
Luhan gripped on Sehun’s hand so tightly the younger’s hand was starting to lose its circulation. Luhan must have heard Sehun’s soft gasp of pain and he slightly loosened the grip. It wasn’t his fault that the elder was so afraid, but wouldn’t you be? The irony was that the couple was scared out of their wits in their house, which was often speculated as the ‘safest’ and the ‘warmest’ place to be at.
What bull.
The single light bulb hanged loosely on a thin wire, as if it was ready to fall anytime. It swung along with the wind, somehow available in the basement, and Luhan crept closer to Sehun, his only source of comfort. The places which the light wasn’t able to reach just had an overcast and gloomy feeling to it, as if there were something hiding under the covers of a black blanket.
Needless to say, it did a horrible job in elevating the gloom
“Sehun I-” Luhan was unable to force out anymore words from his unexceptionally dry throat. All he wanted to do was just to break out in tears and escape from whatever he was currently stuck in.
Sehun forced a tiny smile and reached over to wipe off the cold sweat that was trickling down Luhan’s wide forehead.
“Its okay, Han. It’ll go away soon.”
Luhan nodded in reply.
But the both of them knew that this wasn’t going to ‘go away’.
It was like a time-ticking bomb, both of them had ran to the basement, terrified. The basement was the safest place they could reach out to.
“It’ll go away, it’ll go away..” Luhan continued to murmur, as if he was trying to hypnotize himself.
It was all Luhan’s fault.
If he hadn’t brought home a timber box and happily placed it in the couple’s  house, none of these would have happened.
They wouldn’t have to deal with weird noises at night.
They wouldn’t have to see flickering lights.
They wouldn’t even be here in the basement, hiding from something unknown.
A knock was heard.
Luhan and Sehun immediately froze.
The knock repeated itself and the walls of the enclosed room echoed it back.
Then a fleet of door hammering ensued.
The sounds that bounced back and rang in Luhan's ears. The echos
 from the walls made Luhan tear a little from pure fear.
“Sehun? What are we-”
“look, Luhan,” Sehun let go of his boyfriend’s hand and cupped his cheek. Luhan immediately felt the warmth disappear from his hand and shivered. “We’re going to be safe. I promise.”
Luhan could only nod.
“Good. I’m going to check what's happening outside, stay here."
Luhan wanted to scream out for Sehun to stay, but his throat failed him, so all he could manage was nod.
Sehun leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Luhan's forehead. "I'll be back soon."
As soon as Sehun left, the basement was dead silent. "It'll go away soon.. Sehun promised.." Luhan repeated it under his breath.
Just then, a knock was heard and Luhan immediately perked up from his fetus position. "Sehun? Sehun? Are you back?"
No reply.
Luhan forrowed his brows as he touched to silver polished surface of the door knob. Slightly hesitating while contemplating whether to opened the door or not, Luhan bit his bottom lip. He hated this. He wanted it to all go away. 
He wanted his Sehun.
Luhan gently pushed open the door. Its hinges creaked and it just added up to the heavy atmosphere. Luhan's eyes widened.
He screamed.
Sehun had broke his promise.
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Chapter 1: What....what....OMH....what,...nooooooooooo!

You make me cry ;-;

I do like this, but it's sad...
Chapter 1: sehun dead?! really???
Jambamolly #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
sj15cuevas #4
Waiting for the first update o/