
White Rose

Anemone: anticipation

Chapter 3


“Dara?” I asked tentatively, testing the silence for any trace of my sister’s fury.

No answer. Sighing softly, I tiptoed in and checked every room like I was some kind of ninja, looking all over for a sign of my sister. Pretty soon I’d finished with the lower floor, but there was still no sign of Dara.

“DARA I’M HOME!” I yelled, feeling a sense of panic tweak my nerves.


I whirled around, and there was my sister, covering her ears and grimacing at me. I instantly felt myself relax. Thankfully, Dara didn’t go anywhere without telling me.

“Will you keep your volume down?” she asked fiercely, putting her hands firmly on her hips. “I was so worried! You were gone for about three hours!”

I rolled my eyes. “And of which how long did you spend with your tutor?”

Her cheeks coloured a little. “Two…” she whispered, avoiding my eyes.

“Two hours?” I blinked. “Two full hours with a complete stranger, dressed like that?”

She immediately became protective of her clothes. “What’s wrong with this?”

I gave her a look. “What happened to your usual sense of fashion? Loose everything? Clothes that make me embarrassed to be anywhere near you?”

“My clothes are always fabulous. You’re just too shallow to see that. Besides,” she said, cutting of the retort I was about to make, “I wanted to give Ji the impression that we were normal.”

“We?” I asked, shocked. “I was always normal, you know!”

“You call yourself normal?”

“Get out of here.”

“Gladly. That’s why I’m going to Korea,” she sniffed.

I couldn’t control my emotions as they flashed across my face. Dara saw, and she immediately felt bad. She stepped closely and wrapped her stick arms around my equally bony frame.

“I’m so sorry, Rin. But this is for the best.”

“Didn’t you at least stop and think to ask me about it before you made such a rash decision?” I choked out, my tears forming again.

She studied me with pain-filled eyes. However, being my sister, her eyes were filled with determination too. Her coffee-brown hair whipped my face as she turned abruptly to face the window, through which we could see a perfectly framed sunset.

“Look at that,” she said, dramatically clutching my shoulder and waving an arm through the air. “Doesn’t that give you hope? It’s so inspiring – like it wants us to go. That’s the symbol of our beginning!” Her voice built up with passion.

“Isn’t that supposed to be for sunrises, not sunsets?” I murmured.

She glared at me again. “Why are you so anticlimactic?”

I stuck my tongue out at her and pretended not to care. As she sauntered away, ranting on and on about our new beginning and how good it was going to be, I couldn’t help but think that it was going to be a disaster. After all, the sun was setting. On my dreams, my friends, my love, everything.

The only question left was how long I had until then.

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So cute <3
Wow they are a couple now!<br />
Update soon please
Oh no I missed a lot of chapters I better start reading to catch up
Ahhh. I got it now. Never knew about it before =_="<br />
Wooottt... Daragon episode will start for real now. ^_^<br />
And, it's Kwangmin.. isn't it? @_@<br />
Good luck with your next update. =)
Err... It's like they are scared that Dara and Rin will leave them for not telling the truth and hiding who they really are...? Aigoo... I don't know how to explain... @-@<br />
You're welcome! :D<br />
Kekeke, you can reveal it in the chapters to come, so I'll keep my mouth to myself now. :x<br />
Daragon is born~ xD<br />
Jo and Rin are friends now! :D<br />
*clap clap*<br />
Pleasr update soon, chingu! ^^
Love this update. Woo! Daragon is such a cute couple! But, I don't get the interaction between Rin and Jo though... :P
You say chapter 6 was your favourite but personally I love chapter 7 better. Too bad gd doesn't date within the company (although he used present tense) kekeke. I wanna know which Jo twin that guy is. How is he related to her past? She seems to have a ery msterious past now... I wanna 'nother update now! I mean NOW! (sorry for being demanding I'm just excited keke) Hwaiting!
Oh no I missed 2 chapters!!! *stares in horror* Nevermind, Imma make it up to you now!!! :D:D
JessieAngLalala: Um, what do you mean by that first line? Thank you for your sweet comment! :D I don't want to spoil the fun by telling you who Jo exactly is, or how he is related to Rin's past...<br />
blue_toast: It's supposed to be an unlucky number, so the superstitious don't like it. But that's really how it is on planes. I noticed once when I was on a plane. Hmm, as I've said I don't want to ruin the surprise. But thanks for the well-wishes!<br />
<br />
Sorry this took long to update but I was waiting to see if more people would comment.
What's wrong with 13? Someone, enlightened me... And Jo? Whooo?? The blondie? The pikachu-lover? Oooo... Good luck updating ^_^