Finding love in memories

Finding love in memories

Here we go!
Also, when the text is bold, you are reading the diary. When the words are italic, you are reading the lyrics. When it is both, that means it is both :).


The scent of papavers, the small path of stones, it was only a little detail out of many. Taemin felt pure happiness and excitement, something he could not describe. Just like when you go to a place like Paris, and you would only say one word to describe your journey: Beautiful, simply beautiful. You would remember every little detail, but none of them can be told into words. You will say with a bright smile: You just have to go there and experience the indescribable feeling yourself.  


“Hello, Taemin?”
“Hello, I just wanted to say thank you. I just arrived to the house and I really love it.”
“Well, that is good.”
“Ah, I just found a diary. It must have been from the owner of the house before me. I want to give it back, so do you know how I can contact this person?”
“Uh… I am busy right now, I will call you later!”
Taemin chuckled, thinking his friend must be too lazy to help him.


“Finally finished!” Taemin said with satisfaction, while wiping away the sweat of his forehead. He went to the kitchen and made his dinner for tonight: Chicken flavored ramen, his favorite. After he poured the hot, steaming water to the ramen, he took place on the table, which was more like a bar from where you could see the living room. He suddenly felt curiosity, when he saw the diary on the table. Taemin grabbed the diary, hesitating whether to read it or not, since a diary is something personal and therefore something secret. But as Taemin was eager to read it, wanting to know what the previous owner was like, he slowly opened the diary on the first page.

Love is too heavy
Not enough air to breathe in
Love is too beautiful
Lightly yet unable to carry it

“This person must be either a girl or a poet.” Taemin chuckled, eating his ramen. However, after looking at it for some time, something came into his mind. He quickly searched for a pen and began writing an answer. 

When love arrived
It is just like a beautiful weather
When love is gone
It suddenly changed into blizzard rainstorm


“Where is it?” He threw away his blanket, hoping to find the diary on his bed. Unfortunately, it was not there either. He sighed, throwing himself on the bed. He was not scared that he would have by any chance lost it. No, he just wanted to look in it. He opened the drawer next to him, just to make sure he looked everywhere. His eyes widened when he saw the diary inside. He quickly turned it to the first page, eager to read the poem again. However, he found a big surprise when he looked at the second page. 

I do not believe in magic,
but it seems a spell has been cast on me.
Am I really communicating with someone,
or is this only a foolish prank?

He should have been frightened, but instead, a feeling of excitement was filling him.

Me and you
How to compare in this lifetime
Me and you
Almost be together forever
The time and place we unexpectedly meet
Is like a drama
Does not know where to start


From that day onwards, the diary began to be their communication. They talked about the daily things they experienced, like the food they ate or the funny things they did. However, they never asked each others’ names or anything, they just talked. It could not be denied that both felt an indescribable trust in each other, which was pleasant and more important, special. An opportunity to talk to someone in such a carefree manner, gave them both something they could rely on. A simply ‘You can do it!’ from one gave the other more courage than it had ever given. Every day, there were only a couple of simple sentences, but these simple-looking sentences meant so much to them.


I ate kimchi ramen today, delicious!
Kimchi ramen, my favorite! Do you not agree?
Seems my little sweetheart is hungry too!
My little kitten eats too much!!  \( >O<) /
Yummy, eating delicious KIMCHI RAMEN!!

Taemin chuckled, and quickly scribbled something back.

Chicken ramen is the best! CHICKEN! /( ^O^ ) /
Dogs are much cuter!! 

He looked around. He remembered he never asked the person where she lived now, so he could give her back the diary. However, there was a reason behind it; If he gave it back, things would not stay the same anymore and he was determined to let it last as long as possible. Such a beautiful thing, he just did not want to lose it.


With each passing day, both felt more and more attracted to each other. The girl had put a photo from herself in the diary, revealing a lovely girl with angelic features. Taemin had abruptly made a photo of himself, wanting to reveal his face as soon as possible. The two made a promise to meet each other when the diary would be full, resulting into longer responds from both sides.


“Taemin… do you like the house?” His friend Jonghyun asked, taking place at the couch. Taemin nodded heavily, giving him a huge, bright smile. “Yes, it is such a wonderful home!” Jonghyun only nodded, looking around. What Taemin did not noticed, was the regret showed on Jonghyun his face. However, this immediately turned into fright, when he saw the picture next to him. “Taemin, h-how did you g-get this photo?” Jonghyun stuttered. “Ah, that is my friend from college.” He lied. To be honest, he did not want to tell anyone about the diary. “Your friend, you say?” Jonghyun said, looking at the photo again. “Yes, believe me. She is my friend from college.” Jonghyun looked at the photo one more time, before sighing. “Taemin,” he grinned, slapping himself mentally for thinking too much, “you really know how to choose your friends. I mean, she is gorgeous!” Taemin laughed. “Well, is choosing you not proof enough that I am exceptionally good in choosing friends?”


Time flies, we already reached the last page…
My birthday is this Sunday, and there will be a party.
I have put the invitation inside the diary, as you can see.
Although I should be happy to meeting you,
but in the time and space we unexpectedly met,
I started to rely on it too much…

He looked at his writing. Actually, he did want to meet her, he did. But, there was a hidden fright inside of him, screaming that things could be different than they look like. He simply knew nothing about her, but relied on her too much. Meeting her might destroy the beautiful bond they had, but it was a risk he wanted to take.


“Congratulations, nephew.” His uncle gave him a warm smile. “You have grown into such a handsome boy.” Taemin laughed at the comment. “Please, you are exaggerating, uncle.” His uncle looked around, before turning his smile into a frown. “I heard your father has some plans with your coming of age next year?” He only had one uncle, which he was really attached to. Therefore, his uncle knew his nephew had his passion somewhere else. No, Taemin was not going to rebel against the path his father made for him. That is why he decided to live on his own when he was seventeen. Two years, it would be two years of pure freedom. “Father puts a lot of trust into me, I will not disappoint him.” His uncle patted his head. “Such a lovely son you are, your father would be so proud if he heard you say that.” Taemin simply smiled.

“Taemin, who are you waiting for?” Onew asked, realizing that Taemin looked at the entrance every two minutes. “I… I invited someone, but she still has not come.” His four friends were obviously interested, hearing the word ‘she’ from their innocent friend. “Are you telling me you got a girlfriend?” Key asked with widened eyes. “Wh-what? No, ju-just a friend!” He stuttered. His friends grinned. “Friend, you say,” Minho said, “can be changed into girlfriend, right?” Taemin blushed at the comment of his friend. Girlfriend, he thought, he would not mind to have her as his girlfriend…


Taemin sighed, taking off his tie. “Why did you not come?” He asked in disappointment. He quickly opened the diary, hoping to find her writing.

I will come,
although I am frightened I will not be able to see you.

“I do not understand!” Taemin furiously said, “I really do not understand…” He was holding a pen, hesitating about what to write.

Why did you not come?
What are you saying?
Please, answer me…

Little did he know everything already came to an end…

I rather heartlessly hate you
I’m still searching for you in my memories


It has already been a week,
but you still have not replied.
Are you alright?

He tried to scribble it on the last couple of lines left. He was scared, really scared. The diary was full, so there might be a chance they could not communicate anymore. They did not know a thing about each other, so what will they do? He was frightened that there would simply be no more magic, even when he gets a new one. He simply did not know what to do…

The ringing doorbell woke him up from his thoughts. When he opened, he was surprised to see Jonghyun. “Wha-” Before he could ask him why he was here so early in the morning, Jonghyun gave him a hug. “Taemin, I really think I have to tell you something.”


 The scent of papavers, the small path of stones, it was only a little detail out of many. However, he was going to remember every little detail of this house, as he took one last glimpse of it. The moment of happiness he got here, he would never forget. “Sorry,” a tear fell onto his sorrowful face, “I am really sorry…”

You are far away
How to say I’m sorry
You are very near
Yet suddenly left in split second
Maybe happiness is too brief
Like a meteor shower
In a blink of the eye
Feels like a mirage yet afraid to remember

If I could hate you
Painfully hate you with all my strength
Hiding and evading when we encounter
It is because wanting to let you go
But still missing you
Who is more miserable than I am
Fearing being reminded of the past
No matter how hard the arms are stretched
There is still distance between us 


I hope you liked it :)
I still feel this urge to explain exactly what happened, because once a friend of mine read it and said she did not fully understand it. However, I do not want to spoil it, so maybe I should right a sequel or something... I do not know!

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lisa_desu #1
wow this story is beautiful but like your friend, I didn't fuly understand it ><" can you make a sequel please? i want to find out more! fighting!xx
dawn_0330 #2
it's very beautiful.. yet sad..<br />
good joob dear author!^^