100 days: HER

After all the convincing and persuading, Chanyeol and Iane had been official for quite some time now. Though their relationship is kept as a secret to protect Iane from the bashing fans, they have managed to stay together.


It had been hard for Chanyeol to persuade Iane's baby brother, Zitao, to finally accept him to be his noona's lover. Tao being the over protective brother, he did not just trust his only noona's heart to anyone, even with his friend.


Chanyeol exerted every ounce of effort he had in him to show Tao how much he loved and loves Iane. He made sure to protect her at all costs, never make her cry and always make her laugh. And after not so long of a time, Tao finally saw his sincerity.


Iane met Yeol for the first time when she visited her charming baby brother when they were training for their much awaited debut. The moment she met eyes with him, she felt like the world around her faded away.


It may sound so cliché but Iane felt sparks sort of like an electric shock surge through her body, butterflies began doing summersaults in her stomach, and her heart beat suddenly galloped as fast as a racing horse.


It seemed like something in her heart just clicked and locked in that very moment.


Locked into something that couldn't be seperated from hers, ever.




It was the second half of Iane's school year. She's currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology Major. This would be her second course though. Before, she already took up Performing Arts and mastered the field of Music. When pushed by her parents to train in the industry, she decided to take another path. For her, music was not a job and should never be a job. It was her passion.


Iane decided to move out and start to live independently. She had multiple part time jobs to support her schooling. When she had enough money saved, she even got an apartment with her new group of friends.


Iane was hanging out with her friends, Cheen, Gerbel, and Lea at the school cafeteria. They were supposed to be in class but then their professor chose to just not show up.


"I told you we shouldn't have came here. Those professors are probably still on their vacations!" Gerbel said as she was tidying her things up.


"What do you plan to do now? Huh gheiis? We still have plenty of time today and I REALLY don't want to just go home and sleep the day out." Cheen chimed in.


"I don't know. We already went to the movies last time. I wanna do something new." Iane answered.


"How 'bout you call your Romeo and tell him to pick us up and then we can hang out with those 12 amazing god-like human beings?! And maybe Kris might just ask me out and yeah you gheiis know the next things." Lea said dreamily.


And as she finished her fantasy filled sentence, Iane's phone went off with the tune all of them had already memorized. *Insert Yeol's rap part in Growl* Automatically, the three girls sprinted to her back to see the message that arrived.


From: Yeollie♥

Yah jagiya~ Our manager said we can have a day off. I'll be hanging out with the boys today. Suho hyung said he will treat us with some kimbap. I won't be able to pick you up again. Mianhae~ Take care. xxx


Iane stared at the screen for a while. He's been like this for the last few weeks. She tells to herself. Why is he acting so distant? She tries to push her thoughts at the back of her mind.


To: Yeollie♥

I was just about to text you. I thought maybe we could hang out with the girls and the guys since we don't have any classes. But it's fine! The girls will keep me company. Have fun with the guys. Saranghae~ xoxo


She typed in her phone without minding her friends standing behind her and being able to read each and every word she keys in.


Well atleast we don't have our classes. The gheiis and I can hang out too, right?


"Sooooo, you gheiis want to bowl? It's been quite a while since we played. We don't want our skills to rust, do we?" She said blankly as she pressed send.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll go buy us some food and drinks. You can go ahead. We'll just catch up." Cheen said. "Gerbel, you can help me buy, right?" She added with a knowing look to her friend. Gerbel just nodded and smiled.


What's up with these two? We usually do this all together. Iane thought to herself.


"Alright. Just beep us up if you're on your way." Lea answered while dragging Iane away.


"She usually asks us all to come with her. That's odd." Iane murmured to herself. But Lea somehow managed to catch her words.


"Well, they might just want to catch up with each other. You know those two, always filling each other up with their playful acts." Lea answered with a grin on her face.


"You know, Yeol feels somehow distant from me. I think he's avoiding me for the past few weeks." Iane suddenly sighed while they walk towards the bowling alley.


"How do you say so?"

"Well, he always have his excuses. Just like earlier, now the reason of him not showing up is Suho. It kinda disappoints me you know."

"Just don't think too negative, okay?"

"How would I even--" Iane was cut off when she bumped into something hard. She was waiting for herself to hit the groud but instead, she was caught by strong, firm arms. As she gazed up, she was captured by deep, dark brown eyes.


Kai. She mentally said to herself.


"You okay, Iane?" He said with his signature y smirk.


"O-oh. Y-yeah." She stuttered as she tried to look away wanting to hide the blush slowly creeping into her face.


"You should be careful. Next time you stumble about no one might be there to catch you." He said as he steadied Iane to her feet.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Kai." she beamed.


"Oh! Where's Yeol and the others? Aren't you supposed to be with them for kimbap today?" She asked while looking around trying to find the others, specifically, her Chanyeol.


"What treat? I'm coming over to Sehun's for dance practice. The others are at the dorm, and I think I over heard Baek Hyung and Chan Hyung said they'll meet up with some girls today. Aren't you those?" He said not even bothering to stop to breathe. His eyes wide in shock by what he just said.


"Uhhhhh, y-yeeaaah we're actually going to meet them at the bowling alley. See you around Kai. Tell Kris to stop being so shy around me!" Lea chimed in as she dragged a stunned Iane away from an overly confused Kai.

"What did just Kai said?" Iane said almost like a whisper that Lea did not even heard her.


Is Yeol lying to me? Meeting some girls, huh? Where would he be? Is he not telling me something?


The thoughts that suddenly hit her mind like ocean waves made her head pound. She shut her eyes tight and tried very heard to shake them away.


"Hey gheiis where were you? We've been waiting here for-- Wait, twin?! What happened? Why are you crying?!" Cheen said, worry plastered in her face. She almost threw the paper bags she was carrying as she rushed to her bestfriend's side.


Iane hadn't even realized that she was crying. Before she could even utter a word, she was met with her bestfriend's embrace. Her hair being caressed and soothing words being said to her.


But she just couldn't register anything. Her mind was fixed on something dreadful that came into her mind.


Is Yeol cheating on me? Is MY YEOL cheating on me? He told me that he loves me. Does he? Did he found someone else from the management? Someone prettier and more appropriate for him than me? Am I really not that good enough for him?


"Unnie. What is it?"


She was dragged away from her thoughts. In front of her stood her three best friends. All with worried faces.


They were at their apartment. How did we get here? She thought. She didn't remembered leaving the bowling alley and heading home. Was I thinking really deep?


"Unnie?" Gerbel called to her once again.


"I-I think Y-yeol's ch---"


Before she could even finish the word that she seriously didn't want to talk about, Lea's phone went off.


"Hello? --- Ah! Kris Oppa! Waeyo? --- Uh, yes. --- Yes, I understand. -- Okay. --- Aniyo. I think the purple one would be better. -- Yes of course I'm sure. --- Okay. No problem. --- Tell him to hurry okay? --- Okay bye."


Lea spoke on the phone while stealing glances over Iane.


"It's Kris." Lea said with a huge smile. If it was even possible her smile would even reach the skies above.


"Ahem, so go on. What were you saying again? What about Yeol?" Lea continued.


"I think he's cheatingonme." Iane said, her last words in a rush. The three looked at each other, brows furrowed.


"Did you just say that Yeol is chea--" Gerbel was cut off by a loud knock on the door.


"I'll get it!" Cheen said immediately as if she was expecting it.


After a few moments, she came back. Face flushed. "Hmm, guys, Baek's here. He said he wants to go out. And uhm, Gerbel, Lay's here too. He wants to go out with you too." Cheen said with a pleading look towards Iane.


Knowing what she means, Iane half smiled to the two girls and nodded an approval. The two then hurriedly scrambled to go outside, screaming quietly like teenage girls. Iane smiled at the sight of the two.


They really are head over heels for those guys, she thought.


"Hmm, unnie?" Lea said, breaking the silence.


"Yes?" Iane asked as her gaze went back to Lea.


"Kris." Her friend answered sheepishly.


Iane smiled. She understood immediately. She also gave a nod to her friend not wanting to speak. She was afraid that her voice would crack if she tried to speak.


"Will you be okay?" Lea asked worriedly.


"I'll be fine. Go ahead and have fun." She managed to say without cracking her voice.


With one last smile, Lea disappeared from her sight.


Alone again.


"Well then. I think you'll be watching movies again, Iane." She said to herself. She stood up and randomly picked a CD from the shelf and played it.


She never really paid attention to what she was watching. It was some sort of chick flick which she never really had interest on. She didn't even know where she got it or why she has it.


Her mind was somewhere else. She was thinking of Park Chanyeol.


HER Park Chanyeol.


She already texted him several times, even called him several times. But she did not get any answers.


She needed to talk to him. She wanted to ask what was going on.


But she was scared.


Scared to know the truth. The truth that would possibly hurt her. But even though she's scared, she needed to know.


With all those thoughts in mind, she felt very exhausted though it was only half past six in the evening. She then drifted to sleep with tears in her eyes.



The days passed by quickly. Two weeks have now passed after the day she cried herself to sleep. That was also the day when Chanyeol stopped contacting and communicating with her.


"Come on. Maybe he's just spending more time.....practicing? You know that their debut is due next week. Even Baek got really busy the past weeks! I know for myself that he really loves you. He can't possibly cheat on you. He doesn't have any reason to do that. So get that nasty thought out of your head. It's messing you up!" Cheen tried persuading her emphasizing every key word she says.


After several days that she cried and tried to reach him, Iane pushed away all the pain in the deepest part of her mind.


What surfaced in her was anger. She was damn disappointed on what Chanyeol did to her, suddenly disappearing from her life.


She promised herself to never care for him again.

To never love him again.

Hell, she even thought of punching him straight in the eye if she ever saw his face.


"If he really loves me then he wouldn't do this to me! He wouldn't just turn his back on me and not speak to me! He's even hiding! The last time I called Luhan he said that the stupid jerk was in Russia but then when I called Baekhyun he said that he was with him at his grandmother's house eating kimchi! And guess what?! I called the two on the same day! I am really positive that he's hiding from me. Hell he should really be! Now stop arguing with me about going back with that rotten dork! We're over and nothing can change that! Not even you!" Iane burst out.


She never really meant to shout at her. She just got carried away with the pain- no- with the anger she's feeling.


The moment Iane looked at her, she instantly regretted the tone she used and some of the words she said.


"Look. I'm sorry. I, I just got carried away. You know well that I'm still mad at him" She sighed.


Cheen stood up from the couch and headed to her room. She stopped half way and said something only the two of them can hear.


"No. You're not mad at him Iane. That's not anger. We know, and YOU know well that you are in PAIN. I just hope that you open up your mind and look at what you are doing. You're pushing him away. He's trying to reach you now, why are you still acting like that? We know you love him. Don't be blinded by what you're referring to as anger. Well then, goodnight. I hope you find peace in your sleep."


With that, she left.




Was it really pain? She chuckled to herself. She knew well that her bestfriend doesn't really in to situations she's not involved in, but when she does, she hits it damn hard. And when she speaks in that serious voice she just used, you would know that you could hold on to every word she'll say.


Maybe I do need to listen to him. Iane thought as she burried herself in the comfort of her bed.


She turned to her side and saw the frame she had thrown weeks ago. She got up and took it. The glass was shattered. But the photo was left unharmed.


Thank God. She thought to herself.


She looked longingly to the picture in her hands.


Park Chanyeol.


It was the picture of him he captured by himself. In the picture, he was smiling really wide while winking. At his back you will see the other guys goofing off and trying to ruin the shot. But it turned out cuter instead.


At the bottom of the photo was a message from Chanyeol written with his own hands.


Iannie~ I finally got to convince Tao-Tao! Will you be my girlfriend now? If you accept, I promise when I debut I will be the best rapper and dancer in the whole world!

P.S. Sorry for the idiots behind me! They're just jealous I got to meet a really beautiful lady like you. Kkk~ Saranghae, baby.


Tears were staining her cheeks. She misses him. She loves him.


Iane, you promised him that you will always love him.


She said to herself as her eyes closed. With Chanyeol's picture on her hand, she fell asleep determined to fix everything the very next day.






The next day, she got up really early. She went through her morning routines repeating only one thing in her mind all throughout.


Today I'm going to visit him. I'll bring him some pork cutlets. I'll tell him I'm sorry for the way I acted. And that I am now willing to listen to what he's going to say.


She was just worried about one thing. She wished she wasn't too late and that he's still willing to have her.


Just as she was satisfied with what she looked like, her phone went off, still having the same ringtone she had before.


Chanyeol's voice.


She missed it. She thought to herself. She carefully got her phone from her bag's pocket and saw that it was her brother calling.


"Hey! Do you--"


"Noona what did you do this time?! Come to the building quick! Chanyeol did something to himself! He locked himself up in the practice room. We can't get to him. We're all really worried here! You'll be in trouble if you don't get here quick okay?!" Tao screamed through the phone. His voice was full of worry.


He was scared.


But not more than Iane.


She stood there, stunned. She wanted to ask what happened. But the short beeps on her phone told her that Tao already ended the call.


She stood in the middle of her room. Tears freely flowing from her light brown eyes.


Images of Yeol suddenly flashed in her memories.


His eyes.

His smile.

His messy chocolate brown hair.

His large soft hands.

The way his eyes twitches when he smiles.

His dimples.


Then the memories where the two of them were very happy together came back to her.


She once again saw the sincerity in the way he looks. At her eyes when he tells her that he loves her.


Oh God. Am I really too late? Yeol, jagiya, am I really too late?


Iane only snapped out of her trance when she heard an engine revved up.


Lea! She's still here. I have to go to Yeol. I need to catch her.


With that thought, she hurried outside and ran to their garage.


"Unnie! What are you still doing here?! We have to go! Hurry up now." Lea shouted over.


She hurriedly climbed into Lea's black BMW and they instantly took off.


The ride to the building was quiet, with only Iane's sobs being heard. She was thankful enough that Lea just let her cry and not talk to her. She even wondered if she would ever be able to speak if Lea would ask her something or just simply talk to her.


When they arrived, she immediately jumped off the car and hurried inside. She instantly saw her two friends waiting in the lobby.


The look on their faces scared her. Their eyes were all puffy and red. She tried to go over to them and ask them what really happened when a hand reached for hers.


She looked down at the softest and most beautiful hand she ever saw. It was holding hers. She traced it with her eyes until she met the eyes of the owner.


Byun Baekhyun.


His eyes having the same puffiness her friends had. But much more redder. It's visible that he's been crying.


Tears were freely flowing in his cheeks. His hands trembled in her own. The once vibrant colors on his face washed away and his eyes are almost shallow.


"He's in the practice room." His voice cracked at the end.


With that he walked away and headed to sit beside her bestfriend, Cheen. He burried his face at the crook of her neck. She wished that she was in the same position as hers and Yeol was sitting beside her like that. Tears filled her eyes again.


"You should head over there now, noona. You shouldn't drag this any longer. We don't want something worser happen to him." Sehun's venomous words startled her.


She could see the anger in the maknae's eyes. Yet she could also see the pain, the sorrow.


She bowed her head to her friends and headed to the practice room. With every step she took, her heart sinks and breaks into pieces.


She was scared.


And scared being the understatement of the year.


When she reached the door leading to the practice room, she suddenly froze.


She didn't know how she would react the moment she sees what Chanyeol had done.


Her breathing became ragged, her hands began to become sticky and clammy. Her head was pounding so hard giving her a head ache, and making her feel really dizzy.


And as for her heart, it felt dead while beating uncontrollably fast that it might just jump out from her chest.


With one last deep breath, she pushed open the door, eyes shut and stepped into the practice room and closed the door softly behind her.


She just stood there with her eyes closed while she continued crying. She doesn't know what to do.


Then she heard a song play. The very first song she heard him sing alone. Lonly Night by Simon D.


He started rapping and singing. His voice still as y as he used to sang it before. She always asked Yeol to sing it for her, and he would always with his y voice.


"Damn you Park Chanyeol. I should be worried by what you did to yourself but instead, I imagine the iness of your voice." She said in between her sobs. Eyes still closed.


After that song, she heard strums from a guitar. This time the music felt more real than what she think she imagined to hear.


She knew that tune well. Chanyeol used to play and sing it with his bestfriend, Baekhyun.


Chanyeol always tried to sing it, but he always missed the high notes. The thought made Iane laugh bitterly.


Then she heard his voice again, singing.

I do believe all the love you give

All of the things you do... Love you, love you~

I’ll keep you safe, don’t you worry

I wouldn’t leave, wanna keep you near.

Cause i feel the same way too...

Love you, love you~

Want you to know that i’m with you...

I will love you and love you and love you.

Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you.

I will please you, for all times...

I don’t wanna lose you and lose you and lose you.

Cause i need you i need you i need you.

So i want you to be my lady,

You’ve got to understand my love~

You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl~

You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl~


The song faded away beautifully. Now she was debating with herself if she was just imagining it or not.


How could someone who did something horrible to himself play and sing as perfect as this? She thought.


He made mistakes. But to her it was the most beautiful thing she has ever heard in her life. Her heart melted on the spot as she heard him sing that song.


"I-if I-I only l-listened to y-you, Park Chanyeol. If I-I h-hadn't pushed you a-away, y-you wouldn't h-hurt yourself." She said as she was crying, now sitting on the floor.


Her hands cupped her face. She was too broken. She was in deep pain, thinking that she will never have him back.


Despite her sobs, she heard footsteps coming near, but she didn't stop crying. She didn't dare to look up.


She felt something warm on her shoulders, a grip of a strong yet tender hands.


She was pulled into an embrace. An embrace that she longed for in weeks. An embrace she thinks she will never feel again after this short dream.


"Open your eyes." He spoke.


That answers one point. I'm not hallucinating. He's really here. She thought. But still she answered. "No."


"Look at me, please. Jagiya, look at me." His voice was raspy. It sounded hurt but there was something in it she couldn't put a finger on.


One thing she was sure of. She missed him calling her jagiya.


"I won't open my eyes. If I open them I will see what dreadful things you did to yourself. At least now I'm feeling that you're here with me. I feel that you still love me and not someone else. I'm afraid that If I open my eyes, all I would see are the eyes of someone who loves somebody else. Just let me enjoy the warmth of your touch I'm feeling until it lasts." She sobbed. Air trapped in .


Before another sob could escape , she was pulled upwards by strong hands. The warmth from the touch still embracing her body. Suddenly she felt she is being swayed.


They were dancing. /Play Angel/

As if I was reborn as a child who doesn't know anything

I thought it was a dream so I closed by eyes and opened them again

You were standing in front of my desperate self and praying.

I want to walk side by side with you at least once.

Just once, just once ~

"I never really thought that I would be given someone as amazing as you are, Iane. All I wished was for someone to love me. Just simply love me. But you were more than that. You didn't just loved me. You loved me too much. You loved everything about who I really am and not by the way others thought who I was."

I ride the soft wind into your world.

I go right next to you and you ask where I came from

You asked so innocently, so I answered that it's a secret.

Because if we just walk together like this,

Wherever we go, it'll be heaven.

Wherever we go, it'll be heaven.


You are more dazzling than Michael.

who could ever oppose you?

I won't forgive anyone who does.

Just like the first person to step on Eden

Every day, I will only go toward you and trust you with my heart.

"Jagiya, everytime we are together, I feel like the world fades away. It seems like that we are the only two that is left, like we can do whatever we want to do, together. And I want it to stay like that, forever."

Even if it's a small thing

So you won't evey have to suffer

I want to protect you always, I’m eternally in love.

As your guardian angel, I will block out that strong wind.

Even if everyone turn their back against you,

On hard days, I will wipe away your tears.

If only I can be that kind of person,

Wherever we go, it'll be heaven.

"I want to be your superman. I want to be your hero. The knight that protects the damsel. I promise you that I will never leave your side. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise you, my love." He said as he kissed her hair.

I have come to love you now,

there's no place for me to go back to.

My wings have been taken away, oh no.

Even though I lost eternal life, the reason whyI'm happy,

is because my forever is now you, eternally love.


I ride the soft wind into your world.

I go right next to you and you ask where I came from

You asked so innocently, so I answered that it's a secret.

Because if we just walk together like this,

Wherever we go, it'll be heaven.


He finished singing the song but kept on dancing with her.


"You know, even if I'm not the most handsome idol that will ever debut, not the best in rapping, not the best in dancing but I do know how to dance okay?! Keke~ even though I'm not perfect, I will always love you perfectly. Even if everything I have will be taken away, it will be okay. I'll still be happy, as long as I have you." He whispered to her ear.


"Chanyeol, you know that I love you. And I'd probably be insane if I ever let you go. Please, come back to me, Yeollie." Iane managed to say in between her sobs.


Her tears had stopped pouring out but she still felt like as if she's still crying.


"Then open your eyes and look at me. Don't be scared, I'll always be here. Just like I promised you from day one." He told her with his soft warm lips slightly brushing in her ear.


Her face flushed. She was suddenly turned around gently and long arms s around her waist from behind.


"Open your eyes. Everything in here is for you, my eternal love."


With one deep breath, she opened her eyes. At first, she was blinded by the light.


Shutting her eyes far too long made it difficult for her to adjust easily to the bright lights. But as the seconds passed by, she started to see purple, blue and white dots around.


Where was she?

As she recalled, she entered the practice room, this place definitely didn't looked like the practice room.


Did I got lost? She thought, but I have been to the practice room several times. I couldn't have gotten in into another room.


She attempted to go out just to see where she really was but before she could even get any farther she once again felt arms wrap around her from the back.


"Where are you going love? Didn't you liked it? God I knew it I shouldn't have trusted Kris with this!" Chanyeol said from behind.


She gasped and then looked down. She saw the hands that held her. The all too familiar hands with the bracelet she did for the one she loves the most.




"W-what?" She stamerred.


"I asked you if you didn't liked it." He repeated quite annoyed but amusement played in his tone.


Well, is it my fault that I thought that you're now gone from me and had fell inlove with someone else?!


Wait. Is this really tr—


"My God Iane! For the hundreth time I'm not inlove with some one else! And I am sorry if I scared you so much."


"How did y--"


"You thought it out loud. Said it, rather." Yeol cut her off again.


"Let me finish my sentences first before you answer me, you idiot." She said jokingly.


She missed this.


"Alright. Alright. Now. Do you like it?"


Suddenly her eyes wandered around the room.


Purple, white and blue paper lanterns of different sizes were hung up on the ceiling making it look like soft puffy morning clouds. Scattered neatly on the floor were a few balloons of the colors blue, green, and light purple making it look like the ocean. There were also purple colored flowers everywhere. She suddenly wondered how she hadn't noticed these things when she came in.


Oh right, I closed my eyes.


She felt Yeol's arms leave her. She panicked. But then it came back again and he whispered in her ear, "I'll be back. Don't move."


She did what she was told. She continued admiring the ambiance of the room. She was standing in the middle. She felt like she was in heaven. A heaven on earth.


She felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned.


A few steps away from her stood a handsome young man holding up a bouquet of yellow roses with a purple one in the middle.


It was the first time she saw her. She chuckled to herself realizing the stupidity that hit her and not look at him ever since she stopped crying.


He was wearing a suit. His hair was neatly done. Not a single wound on him. Not even a scratch.


"I thought they sa--"


"It was all just a trick to make you go here. You wouldn't talk to me. You don't answer my messages or my calls. You left us with no other choice Iannie." Chanyeol cut her off and answered her sheepishly.


"Did I scared you?" He asked rubbing the back of his head.


That's y. Iane thought. She found it hard to hide her smile so she just let it be. If in the start she was crying because of pain, right now she was in the edge of crying because of the overwhelming happiness she is feeling.


"Jerk. I told you to not cut me off like that. And yes, you scared the living hell out of me. And I'm sorry if I acted that way. I was just too scared." she answered while looking down at the wooden floor like it was suddenly the most interesting thing to look at.


"You are the purple rose. And I'm the yellow ones." Chanyeol started still looking in her eyes. "Just like these roses that surrounds the single one, I will embrace you with everything I have. You are so perfect for me. I like the way you're really shorter than me. I feel like I can really protect you when you are in my arms. And I think I have said too many cheesy things already so I'll get this straight to the point now." He let out a breath before kneeling down.


"Happy 100th day, Jagiya." He finished off with a huge grin on his face.


With that, she let her tears fall once again. This time, tears from the joy and love she is having.


She stepped forward without saying a word and also kneeled in front of him. She took the flowers and set it beside them.


She held his hand.


He intertwined their fingers.


"Saranghae, oppa." She whispered as soft as she could. Not daring to take her eyes off of him.


"Nado. Nado saranghae, yeong-wonhi." He said as he leaned into her and lightly brushed his lips against her.

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Chapter 2: hands down twin!!
Chapter 1: daebak story~
nice story author ssi XD