Just Because You Are Mine

Just Because You Are Mine

-------------YOONA'S POV-----------------

------In the Afternoon-----

I walked in to the classroom flashing a broad smile.

After a few weeks later, i finally get to see minho.

The bell rang, it was end of their lesson and i walked in as everyone left..

However the smile on my face faded away the moment i walked in.

i saw jessica was playing with minho and jessica was... was.. kissing him on his cheek.

I felt my heart was in my mouth and I could not find a word to describe the feeling.

Minho soon realised i was staring at jessica and him.

I stomped out of the classroom and i ran away. 

minho was chasing behind.

"Yoona!" He shouted.

Soon, he caught me. He grabbed my hands tightly.

I used my strength to shake off his hand.

"Let's break up." I said.

It was an awkward slience.

"Can you stop using this using excuse everytime we quarrel?" He raised his voice.

"I know you and jessica are best friend but can you do a favour for me?" I asked.

"Can you stop seeing her, you should know that she had a feeling for you." I add on.

"You should also know you are the one i love." Minho said as he grabbed both of my hands.

"Break up or stop seeing jessica? Your choice." I was very angry.

"You are so unreasonable! I don't want to talk about it. " he was frustrated as he let go of my hands.

"Since you want to break up so let's break up then." He said before he turned and walked back to the classroom.

A tear gathered at the edge of my eye. I stuggled not to cry and walked back to classroom for my next lesson and  as if nothing happened.

--------At night------

The sky turned utterly dark soon a sudden rain came lashing down.

I was walked towards minho's house without an umbrella.

 It was raining heavily and i was waiting outside minho's house as the wind shrilled to a fierce note, i shivered. The trees were creaking and groaning.

What should i do!

I made minho angry again. I was just angry about him with jessica for being so intimate.

I was standing there for 2 hours already.

He is still not back yet. I had called him so many times but he did not even reply my message.

Is he still angry with me?

---------MINHO's POV---------------

It was raining heavily. 

I was inside the cab.

I looked up the sky through the window, huge black clouds were moving together with the cab. The busy streets were crowded with people.

Not long later, the cab stopped and i took out some money to pay the fares.

As i was walking slowly back home, i was soaked.

While i was getting closer to my house, i saw a familiar back.

"Yoona?" I called.

--------Yoona's POV-------------

"Yoona?" Someone called me.

I turned back and saw minho.

He was drenched too.

"Why are you here?" He asked in a worried tone.

"I come here to look for you." I said.

As he walked closer to me, I burst into tears.

"I am sorry, really sorry !" I choked on the last word.

"I didn't mean to quarrel with you." I sobbed.

-------MINHO'S POV--------------

"Why are you here?" I asked in a worried tone.

"I come here and look for you." She said.

As i walked closer to her, She started crying. 

I was stunned.

"I am sorry, really sorry !" She choked on the last word.

"I didn't mean to quarrel with you." She sobbed bitterly.

My heart was in a pain when i saw her crying hysterically.

I raised up my hand.

I touched yoona face. "I am not mad. Okay." I said.

-----------YOONA'S POV---------------

He raised up his hand.

I thought he was going to hit me and i closed my eyes tight.

When i opened my eyes, his's palm was on my face.

"I am not mad. Okay." He said.

He used his thumb to wiped my tears away. I sniffled.

"I am sorry! I was just jealous about you with jessica for being so close and intimate. " I said.

"Please don't beak up with me." My eyes b with tears.

"It all my..." Before i could finished my sentence.

His lips crushed on to mine.

------MINHO'S POV---------

I broke the kiss off. 

Our eyes met. 

I hug her. "I won't break up with you."

I whispered to her. "I still love you."

A smile spread across our faces even though it was still raining heavily.


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Chapter 1: Part of me misses reading stories about Yoona and Minho hahaha :).
2min_Shipper_JongKey #2
Chapter 1: Please update more
sleepingdreamer96 #3
Chapter 1: Yay minyoon.I love your fic.Hope you will make another story about minyoon <3
oh my god!.... i love your ff
even though it's short, but i still could find the emotion :))
minyoon <3
Joyvin #5
Beautifully written ^^ Luv this fic <3
Yay for Minyoon!<br />
And I love the story ^^
Aww~<br />
this is sooo romantic!!<br />
<br />
Stupid Yoong for beeing jealous!<br />
I love your story. Hope you could make another one. As long as it's not minstal, I think I'll read ur story ;)