Lay Came Home

You Stole My Heart ^_^

(skipping a few weeks)

Once again Mai had a house party and Lily suffered she didn’t fall asleep til 4.30 in the morning so she woke up late for school but decided she would save herself the embaresment of being scolded infront of the class and stayed home…..

She was laying on her bed listening to Exo when a text came through ..


Lily…wae aint you in school?....the teachers are acting really weird and I mean weirder then normal


Lily laughed at Jin’s random text and quickly replied


I woke up late, no comment on the teachers weirdness hehe, could you do me a favour and pick me up the homework ill get it off you tomorrow..please



You woke up late so you decided to skip the whole day? Thank you very much for ditching me at lunch lilypops



Lilypops? And yeah I guess I did..truth is I didn’t want to get scolded infront of everyone..sorry for leaving you without a lunch buddie hehe



Yeah sorry kinda made up my own nickname for you, sure ill pick up homework for you ..ill see you tomorrow


Lily didn’t say much about the new nickname Jin had given her infact she found it funny..

About 3 hours later Lilys phone rings

“ya Jin calling during school time could get you into serious trouble”

“never mind that your never going to guess who the new students are……guess seriously you will never get it”

“umm…batman and robin”

“your in one of those moods huh….anyway your waaaaaaay off”

“then who is it?”

“hahahahahaha ok I need to breath its……only……EXO……lily? Did you faint?”

Lily isn’t sure if Jin is just messing around which made her go quiet on the other end of the phone

“exo….wae would exo come to our school?”

“beats me but there here..i mean really here and man are they tall…well some of them anyway….you don’t believe me huh…ok sending proof in 3..2..1”

Lily’s phone bleeps telling her she has a picture message she quickly turns the phone around and clicks the image only to see that Jin was telling the truth, in the picture is Exo sitting down surrounded by fangirls with the school building behind them..

“omg….i-i-…don’t even know what to say” Lily stutters

“crazy right….oh I have to go im going to be brave and say hi to them” Jin sounds really excited and hangs up

Lily is in shock,confused as to why a famous idol group is in her school..

*Lay is here….he came home….hes home and he brought Exo with him….what is going on?* Lily thinks to herself

She quickly runs downstairs calling for Ling

“what is it lily?....are you ok?  Are you hurt?” Ling asks worriedly

“im fine….hecamehomehereallycamehome” Lily says so quickly

“slow down what are you talking about ..breathe?” Ling asks confused

“Lay….Lay came home…hes really home” Lily smiles and softly jumps up and down with excitement

“Lay from Exo?” Ling asks a little bit more confused

“nae…omg I have to go and see him” Lily quickly grabs her jacket and shoves her feet into her shoes and runs out the door..

Only half way down the hill she remembers she cant go to the school, so she goes into a little café on the corner across the road from her school and waits for school to end..

Lily didn’t realise the time so she had been waiting for an hour for school to finish..

Inside the school Exo were getting ready to leave early as the school thought it would be best for them to leave earlier then the other students so that they wouldn’t get followed home..

In the café Lily was sipping her coffee until she noticed the boys but suddenly she became shy and didn’t know how to approach them, she tried to move but her legs wouldn’t go ..

She pushed herself the chair and walked out the door only to see the boys crossing the road and heading straight for her, she quickly turned her back and looked in the café window and watched them from the reflection once they were a few steps past her she turned..

“Lay” she said in a soft voice causing most of the boys to turn around

“L-lily..lily is that you?” Lay asked in a cute way

“nae….haha its really you, your really here” Lily says and takes a few big steps towards Lay then wrapping her arms around him,Lay returns the hug..

“ooooooo—woooow” is heard from the other boys

“we don’t normally get this close to fans” Kai says in a joking tone

“oh im not a fan…well I am but im—guys this is Lily, shes one of my best friends, we grew up together and when shes nervous she stutters and talks rubbish which makes no sense what so ever” Lay interrupts Lily

“yaa” Lily says and playfully slaps Lay’s arm

“um I don’t mean to break up this reunion but we have to get a move on” Kris says nudging Kai’s arm

“ya Lily come with us, we need to catch up” Lay says holding onto Lilys arm

“umm only if its ok with the others” Lily smiles

“sure…we don’t mind” they all said

Lily walks off with the boys to there house there going to be staying at..

Once at the boys house Kris tells everyone to introduce themselves..

“oh theres no need I know who you all are….fan remember “ Lily giggles

“omo shes so cute” Tao says

“where are you originally from Lily?” Suho asks

“the UK I came over here when I was 3 and been here ever since”

“wow you have a British best friend…that’s awesome” Chanyeol says giving Lay a thumbs up

“hi I know you already know me but im Luhan your new best friend…forget about Lay” Lily giggles at his cuteness

“shes really cute” Kai whispers to Lay

“yaaa back off Kai” Lay laughs

Most of the boys were sitting around, Lily,Lay,Luhan and Tao were sitting around the table

“you look really well, healthy and very handsome” Lily says to Lay

“you grew up into a beautiful girl Lily…..hows life been?” Lay asks

“its been good….no need to ask how yours is, im so proud of you” Lily lied a little she didn’t want to tell Lay about the sad times shes had ..

“is he ok” Lily asks pointing at D.O who was looking over at the little group with wide eyes

“nae hes just a little shy around new people…he’ll be ok once he gets used to you” Tao tells Lily

“so how comes your at my school? And how long are you guys here for?”

“well our manager thought it would be a good idea for us to go to school and we all picked that school, and were here for a few months….we get to catch up and hang out in school” Lay smiles

“ummm…I don’t tell people I know you” Lily admits

“wae? ashamed?” Lay jokes

“aniya….its just that……nevermind can we just keep it like that for a while please?”

“sure but I want the truth later Lily” Lay says smiling showing his dimple

The rest of the day was spent with getting to know all the boys only Sehun,D.O and Xiumin  were really quiet..

Luhan and Lily got on really well even though they had just met they found it really easy to be themselves around each other..

Lay kept looking over at Lily making sure the boys were behaving themselves and often found himself thinking about how much she grew up…

“yaa Lily…come with me” Lay says holding out his hand, Lily takes it and follows Lay into a different room

“so come on tell me whats going on…..and don’t try to lie to me I know you very well” Lay smiles

“ok..truth is no one likes me here Lay im an outsider ..thats what they call me anyway”

“wae would they call you an outsider?.......just because your English?” Lay guessed right

“nae …I find it hard to make friends, seems not everyone likes to be friends with me”

“well that means I have you all to myself, im proud to have you as my best friend Lily..dont let it get you down ok” Lay says giving Lily a cuddle

They go and join the others ..

“so how did you two meet?” Luhan asks coming over to sit next to Lily

“well…do you want to tell them?” Lay asks Lily with a look on his face that says don’t-make-me-tell-them..

“aniya this one is all you” Lily smiles sweetly

“ok..well I was over the park with a few friends playing basketball and I kinda threw the ball a little to far, I didn’t see Lily until it was to late, the ball smacked her straight in the head haha” Lay laughs at the memory

“and the rest” Lily says

“and at the time Lily was learning to ride her bike …..the ball hit her and knocked her off her bike…..i ran over as quick as I could to see if she was ok and to my surprise…..she was laughing”

“was you a weird child?” Kris says thinking out loud earning him a nudge from Lay

“sorry” Kris smiles

“its ok….infact I was a weird child……that was after I started hanging around with Lay” Lily giggles

“suuuure blame me” Lay says

“well least you guys stayed friends huh” Luhan smiles happy to have a new friend..

After realising the time Lily had to head home,she gave Lay,Luhan and Tao a cuddle and told them she would see them all tomorrow…

Lay had told the boys that they couldn’t let people know about them two being friends and Tao had said he didn’t want to pretend he didn’t know Lily…

Xiumin was thinking quietly to himself, there was something about Lily , something he couldn’t quiet work out yet….

He told himself that he would talk to Lily tomorrow when he got a chance, he wanted to get to know her..

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mm0923 #1
Chapter 15: thanks for the update
Chapter 14: Omo, why so sweet? Their friendship and all ... <3 Sarangs!!
And Chanyeol WTF? LOL
mm0923 #3
Chapter 14: thanks for the update
Chapter 14: ahahahaha Mai i wanna shave your head!!!

more Xiumin -Lily moments please author-nim kekekekeke

aimz_c #5
aww thank you for your comment , ill try and get a new chap up later today...hopefully
Chapter 12: i liked it very much. please update soon.... hahahahaha the beagle line + kai... and baekhyun blaming sehun... wahahahaha it's so cute