheeks started to turn red.

"I like-" Suddenly, Jongup came running.

"Minah, Youngjae wants to talk to you." he cut off Daehyun.

"Ok. Let's continue later, ok?" I looked at Daehyun. He nodded and I dashed off to Himchan's house.

I entered slowly and there was Youngjae standing there.....with a boquet of roses?

"Minah, I am truly sorry. I didn't mean what I said. So, to make you feel better I bought you these." He handed the roses to me.

'Pink roses...Jongup must have told him that they are my favorite' I though.

"Thank you, Youngjae. I accept your apology." I said and took the roses.

He suddenly hugged me, which took me by surprise.

"So, can I stay at your house again? Please?" He begged. I laughed.

"Sure, why not." I smiled.


I turned to Jongup and whispered "Thank you." He just smiled brightly.

"Now, I'm going home. I'm starving."

"Lunch at Minah's house!!" Everyone shouted.

"Fine fine, let's go!" I gave in and we began walking to my house.

I'm not sure if this chapters that good><

Well, last night I was spazzing over Jongup as I watched the Seoul Music Awards. I mean, did you guys see him? He looked AMAZING!!!! Also, in the 1004 teaser too!!! *-*
That's basically what gave me the idea to make Jongup her Ex-boyfriend hehe

Wow, so what Youngjae said was a bit mean and hurtful, right? If I was Minah, I'd be mad too!! But, how can you not forgive Youngjae?^^

Poor Daehyun was about to confess, but his confession got interupted :( He must have been sad 
Maybe next chapter?? We'll see.

Let's see what happens in the next chapter! Don't forget to subscribe so you can get all the latest updates.

Comments are appreciated, as well as ideas or changes^^






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Chapter 1: Wow. So this is nice. Those tweets made me laugh. :3 good job!
hookedonkai #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
B-locket #3
I like this idea, update soon =D