Chapter 1

My Heart Broken In Two

Your POV


My alarm rang loudly in my ear. I rolled over and looked at the time. '6:35AM', it read. I got outta bed and started getting ready for school. I quickly washed up and ran down stairs to eat breakfast. I suddenly felt my phone start to vibrate. It was my 'Friend'.


"Hey, Minah. Just thought I'd tell you that school was cancelled cause of the weather."

'Is she serious? Should I even believe her?' I thought.


"Yeah, look outside!!"

"Ok." I popped my head out my window and sure enough, the ground was covered in snow.


"I know, right? But, I'm so happy I can just stay home and relax." She continued to talk as I saw Himchan walk outside of his house. He seemed to be amazed by the snow aswell. I couldn't help but stare at his cuteness.

"Hey!! Minah! Are you even listening to me?!" she yelled causing me to almost fall out the window. Himchan looked at me.

"Oh um..uh yeah yeah, I'm listening." I quickly jumped back inside and closed the window, hoping Himchan didn't notice that I was watching him.

"What was so important to ignore me?"


"It was Himchan, wasn't it?"

"What? No!"

"Liar. I know you like him."

"Do not!!"

"Whatever. I'm gonna go so I can enjoy my free day. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up.

'Aigoo...what if Himchan knows I was watching him..? I'm so weird!!'

I flopped onto the couch and played with my phone. I scrolled through twitter when I suddenly noticed a tweet.

@BAP_Himchan: No school today, huh? Wow! But, the snow is very beautiful.

Seeing that name made me blush. He is my neighbor, but I never really talked to him. I guess cause of my huge crush on him.

'Should I tweet to him..?' I thought as I stared at his tweet. I decided to tweet to him and I gulped as I typed.

@youThe snow really is pretty ^^ 

Tweet sent.

I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes.

'I hope he sees it."

Before I could even finish my thoughts, my phone vibrated.

@BAP_Himchan: @you Agree! I think I saw you earlier haha

I read it and my face turned as red as a cherry tomato. I smiled and replied.

@you: @BAP_Himchan No no! I don't think that was me kkk

@BAP_Himchan: @you Really? No Hello Kitty(Pajamas)?

"Oh my God!!" I covered my face and laughed a bit then replied.

@you @BAP_Himchan Ok, you got me T.T


Himchan POV

I was tweeting to my neighbor, Minah. But, as the other members said they would be hear soon, I quickly started cleaning everything. I ran upstairs and fixed my hair for awhile. I heard the doorbell ring so I dashed downstairs to the door. I opened it.

"Himchan hyung!!!" Daehyun attacked me.

"Hey guys." 

Everyone took a seat onto the couch.

"I'm gonna go finish straightening up my room. Make yourselves comfortable." I said and walked upstairs.


Daehyun POV

I flopped onto the couch, but sat on something hard. I moved it from under me and it was Himchan's phone. The screen was lit up to his twitter account showing a mention from someone. Her picture was cute. I smile as I suddenly had an idea.

@BAP_Himchan: @you Wanna come over my house? kkkk


'Hehe Himchan hyung will reward me for this.' I thought.

@you @BAP_Himchan Right now????

I smiled as I read that.

@BAP_Himchan: @you Yes!!! Please?

She took a while to respond.

@you: @BAP_Himchan Ok, I'll be over soon

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted as everyone looked at me.

"What are you doing, Daehyun?" Youngjae asked.

"Oh, uh..nothing." I hid the phone behind my back.

"You're hiding something." He looked behind me, but I turned.

"No, it's nothing."

He suddenly grabbed the phone from me.

"Isn't this Himchan hyung's phone??" He looked at the screen.

"OMO!" He screamed.

Everyone gathered around. I slowly walked away to the door.

"Himchan hyung is inviting a girl over." Youngjae said.

"She looks cute." Zelo said.

"I wonder if they're secretly dating."

Himchan came downstairs and the members attacked him like paparazzi. Before Himchan could even say anything, there was a ring at the door bell.


Your POV

I nervously rung the door bell, not knowing what will happen as he answers the door.

'I wonder why he just suddenly invited me over.' I thought.

The door opened and it WASN'T Himchan.

" Himchan here?" I said nevously. The guy smiled.

"Right over there." He pointed. I slowly walked over to Himchan. He looked confused and surprised.

"Thanks for inviting me over, I had nothing to do today..."



"I didn't invite you over, Minah."

"But on Twitter..."

"That wasn't me, I was upstairs cleaning."

I saw that other guy hide his face.

"DAEHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Himchan yelled. I looked down.

"I guess I should go then.." I said as I walked towards the door. I felt a hand grab my wrist. I looked back and it was Himchan.

"No, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. But, you're already here so why not stay?" He said. I felt a blush cover my face.

'He really wants me here...' I thought.

I sat on the couch next to that Daehyun guy. He kept staring at me and smiling, it was weird.

It was really awkward and quiet for a moment. I felt happy that I was actually hanging out with people, but since I never really did, I had no clue what people usually do together.

"So, Minah. Himchan says your his neighbor." Daehyun said.

"Yeah, I am." I pointed to my house.

"Over there."

Daehyun looked.

"Wow! I think I should visit your house often."


'Is he trying to be my friend?' I thought and looked at him.

I suddenly started to feel dizzy.

'Oh no, not now.' I thought. Before I could say anything, everything went black.


Daehyun POV

I was talking to Minah and suddenly she just fainted. I caught her before she fell.

"Minah!!!" Everyone ran over to her, but she was unconcious.

"Minah!! Minah wake up!!" Himchan said.

"Zelo get her some water." Yongguk said and Zelo zoomed off into the kitchen.

"What's wrong? Why did she just suddenly faint?" I asked. 

"I don't know..." Himchan said. Zelo came back with the water.

"Let's lay her on the couch." Youngjae said and we lifted her onto the couch.

*20 minutes later*

I noticed Minah waking up.

"She's awake!!" I said and looked at her.


Your POV

I woke up to 6 boys staring at me. I still felt a little dizzy and my vision waa blurry.

"Minah, are you okay?" Daehyun asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

'But, really I feel so embarrassed that I could just explode!!' I thought.

"What happened?" A black hair boy asked.

"I must just be hungry. I didn't eat in awhile." I lied.

"I will cook you something." Himchan said.

"Thank you, but I should get home."

"Are you sure? What if it happens again and theres no one to help you?" Daehyun said.

"I'll be okay." I got up and fell back down.

"You're not okay." Black haired boy said.

Daehyun stood in front of me and bent down.

"Get on. I'll carry you home." He said.

"I don't know if-"

"Get on." He cut me off. I slowly climbed onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's cold and snowy outside Daehyun, you will be freezing." I said.

"It's okay. You're Himchan's neighbor, so it's not for long."

"Be careful you two." Himchan said as we exited the house.

" really is cold." Daehyun said. I took off my scarf and put if around his neck.

He smiled and quickly ran in front of my house. I handed him the key and he opened the door. He sat me on a chair in the kitchen to close the door. He then looked around.

"Wow! Your house is so pretty!!"

"Thanks!!" I smiled. He picked me up bridal style and took me to the livingroom then sat me on the couch.

"I'm okay now, Daehyun. Really."

"You should rest more, ok? I'll stay here until you are better."

"But, I'm okay."

"Hmm? So you want me to leave?"

"No no! I just mean that I am okay, you don't have to worry."

"Pft...then stand up." He stood in front of me. I hesitantly stood up and was about to fall but he caught me.

"See, you're not okay."

I layed down.

"I'll just rest until I feel better. You don't have to stay, Daehyun. I know you must have more important stuff to do."

"Hmm...not really." He sat on the floor next to me.


I heard someone come in.

"Daehyun???" They called out.

"In here, Youngjae."

I saw that same black haired boy come in.

"So, that's his name, Youngjae." I said.

"Yup, he's my best friend."

"Best friend?"


"What is a best friend..?" I asked.

He looked at me confused.

", a friend that you are closest to and spend the most time with."


Youngjae looked at me.

"You don't have a best friend?" he asked.

" friends talk bad about me to others and play mean tricks on me."

"Then, they aren't your friends."

I looked down.

"That makes one wants to be friends with someone like me."

"Why?" Youngjae asked.

"Cause I'm a loser and I have no one, not even my family."

"Minah, you're not. You have me." Daehyun said and put his hand onto my shoulder.

"And you have me too." Youngjae said, smiling.

"Really?" I lifted my head and a slight smile grew on my face.


Woo!!! First chapter!!!^^

The ideas for this chapter just started to come along as I was writing it. It might not be that good, but I tried~~~
So, Minah now has two real friends. What will happen next??

Find out in the next chapter :3

Btw not to confuse anyone, Himchan is NOT a main character. He is Minah's neighbor though, so he may pop into certain chapters quite frequently.





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Chapter 1: Wow. So this is nice. Those tweets made me laugh. :3 good job!
hookedonkai #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
B-locket #3
I like this idea, update soon =D