New Friend

You Stole My Heart ^_^

“Lily…lily  time to wake up now” Ling whispers peeping her head round your door

“5 more minutes ling……please”

Ling giggles and walks in your room opening your curtains,ling didn’t need to wake you up for school but ever since she came to work for your dad  she had taken to you very well and often mothered you a lot..

“lily if you don’t shower and eat breakfast now you will be late…please don’t disappoint your father”

At ling’s words you slowly pulled the covers down from your face only revealing your eyes..”ok…your right” you say and slowly get up..

“ill make some breakfast for you please shower now” ling says while walking out your room

You walk towards your bathroom that is on the far right of your room,do your morning routine and head for the stairs only to bump into Ling who is holding a tray of food ..

“oh ling you really don’t have to keep doing this…..breakfast in bed, im capable of walking to the dinning room…unlike some” you giggle. You and ling had a few inside jokes about your sister..

“I enjoy making you breakfast I know you appreciate it” she smiles warmly at you

“make sure you eat well ling while im at school”

Ling thought it was sweet how you weould always worry about her, that’s one of the things she loves about caring you are also she finds your cute little actions very cute..

You take the tray off ling and sit on the floor just outside your bedroom down, ling lets out a little giggle at your cute act and heads downstairs to start her morning duties..

*I wonder what Lay’s doing?...maybe he’s still sleeping..or traveling…I hope he’s safe and happy* this was a normal thought of yours most days, you would always wonder how he was or what he was up to..

Walking down stairs your met with a shock,after putting your tray on the side you turn and see a sleeping figure on the sofa, you have an open kitchen that leads to the living room ..

“ahhhhh” you shout making the sleeping boy on the sofa wake up with a scare

“w-who are you and what are you doing here?” you ask

“YA you scared me……..put the frying pan down” he said looking at the frying pan you were holding ready to hit him with, you look at the frying pan then back at the boy

“who are you …… and put a shirt on” you say using your free hand to cover your eyes

“no need to be shy little one” he laughs

“im not shy….your burning my eyes” you say trying to hide your shyness at the shirtless boy..

“whats going on?......why are you shouting…..and why are you holding a frying pan put it down you little freak” Mai says coming into view

“who the hell is this?” you ask pointing at the boy “you cant just bring random boys home when you feel like it Mai”

“don’t tell me what I can and can’t do Lily he is not a random boy…hes my friend” mai tells you

“yeah friend with benefits “ you say sarcastically and grin

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?” mai shouts at you

You drop the frying pan, grab your bag and make a run for it..

“ya your sister is crazy” the boy says

You kept running til you reached the bus stop, smiling at your little response to your sister, panting trying to catch your breath the bus pulls up and you jump on..

Taking your normal spot at the back you slump down into the seat and put your earphones in,close your eyes and lose your way in the music..

You feel a gental tap on your sholder,opening one eye to peep at the stranger who disturbed you,both your eyes open when you see a cute boy standing infront of you, pulling one earphone out and smiling..

“ this seat taken?” he asks in a shy way

“oh…aniya” you reply and put your earphone back in,turning your head to the right and resting your head on the window, you didn’t speak much Korean but were learning..

*I know that boy…he goes to my school* you think to yourself and realise that’s the first time he has spoke to you…

For some reason you started to feel a little uncomfortable with the boys presence beside you, so you started trying to count the street lamps that passed the window just to try and take your mind off of the uncomfortable feeling…

You curse in your mind at how your sister gets a ride to school every morning and your stuck taking the bus, which is normally filled with noisy boys who go to your school..

Arriving at school you take your earphones out and walk into the main doors..walking to your classroom and taking your seat which happens to be at the back of class….great for when the teacher asks you a question and you don’t know how to reply all the other students can turn around and smirk at you…

“ok class I have been informed about some new students who will be joining this school in a few weeks, so I hope you will all make them feel welcomed and be respectful to them, I don’t know anything about them but im sure you will all find out” your teacher tells you

Class was going slow and pretty boring,you turn your head to the left and rest your head on your hand and start zoning out..when someone’s phone pulls you out of your zoning out state ..imideatly  you recognise the ringtone..its the beginning of one of Exo’s songs

The student who the phone belongs to quickly rushes to get his phone out of his pocket and puts it on silent, your shocked to see it’s the guy from earlier on the bus..*so hes a fan of exo * you think to yourself you smile at the thought of exo and start to think about Lay…

After class you head for your locker and hear all the girls talking, they were speaking Korean but you knew what they were talking about, every now and then you would hear “Exo”..”Lay”..”kris” and so on, you didn’t mind hearing people talking about them but you heard it everyday and it started to get annoying…

Lunch time came around quicker then most of your lessons did, you took you seat and started eating only to be disturbed again..

Someone clears there throat, you look up to see *him…again he keeps showing up everywhere today* you think but say something else


“annyonghaseyo…may I sit with you?....all the other seats are taken” the shy boy asks

“oh um..nae” you say just as shy

“kamsahamnida” he says and takes the seat beside you

You kept looking at him from the corner of your eyes wondering why twice in one day he has asked to sit with you, hes never spoke to you before..

“I’m jin…..and you are?” he smiles

“lily….twice in one day…im starting to think your following me” you say

“omo…aniya im not…i-i…im joking calm down” you cut him off and giggle at his cutness

“so you’re a joker…..very good” he smiles again

“I have to ask..but…why are you talking to me?....i mean no one talks to me..the ‘out-sider’”

“I didn’t no it was a crime to talk to people..if you want to be alone I don’t mind leaving” he says going to get up out of his seat

“aniya… just not used to people talking to me… the way your English is very good” you smile hoping that you didn’t offend him just a minute ago

“oh really…I don’t know why people call you an outsi---ohhhh because your English and live in korea….now I get it, well im not like most people maybe we could be friends?....if you’d like…and thank you for saying my English is good”

You’re a little taken back by jin’s offer to be friends and his kindness, so your just staring at him, he waves his hand infront of your face, you blink a few times then smile shyly

“I’d like to be friends thank you for not finding me to weird to hang out with” you say

“trust me im just as weird…you’ll find that out soon and you have all that to look forward to” he laughs

After finally making your first friend you found the rest of the day easy, when you would pass Jin in the hallway he would shyly smile and wave at you and you would do the same..

After school you made your way to the bus stop hoping onto the bus you hear..”YAAAA STOP THE BUSSSSS HOLD UPPPP..LILY STOP THE BUSS” Jin was running towards the bus at full speed, you laughed at his worrying that the bus was gonna leave without him..

“t-thanks lily” he says while panting

“no problem…the bus weren’t even moving” you laugh

“I would of missed it if I didn’t run” he laughs

“if you run like that you could of just run home and still beat the bus” you giggle

You both take your seats that you were sitting in this morning on the bus.

“so you like exo huh” you say with a little smile

“nae…I guess half the school knows by now…do you think its silly?” he asks shyly

“wae would it be silly?....there amazing” you say getting caught up in the conversation about exo

“you like them ?.......then wae don’t I see you fan girling with the others?”

“im not a fan girl….please don’t tell anyone” you say

“secrets safe with me lily” jin smiles

You handed jin one of your earphones so he could enjoy listening to exo with you…

Once your stop came you wave at jin and head for home which happened to be up a long path..

‘beep beep’ you hear and turn to see your sister in a car with some other girl

“what?” you ask Mai who had rolled the window down and was just staring at you

“nothing” she smiles

Just then rain started to fall from the sky you took your bag off your back and held it over your head

“can I get a lift?” you ask

“sorry the cars full” Mai says

You lean to the right a look into the window at the back seat..

“its empty” you say

Mai grabs her bag and throws it onto the back seat ..”taken” she says

You reach for the car door handle but Mai locks the door and tells her friend to drive..

You can hear her laughing as they drive just huff and start walking up the path getting soaked on the way..

Once you reach the house you open the door step inside and take your shoes off,then walk towards the kitchen and spot the guy that was there this morning leaning on the counter..

“so you found your shirt” you say sarcastically,turn and head for your room, your feet making a squishy sound with every step

“Lily….here dry yourself off” Ling says handing you a towel

“thank you, how was your day?” you asks while drying your hair

“very good, busy but good” Ling smiles “how was yours?”

“it was surprisingly good……I made a friend” you say and head for your room.

Thinking about today made you feel happy, glad you now have a friend in school and it wont be so lonely.jin seemed like a really nice and fun guy to hang around with…

It was nice to finally have a friend, but there was only one person you wanted to see…..Lay

And no matter how fun and nice jin is he would never replace your best friend….

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mm0923 #1
Chapter 15: thanks for the update
Chapter 14: Omo, why so sweet? Their friendship and all ... <3 Sarangs!!
And Chanyeol WTF? LOL
mm0923 #3
Chapter 14: thanks for the update
Chapter 14: ahahahaha Mai i wanna shave your head!!!

more Xiumin -Lily moments please author-nim kekekekeke

aimz_c #5
aww thank you for your comment , ill try and get a new chap up later today...hopefully
Chapter 12: i liked it very much. please update soon.... hahahahaha the beagle line + kai... and baekhyun blaming sehun... wahahahaha it's so cute